Is compassionate good or bad? What does the word "compassionate" mean?

Some words in the Russian language seem to provoke a literal reading, it is especially difficult for foreigners. For example, is a compassionate patient of a cardiology clinic or again a figure of speech and features of the great and mighty Russian language?

At first glance, problems may arise exclusively for those who are just learning the language, however, experts in this matter are almost unanimous: the vocabulary of the average citizen inevitably falls. But inquisitive people independently bridge the gaps in their own education and are interested in the meaning and origin of words that until recently seemed obvious and most ordinary.

compassionate is

Meaning and etymology of the word

According to dictionaries, compassionate is a sympathetic, compassionate person, ready to mentally worry about other people or some important matter. Literally - heartache.

In Russian, many words and concepts meaning the emotional spectrum of life are associated precisely with the heart. It is believed that this is the body responsible for love and other positive qualities. In the same way opposite concepts are formed: heartless, hard-hearted, hardened by the heart. In a literary speech, this long-suffering organ is torn to pieces, and they tear something from it that has sprouted and fasten it. Metaphorical techniques allow you to create vivid images by connecting the emotional spectrum of perception.

Semantic content

In the vast majority of cases, if intonation proofreading is not made, "compassionate" is a measure of positive connotation. Perhaps, classical Orthodox morality has found its reflection here, according to which, a person who is a true believer and worthy of salvation should not just suffer, but glow with his soul in the name of God.

It turns out that compassion in this case is an unselfish participation, coming from the heart itself, which is accompanied by some actions or even sacrifices for the benefit of other people, animals, and the world around us.

compassionate person is

Word usage

Since this word refers exclusively to the emotional sphere of life, and can be considered its expressive artistic expression, you should not use it in business speech, official communications and documents. There is a risk of misinterpretation when written speech is involuntarily attributed to a dismissive or mocking connotation. It is better to choose the word “compassionate” synonym that excludes emotional distortion: partial, sympathetic or sympathetic.

In colloquial speech, fiction, and also in some cases in emotional journalistic articles, this word can be used. It allows you to effectively describe the nature of a person, while avoiding long and complex verbal constructions.

compassionate meaning

Compassionate - is it bad or good?

Initially, we are talking exclusively about the positive sense of the word. Indeed, sensitivity and compassion are among the best human qualities. However, much depends on the context and intonation. A great example: one person is called kind, and the other is called kind. Despite the obvious similarity of the words, it becomes clear that the first is really a good person, but the second clearly pursues some of its goals. If intonation accents can be used, then any word can be used in the opposite sense.

It is often believed that a compassionate person is a creature naive, spineless and weak. The modern world is quite cruel, so empathy and good deeds are often regarded as weakness. If a dishonest person is surrounded by such a sensitive person, then he will not fail to take advantage of someone else's compassion for his own purposes.

Criminal cases of fraud are opened daily, when someone, taking advantage of credulity and kindness, causes serious material damage. In this case, moral damage may be more serious. This is bitterness, loss of faith in humanity, even depression.

compassionate synonym

Excesses of compassion

It is practically impossible to determine and measure one’s own reserves of humanism. With good mental health, you can survive the disappointment in people who have abused your best qualities and not change. But it is hardly possible to demand the same stamina from others.

What if this quality is really hypertrophied, if a person is too compassionate? The value of this personality trait can be overestimated and reduced to absurdity. For example, you should not be so kind to the detriment of yourself and your loved ones. “Take off the last shirt” to do good for someone, maybe honorable, but short-sighted. Especially if this “someone” does not require such sacrifice.

Psychologists consider excessive compassion a kind of self-defense. Nothing bad should happen to a good person! But this is actually not the law of the universe, but a small calming myth, self-deception, which can bring considerable harm. Of course, it’s not worth getting hardened, but including reasonable critical thinking will not hurt.


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