Management as an activity in the structure of a modern enterprise

Human activity is complex and multifaceted and forms the basis of its existence. The implementation of most types of work requires the involvement of the efforts of not individual workers, but labor collectives. The process of focused collective labor needs its organization. Thus, management as a special type of activity of managerial personnel is entrusted with the function of combining, coordinating, coordinating the actions of individual employees, groups, teams, divisions of the enterprise to achieve effective and productive performance indicators.

Management as a type of management activity is an integral part of an effective management system designed to promote the rational distribution of enterprise resources and the targeted organization of joint labor efforts of employees. Management as a type of activity is a type of labor process and is characterized by such elements:

-the subject of labor (information);

- means of labor;

-work (management as a type of managerial activity belongs to the category of mental labor and is carried out in the form of neuropsychic efforts);

-result of labor (decision management).

Management as an activity assumes that in the process of organizing joint work between the managing and managed subsystems, various management relations inevitably arise. They can be classified according to various criteria. So, in terms of content, management relations can be divided into economic (arise when solving economic issues), social (personnel issues), organizational (organizational issues), information, and consulting. As part of the management system, the upper levels of the organization are connected with the lower levels by a continuous chain of subordination, as a result, relations of subordination and coordination may arise between representatives of various managerial levels. The relations of subordination are determined by the right inherent in the head to give orders and orders in accordance with the official duties of the subordinate and demand their implementation. For its part, the subordinate is obliged to conscientiously fulfill the task assigned to him in accordance with the terms stated by the head and the rules of official discipline.

Thus, management as an activity involves the emergence and regulation of relations of subordination between structural divisions of the management system, as well as between managers and subordinates of different levels. Coordination relationships in an organization can occur both horizontally and vertically. Coordination relations between structural units that are not subordinate to each other are called horizontal coordination relations. Vertical coordination relations are formed between units of different levels of the managerial hierarchy. These coordination relations are formalized by company management in the regulations on structural units and job responsibilities of employees. They reflect the functions, rights and obligations in relation to other structural units and employees. Thus, management as an activity is designed to solve the following tasks:

- the formulation of specific goals (strategic and current) aimed at ensuring the survival of the enterprise, its development and growth;

-development of ways (strategies) to achieve the goals; effective organization of production and marketing activities of the enterprise based on the study of market conditions and consumer demand;

-continuous search for new markets and the formation of effective distribution channels;

-controlling the activities of the enterprise and the achievement of tasks.

Management as an activity is more and more actively used in modern enterprises, since it significantly increases the economic return on production and, as a result, increases the profit resulting from the activity.


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