Herbert Wells. "Invisible Man". Summary

The English writer and publicist Herbert George Wells is the author of many fantastic works that have made him famous throughout the world and translated into many languages: The Time Machine, The War of the Worlds, People Like Gods, The Island of Dr. Moreau and others. Science fiction has repeatedly predicted incredible scientific discoveries, this is a well-known fact. Wells, by the way, long before Einstein and Minkowski showed in the novel The Time Machine that the real world is nothing more than a four-dimensional space-time substance.

wells invisible man summary

In another book (War of the Worlds), the writer predicted modern wars using toxic substances and laser weapons. What did Wells invent, Invisible Man, in his most paradoxical and popular work? A summary of the answer to this difficult question would sound like this: his hero made an attempt to change and accelerate life processes in the body. How seriously the scientific community takes writer's fantasies can be determined from the fact that the book caused a storm of discussion. The calculations were made the most reasoned from a scientific point of view. The conclusion of scientists was unequivocal: an invisible state contradicts common sense, which means that it is impossible. This dispute began in 1897, from the moment the work was published, and still has not ended.

Mr. Wells The Invisible Man

So, Herbert Wells, The Invisible Man, a summary of the novel. The protagonist, the brilliant physicist Griffin, appears dank in a small tavern, wrapped in a cloak and hiding his face under a hat, bandages and huge glasses. It is impossible not to notice his strangeness; he arouses the curiosity of others.

The reader gradually learns that the strange visitor, whom G. Wells describes from the first lines, is an invisible man. He tells his story to a longtime friend, also a scientist by the name of Kemp, and the reader then finds out what happened to him. Griffin conducted experiments, invented an apparatus that makes a living organism invisible, and a drug for bleaching blood. When the money for the experiments was not enough, he spent the experiment on himself, deciding to take such an unusual look and get a lot of benefits from it. But everything was not so simple, and Wells vividly describes his ordeal.

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Wells invisible man protagonists

Yes, this is precisely the task that the author sets himself: the evil genius, who opposed himself to all of humanity, cannot and must not survive. It is strange that filmmakers allowed themselves to interpret the accents that Wells clearly set. The Invisible Man (a summary of the idea of ​​the film of the same name by A. Zakharov) found such an embodiment on the Russian screen: Griffin is an incomprehensible talent, and Kemp is an evil genius who is trying to prevent him from making great discoveries to save humanity. In the novel, all is not so. G. Wells himself has an inverse proportion to this. The invisible man (the summary cannot contain the full brightness of the dialogues and discussions of the heroes) is the very evil genius who wants to create a kingdom of terror and seize power over the world through people's fear. But alone he is powerless, he needs shelter, food, help, and therefore he came to Kemp’s house.

He, however, is not going to help him, he understands that the madman must be stopped, and calls the police secretly from his guest. Griffin’s persecution begins, and he, in turn, opens the hunt for a betraying friend. The reader catches himself thinking that sometimes he sympathizes with this anti-hero - the sophisticated methods of bullying are tested on himself, as Wells describes, as an invisible man. The summary of the book quite vividly conveys the inhuman suffering that a man has found himself willing to rise above all.

invisible Man

The hero is very vulnerable: he is invisible only completely naked, but if he gets hurt or soiled, take food or water - he begins to leave marks. This is what hunters use. Roads are strewn with broken glass, the whole world has taken up arms against him and is harassing. After all, he is only being alive and unharmed, as Wells writes, an invisible man. The main characters, perhaps, are himself, an evil genius who defied humanity, and the rest of humanity. And he is defeated. Life leaves him, and gradually the transparent outlines of the miserable, wounded, naked “superman” albino Griffin appear on earth, who turned his talent as a scientist into evil. And so he lost.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13773/

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