Karabakh horses: history and description of the breed (photo)

Karabakh horses are famous for their appearance, proper physique and complaisant disposition. In this review, we will examine in detail the history of this breed, its features and characteristics. The Karabakh horse breed was bred on the mountain plateau of present-day Karabakh, between the Kura and Araks rivers. This species is one of the oldest representatives of riding horses. Individuals are very obedient, overcome all obstacles and barriers with special zeal. Riding animals are used with a horseman on highlands and mountain plains.


Karabakh horse photo

Karabakh horses have been known for a long time. The oldest discovered remains of these individuals date back to 2000 BC. e. In the period from 1900 to 1700 BC. e. they were massively used as a traction pack animal. A little later, these horses began to be used in army cavalry. It is believed that with the help of Karabakh horses, the Hyksos conquered Egypt. In the 1st millennium BC. e. breeding of this breed has become the main occupation of the Armenians. Also, these animals were bred in the territories where Azerbaijan is today.

In the 17-18th century, Karabakh horses were widely spread. Individuals from the Azerbaijan Stud Farm were distinguished by a beautiful exterior, high growth rates and user abilities. The suit with the help of local Caucasian stallions was constantly being improved and improved. Over time, she even became a pre-species for Don horses. In the 19th century, this breed fell into decay, since higher horses were needed for cavalry. As a result, a new type of animals, mixed with Arabian horses, began to be bred in Azerbaijan.


Karabakh horses

The official pedigree book of the breed appeared only in 1971. By 1980, the popularity of Karabakh horses increased, since the material and technical base was significantly improved at the Agdam stud farm. This allowed a number of exhibitions and auctions to be held in Moscow. Everyone wanted to see what the Karabakh horse breed is. The photo, description of the breed and its characteristics aroused great interest. As a result, such countries as Switzerland, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands began to request a large number of horses of this species.


So, let's find out why it happened. The protracted conflict and hostilities in Karabakh led to the fact that the number of horses of the Karabakh breed began to decline. The health status of adults was also negatively affected by constant movements. To restore the breed, the government banned the export of horses. Today, about 20 enterprises are engaged in species restoration. The total number of purebred Karabakh people on them is approximately 200 individuals.

Let us consider in more detail what the Karabakh horses are. The characteristics of the breed in question are quite high and have always been of interest to breeders. An experienced horse breeder should be well versed in the nature and habits of animals, and also aware of the conditions of his keeping and the required care.


Karabakh horses characteristics

Let's dwell on this in more detail. What do the Karabakh horses look like? Their exterior is elegant and dry. It is worth emphasizing that the current type of the breed line is inferior in effectiveness to the original standard. The animals are very graceful, but rather low. On average, the height of the horse can range from 138 to 154 cm. The weight of an adult horse does not exceed 350 kg. Body features include:

  • small rectangular case with powerful chest and arched back;
  • graceful curved neck;
  • head with a convex wide forehead and expressive eyes;
  • developed straight legs with strong hooves;
  • tail lowered to the level of the hock.

Today, all representatives of the Karabakh breed can be conditionally divided into two types:

  1. Massive - such animals are distinguished by strong short limbs and a squat body. They have a fairly dense physique.
  2. Light - horses of this species are characterized by a light exterior and dry long legs. Usually they are used only for riding.

As for the suit, the three most prevalent were golden-bay, golden-red and fully golden with a brown tail and mane.

Lifestyle and behavior

Karabakh horses description

So what do you need to know about this? Karabakh horses are bold and energetic. They always showed incredible hard work and devotion, as well as optimism and playfulness. Representatives of this breed treat a person warmly and kindly. On them you can not be afraid to ride even children.

A distinctive feature of this breed is the competitive spirit. They love to compete with worthy opponents. In jumping at the competition, the Karabakh horses show excellent performance.

Living conditions

This aspect should be given special attention. We have already figured out what the Karabakh horses are, the description and history of the breed. As for living conditions, representatives of this breed lead a herd lifestyle.

This implies the following features:

  1. All mares are kept almost year-round in free pasture.
  2. The herd includes not only purebred females of Karabakh, but also crossbreeds.
  3. The stallions were kept separately. They were provided with thorough care. There were a number of criteria for selecting individuals. For breeding, only the best representatives of the breed were used.
  4. Foals grew up in vivo also in the herd.

For breeding of Karabakh horses several species of animals were used at once. The breed was based on the best representatives of the indigenous representatives. To improve the exterior and physical characteristics of horses, Iranian, Arabian and Turkmen horses were also used. As a result of centuries-old selection work, it was possible to breed individuals with a bold and obedient character, sophisticated forms. Since the development of the breed took place in mountainous conditions, it could easily cope even with extreme mountainous areas.

They cope well with winter frosts, because they have very strong immunity. However, despite this, experts still recommend providing horses with a stable stable, with protection against drafts. During the growth period, it is extremely important to monitor how the skeleton and muscles of the animal develop. Inspection of the veterinarian should take place at least twice a year. To protect the animal from infections and viruses, it is subjected to vaccination.


What you need to know about this? Are Karabakh horses difficult to care for? The feedback from experienced breeders confirms that this breed has its own characteristics. After long walks and a long working day, a contrast shower should be carried out for the limbs of animals. This procedure will not only cheer up the horses, but also help to remove residual impurities. It is also important to regularly wash and dry the hooves and nostrils. Residual moisture in these areas can lead to infections. The mane and tail are washed a couple of times a week using special tools. For combing hair, brushes made of natural materials are better suited. Usually a mane is braided in a tail.


feeding horses

The daily ration for horses can be selected individually. If the animal is actively working or participating in sports, it needs an enhanced feeding regimen. Usually it consists of plant components, hay, concentrates, cereals and vegetables, vitamin complexes.

Pregnant mares and young growth require enhanced nutrition. For good behavior horses can be encouraged with apples, carrots and sugar.

Breed application

Let's dwell on this aspect in more detail. What can Karabakh horses be used for? The history of the breed confirms that most often these animals were used to quickly overcome mountain bumps. In addition, these horses are hardworking and efficient. According to these indicators, animals are comparable with such breeds as Akhal-Teke and Arabs. These findings are based on the results of many competitions and trials.

What is unique about the Karabakh horse breed? In overcoming mountain distances, these horses have no equal. Today, the Azerbaijani government is directly involved in protecting the breed. However, despite this, the Karabakh stallions continue to be used in crossbreeding to produce new unique breeds.

The Karabakh people made their contribution to such breeds as Strelets, Deliboz, Orel and Trakenens. Plus, with the help of the Karabakh breed, it was possible to improve the Don. Now, thanks to the oriental notes, Russian Donchaks look like purebred breeds. Photos of the East Karabakh type of Don breed horses only confirm this.

Sports achivments

Karabakh breed of horses photo

What are the famous individuals of this species? Many are interested in the Karabakh horses, the history of the breed, photos and descriptions due to the outstanding results in sports competitions. In modern equestrian sports, Caucasian horses often demonstrate excellent abilities and skills. The Karabakh people do an excellent job with jumping and often become winners of competitions. In addition, the noble nature of horses allows them to compete with opponents with special zeal and pleasure.

Interesting Facts

Why is the Karabakh horse breed so valued? Photos of representatives clearly demonstrate the excellent shape and external characteristics of individuals. Numerous exhibitions and competitions in which horses of this breed performed, ended with their victories. The Karabakh gold medals were received several times:

  • in the years 1866-1867;
  • in 1869;
  • in 1897;
  • in 1982.

The breed of Karabakh horses was on the verge of extinction several times. Individuals were constantly transported through the territory of Azerbaijan. For a long time they were forbidden to export abroad. Today in Azerbaijan, all efforts are devoted to restore the breed, because it is considered the national treasure of the whole country. Today, the Karabakh horse is compared with the best European breeds. Thanks to the oriental flavor and beauty of the exterior, today it is in demand all over the world. However, the main objective continues to be the preservation of the best qualities and the development of the livestock of the Karabakh people. The whole world expects to restore the population of representatives of this breed.


It is advisable to familiarize yourself with this aspect in the first place. Nobody can accurately determine the value of the Karabakh horse. Representatives of this breed today are quite difficult, since after the occupation of Karabakh, the population of these horses suffered serious damage. Today, the Azerbaijani authorities are making great efforts to maintain the number of the breed and maintain its purebred and integrity. It is almost impossible to export horses from the country. At the beginning of the 20th century, Karabakh horses were sold abroad at prices from 2 to 14 thousand dollars. The cost depends on the location of the supplier, gender and age of the horse, as well as on the number of its awards and health status. It is also important that the animal has everything in order with the documents.


Karabakh horses breed history

In this review, we examined in detail what the Karabakh horse breed is. The individuals of the species under discussion are highly valued due to their excellent physical characteristics, flexible disposition and endurance. The breed has a fairly rich history. Karabakh horses received many awards and prizes at international competitions. They are highly valued around the world. Unfortunately, today this breed is not so widespread. Breeders make every effort to preserve the population.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13774/

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