How to sell on Aliexpress from Russia: step-by-step instructions

"Aliexpress" is an online hypermarket of goods from China. It has long left American and European stores behind, as it attracts buyers with a low price and good quality. Many people want not only to buy, but also to sell goods on the Chinese online platform. Therefore, novice businessmen are thinking about whether it is possible to sell on Aliexpress.

Why is selling profitable?

According to the Association of Internet Trading Companies, Russia is ahead of other countries in terms of the number of customers. And it is not surprising that today the residents of the Russian Federation are thinking about how to sell on Aliexpress from Russia.

how to sell on aliexpress

Trading Advantages:

  • no need to create a separate online store;
  • there is no need to engage in advertising on your own, as "Aliexpress" constantly attracts new customers;
  • You can sell goods of almost all categories;
  • You can trade from a warehouse in Russia;
  • in the delivery method you can specify the Russian Post;
  • wide selection of payment methods;
  • an opportunity to enter the western and European market with successful trading.


  • registration and training videos in Chinese;
  • high sales commission.

Despite the disadvantages, Russian businessmen clearly understand that it is profitable to sell with Aliexpress.

Who can open a store on the portal?

Initially, "Aliexpress" was conceived as a trading platform for the sale of goods from China. But over time, the creators decided to move to the world market, and they easily succeeded. But there remains one difficulty that prevents foreigners from becoming sellers. A person must live in China, have the necessary number of documents and fulfill certain conditions for starting a trade. In addition, the complexity is the dispatch of goods. Sellers on Aliexpress express pictures of goods on the platform, and after receiving the order they go to a warehouse or a store, take the desired unit and send it to the customer. A similar scheme allows you to deliver the goods on time.

How to sell on aliexpress from Russia

But in 2016, the situation changed, and the Russians got the opportunity to open a store. The company "PickPoint" (PickPoint) acted as an intermediary between a Chinese hypermarket and citizens of the Russian Federation. Russians who think about how to sell on Aliexpress should go to the company's website for registration. To do this, they must meet the following requirements:

  • to be legal entities;
  • have your own registered trademark or permission to sell goods of another brand;
  • the price of the goods on Aliexpress should not be higher than the cost in a real or virtual store.

How to open a store?

If you meet these requirements, then proceed to the following steps:

  • conclude an agreement with PeakPoint for the provision of services;
  • register your Personal Account on your company website;
  • fill out and send an application to create an account on "Aliexpress";
  • choose a design template for the future store;
  • in accordance with the "Aliexpress" directory, you assign the correct categories to the goods;
  • fill out a company and brand card;
  • Fill out the form on the methods and conditions of delivery;
  • Download at least 10 product categories.

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Next, you need to wait for the store to connect to Aliexpress. It may take from 14 to 21 days.

How to increase sales?

After the store is open, it should work actively. To do this, you need a manager who will know how to sell goods to Aliexpress from Russia. Its main responsibilities will be to:

  • respond to customer inquiries;
  • process orders;
  • upload track numbers to Aliexpress and PeakPoint.

Thus, the seller must comply with a number of conditions:

  • Provide potential brand with detailed brand information
  • Describe the product as detailed as possible with many photos, a dimensional grid and a palette of colors;
  • arrange discounts and give coupons;
  • in the delivery indicate the exact weight and size of the package (preferably, delivery was free);
  • If possible, respond to all reviews, and negative comments substantiate their point of view;
  • when choosing a delivery method, it is better to choose the one where the track is (in this case, the seller will be compensated for the loss or theft);
  • register the participation of goods in promotions.


These are sales aimed at attracting buyers, which leads to the sale of stock, increase sales and attract new customers. Promotions can be internal when the store creates its shares, and large-scale within the framework of "Aliexpress", when the hypermarket itself forms the events.

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Every month, "Aliexpress" holds three types of large-scale campaigns:

  • 1-3 times a year. The action is announced in advance in the press and on the Internet.
  • 1-3 times a month. Announcements are held on Thursday, and the sale is arranged on Monday.
  • Once a week. The goods are placed in the "Mall", in the sections "Last minute goods" and "Discount of the day."

To participate in the promotion, the seller uploads a photo of the product to the "Promo" section, and after it is approved, the item will participate in the sale. The format, duration and size of discounts at in-store sales are determined by the seller.

What is profitable to sell?

If you not only do not know how to sell on Aliexpress, but do not have a clue what to sell, then the following information will come in handy. According to requests, the most popular categories of goods are clothing, souvenirs, jewelry, mobile phones and household appliances. If you have a desire to engage in the sale of goods in a narrow specialization, then know that such a business can be a good success. For example, you can open a store with:

  • tea, coffee and other long-term products;
  • items for needlework;
  • sporting goods;
  • goods for a specific hobby (photography, music).

What can spoil a store rating?

Any new activity with ignorance of the nuances can lead to unpleasant consequences. So with the online store. Even if you know how to sell goods through Aliexpress from Russia, opened a store, selected categories and uploaded photos, this does not mean that the system will run smoothly.

how to sell via aliexpress

For a successful business, try to avoid the following errors:

  • place the goods in the correct category, as otherwise sanctions will be imposed on the seller;
  • send the goods on time;
  • if possible, add track numbers to the system immediately after receiving them, because if this is not done, the order will be canceled;
  • check the track numbers before entering the system;
  • Try to avoid disputes and resolve conflicts with customers peacefully.

This does not mean that you need to work at a loss. The client is not always right, and Aliexpress will resolve the dispute in favor of the buyer only if he is really right.

Additional ways

What if I can’t sell it myself? "Aliexpress" offers several ways for which it is enough to have a computer and access to the Internet:

  • Affiliate program.
  • Cashback
  • Paid consultation about the purchase.
  • Resale of goods.

Affiliate program "Aliexpress"

Almost 90% of sites related to the sale of something use an affiliate program - a system to attract new users. "Aliexpress" is no exception. How it works? The site gives you a link, and you pass it on to friends, acquaintances or strangers, but interested parties. They follow this link, and the site gives you a reward - in money, bonuses or other on-site currency. At "Aliexpress" you can earn from 7 to 12% of the transaction, the transition to which was completed by your link. And many people are already doing this - bloggers on YouTube, the creators of shopping groups from China on social networks and ordinary shoppers without a multi-thousand audience.

how to sell goods through aliexpress

Thus, you do not need to know how to sell on Aliexpress to make money on this site. You can get a link in two ways - through the official website and through intermediary resources. The official site has cons:

  • He is in English;
  • minimum withdrawal - 10 dollars;
  • commission - 15 dollars.

After registration, you need to go to the Ad Center section, where you can get a link and a banner. To do this, copy the link to the product you like, select Deep Link in the Ad Center, paste the link into the form and click the Get Tracking Link button. The resulting link is affiliate. It can be inserted into social networks, transfer contact or put on a blog or website. When switching and buying goods on it, you will be charged commissions for a month.


This is a great opportunity to earn on all purchases from 7 percent or more of its value. This can be done both through the official website, and through third-party sites. You can also install the plugin in your favorite browser - almost all popular programs support plugins for cashback.

The official service involves obtaining a cashback in 4 steps:

  • install the extension;
  • make purchases;
  • get cashback;
  • withdraw money in any of the presented ways.

what is profitable to sell with aliexpress

Cashback can also be obtained through the mobile application. Consider how to do this:

  • Download the mobile application for cashback ("Alibonus", "Copycot", etc.);
  • go through the Aliexpress stores through the application, and after a few seconds the system will automatically direct you to the mobile application;
  • You make and pay for purchases in the usual way, and cashback is credited automatically.

The main thing is not to leave the application until the goods are paid. Otherwise, you have to go through all the steps again.

Consultation and resale of goods

For those who are thinking about how to sell on Aliexpress , you can do another profitable business - reselling goods on social networks and forums. You can also open a small online store.

There are several options:

  • sell the product that you ordered, but it did not fit or did not like;
  • sell goods that are currently popular according to the pool of requests, that is, make purchases at your own risk;
  • give advice on purchases, order goods and deliver to the customer, including the price of services on account of the parcel.

With this method, you don’t need to know how to sell through Aliexpress. Only the ability to click the mouse is useful. Successful trading is one of the most profitable types of business. A Chinese online hypermarket is a good place to do this. Now you know how to sell on Aliexpress. Having decided for yourself the question of what to offer future customers, you will be able to start the future large-scale activities.


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