How to save horseradish for the winter? What saving methods are effective?

Horseradish is an incredibly useful plant, which many have loved for its vibrant taste. In the summer we stock up on various vegetables and fruits, and sometimes we just don’t have enough space in the refrigerator for this piquant fruit. How to save horseradish for the winter so that it does not lose all its good properties, this will be discussed today.

Saving the roots in the refrigerator

how to save horseradish for the winter

The plant needs to be cleaned with a knife from the ground, wrapped in cling film and sent to the refrigerator. In this form, it can lie for no more than three weeks. If you want to extend the shelf life of the plant, you can determine it in the freezer. The fact is that horseradish does not lose its nutritional properties even at low temperatures. And to make it more convenient to use, you can cut it into pieces in advance, arrange it into packages. The advantage of storing the root in the freezer is that subsequently the plant can be taken out and grated on a grater without problems, and you won’t shed a single tear. How to save horseradish for the winter using a refrigerator, you now know, but this is not the best way to save. Let's move on to the next method.

Preservation of roots in the cellar

For this method of saving you will need a wooden box. Pour sand about 8 cm thick at the bottom of the container, and gently place the horseradish roots on top so that they do not touch each other, but nevertheless the distance should not be large. Then fill the plants with a layer of sand about 4 cm thick, and then determine in the same way the second portion of horseradish. With this method, the plant can be stored for up to 4 to 5 months. You can no longer ask yourself: β€œHow to save horseradish for the winter so that the product does not deteriorate ahead of time?” Since the answer is obvious, and it lies in this way.

Dry horseradish and make powder out of it

horseradish for winter recipes

This method of storage is quite common, you do not need to clog the refrigerator with a plant or go down to the cellar. The process of harvesting dried horseradish is as follows:

1. Peel, wash and cut the plant into thin pieces.

2. Dry the root to a solid state, and for this you can use the oven. After all, with its help, the plant will come to the right condition much faster than if resorting to the natural method. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 60 degrees and identify a baking sheet with horseradish prepared in advance. In no case do not add gas, since all the beneficial properties of the plant are eliminated.

3. Remove the cooled and hardened horseradish from the oven and using a mortar, crush it into powder.

4. Pour the resulting mass into a clean glass jar and be sure to close it with a nylon cover.

In this form, the powder can be stored for a long time - up to 12 months, so you should pay attention to this recipe.

Storage of horseradish for the winter in the form of spices

horseradish storage for the winter

1. Clean and rinse the plant, and then grate it on a grater.

2. Wash and sterilize a 0.5 liter container, and then put horseradish, salt and sugar to taste.

3. Tighten the jar with a key and send it to the refrigerator for storage.

With this method, the spice will not be stored for long, up to 3-4 weeks. Therefore, this method is not suitable, but still it is better than storing the fetus in the refrigerator.

Methods for preserving horseradish seasoning

Such an acute supplement will please any man, so women just need to save horseradish for the winter. The recipes for making seasonings based on this plant are familiar to many, but not everyone knows exactly how to make them correctly.

Method 1. Wash and cleaned fresh root in the amount of 0.5 kg and soak in water for a day, and then grate it on a fine grater or use a meat grinder. Boil water (400 ml) and add 1 tablespoon of sugar and salt to it, and then mix to dissolve the ingredients. Remove the pan from the heat, add 200 ml of vinegar to the container, as well as grated horseradish. Thoroughly mix the whole composition, distribute into prepared jars and roll up the resulting seasoning.

how to store horseradish for the winter

Method 2. Prepare the marinade, and for this, take beet juice in an amount of 500 ml, vinegar - 30 g, sugar - 80 g, salt - 1 tablespoon, cloves and cinnamon, 0.5 g each. Buryak drink bring to a boil, add spices , stir the resulting mixture and remove from heat. When the marinade has cooled, pour vinegar into it, and then put the liquid in the refrigerator for a day. As in the first method, peel the horseradish, wash and grate. Add it to the finished sauce and mix the resulting composition. Put the mixture in prepared sterilized jars and roll them with a key. And now you already got ready horseradish for the winter. Seasonings recipes, as you see, are simple, and every housewife will be able to make them.

Helpful information

How to store horseradish for the winter is already clear, but now is the time to learn little tricks that will make life easier for women in the kitchen.

1. As you know, the root dries quickly, and in order to prevent this, before the very process of saving this plant, it must be kept for several hours in cold water.

2. If you pass horseradish through a meat grinder, you can put a plastic bag on the outlet of the device. It minimizes the effects of essential oils on your mucous membrane, and you won’t suffer from secretions from the eyes and nose.

From the article you learned how to save horseradish for the winter so that all the beneficial properties of this plant do not evaporate. They also took notes or wrote down ways to preserve seasonings with it. And now you now have valuable information on what can be done so that your eyes do not watery before treating this burning healing plant.


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