Who is Tamir Sheikh? Tamir Sheikh: biography

A sedentary lifestyle, bad habits and laziness - this is precisely what propaganda of Tamir Sheikh fights against. For him, sport is not just a hobby, it is a way of life! This person praises an active lifestyle and instills the aspiration for sport in youth as an example.

Who is Tamir Sheikh

First of all, Tamir is a propagandist of healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle), a well-known athlete on the entire Internet. This person unselfishly holds campaigns in many cities, conducts free training on workout, street fighting and self-defense for everyone. The activist collects money to transfer them to orphanages, builds new sports grounds where the younger generation could transfer their energy into a righteous channel. The athlete and his team create many manuals, lessons on YouTube and articles that will help the average person to harmoniously develop their body.

Tamir Sheikh

Athlete Biography

The non-public lifestyle is led by Tamir Sheikh. The biography of the athlete does not shine with vivid facts and scandals. This is a simple person who decided to devote himself to sport and its promotion.

The activist’s real name is Maxim Shikhaliev. Tamir is, as the athlete himself claims, his middle name, his pseudonym. Maxim made a lot of efforts to develop the Street Workout youth movement, which means “street training” in English. He also founded his own fighting club called Personal Freedom.

who is Tamir Sheikh


Tamir Sheikh was born on July 8 in 1974. He was born and studied in the capital of Ukraine - Kiev. Shikhaliyev received his secondary education at secondary school No. 157 (address: Obolonsky Prospekt, 12c). The education of the future athlete did not end there. Tamir decided to continue his studies at the prestigious Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev. He entered the Faculty of Biology at the Department of Molecular Genetics. Even in a higher educational institution he underwent military training. At the moment, the favorite place of residence and training of Maxim Shikhaliev is the Republic of Crimea.

Tamir’s parameters: height is 185 centimeters, and the weight of the athlete varies from 75 to 90 kilograms (it depends on training and nutrition).

Tamir Sheikh workout

A family

There is very little reliable information about the family of Tamir Sheikh. Maxim's father was an athlete. He was engaged in water sports and was a member of the Soviet Union's water polo team. It was dad who set the right example for his son and instilled in him a love of sports since childhood. It is known that Tamir is the average child in the family. He has an older brother and a younger sister. Maxim Shikhaliev also has a son, Tamerlan.

Tamir on the VKontakte network

The Internet has begun to influence many aspects of human life. Tamir Sheikh got a page on VKontakte, the most popular network in the CIS countries . Thanks to this profile, many people can get a free consultation from a famous athlete. On his page, Maxim uploads his informative video lessons and useful materials for beginners and experienced athletes. It is there that you can see the original videos about the development of your body, which is guaranteed by Tamir Sheikh.

Tamir Sheikh biography
Training and advice from a well-known turnikman help beginners to play sports by certain methods, which will soon lead them to success.

The contribution of Maxim Shikhaliev to the development of sports

To develop the sport and maintain its popularity is not an easy task, but Tamir copes with it, promoting a healthy lifestyle. He himself put a lot of effort into the development of sports. Not only that, Tamir builds sports fields and conducts training, he himself put a lot of effort and achieved a lot in sports. According to many sources, Shikhaliev has the title of MSMK (master of sports of international class), which in itself is prestigious. From the numerous videos, it can be argued that the athlete was professionally engaged in martial arts for many years. There is also a video record for lifting weights with one foot. Tamir managed to raise 32 kilograms. Unfortunately, this is not included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Street workout

Street workout is a youth movement of athletes engaged in the street with the help of popular shells such as bars, horizontal bars, stairs and more.

Tamir Sheikh fights
Tamir Sheikh directly began to raise this movement in the CIS countries thanks to his commercials and street training. This is what has instilled interest in the younger generation in outdoor activities. Athletes and youth involved in the horizontal bar, began to be called workout or turnstile. Street workout allows a person to develop strength, dexterity and other parameters in his body.

Tamir Sheikh and Shavkat Muhammedov

Many rumors are creeping about the relationship and in general about the role of Shavkat Muhammedov in the life of Maxim Shikhaliev. Internet users in their disputes were divided into two camps: some say that this is simply a fictitious person, while others say that this is the legendary sensei and the best mentor. Be that as it may, but there is still much debate about this mysterious person.

Tamir himself in his video appeals more than once mentioned Muhammadov himself and his influence on the student’s worldview. “Shavkat Muhammedov has considerable strength, endurance and steel character,” Tamir Sheikh says. Fights in the field of martial arts with a coach gave considerable experience to Maxim, so we can assume that it was this person who gave a good basis for the development of Tamir Sheikh.

Maxim Shikhaliev has done a lot for the development of sports and attracting youth to it. The Street Workout movement, of which he is a co-founder, has become a real mainstream in sports and training.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13783/

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