LLC “REMIT Meat Processing Plant”: customer and employee reviews, manufactured products and meat products quality

Reviews about REMIT are of interest to customers who are considering options for cooperation with this company, and employees who expect to receive a highly paid and stable job. In this article we will talk about this meat processing plant, what products it produces, whether its quality corresponds to the declared one, what its employees and partners say about the enterprise.

About company

Reviews about "REMIT" can be found very different. The company has been operating in the market for a long time, so it is not surprising that during this time many managed to please and not please anyone.

We’ll start telling its story from 2001, when a meat processing plant that meets international standards was created from scratch. At the very beginning, production of only 50 products was established.

Then, every year the assortment increased, by 2003 it was replenished with raw smoked sausages. Since then, the company began to regularly participate in prestigious Russian and international food exhibitions, always winning prizes.

The development of the plant continued at an active pace. In 2008, the first phase of production facilities was put into operation, where employees engaged in the production of semi-finished products made from chilled meat. This significantly expanded the range of products manufactured by the company.

In 2010, active promotion of products to the shelves of the largest network retailers across the country begins. In the home market, the retail sales channel manages to develop up to one and a half thousand outlets. In 2014, at the PRODEXPO exhibition, immediately eight positions of the company's products received a gold medal. Among them are Russian, doctoral, Krakow and Burgundy sausages, milk sausages, pork ribs and cervelat.

Since 2016, mass promotion of products through advertising on federal channels begins. In particular, on Channel One and Russia-1.

Among the latest achievements, it is worth noting the high appreciation that the products of the enterprise were given by experts of the independent organization "ROSKACHESTVO". In particular, pork shish kebab was awarded five stars out of five possible, moreover, experts noted that it not only complies with current standards, but is ahead of them in many respects.


Products of the REMIT factory

Production capabilities are perhaps the main pride of the company. The company installed exclusively high-tech and modern equipment. Regular work is underway to optimize the technological base, the activity is aimed at the production of the most diverse products. The installed equipment allows you to produce goods of the European level of quality.

The company is constantly working to improve the quality of raw materials. For example, equipment is purchased for this that is able to prevent foreign bodies from entering the finished product. Product safety can be traced already at the stage of raw material acceptance. In total, there are more than one hundred control points at the meat processing plant .

Quality control

Increased attention is paid to the quality of products. Modern technologies and advanced storage conditions are implemented in reality, and not on paper. Buyers and partners of a meat processing plant can in practice be convinced of a highly qualified and professional approach to the organization of production.

The implemented security management systems make it possible to guarantee excellent quality of products. The production is fully certified, successfully passed an international audit.

The company's workshops are equipped with high-tech and modern equipment, which is constantly updated to produce the most diverse and wide range of products.

Since 2013, a DNA testing system for finished products and input raw materials has been introduced in production. The process of tracking finished products has also been improved, since then each unit of purchased raw materials has a unique number. As a result, a transparent tracking system for all raw materials was created, starting with the farm on which livestock was raised, ending with the appearance of finished products in a particular store. The same work is being done on all other ingredients.

Today, the plant produces about three hundred kinds of semi-finished products and sausages, which are sold in major federal chains, in retail, and also through multinational companies.

One of the best at the enterprise is a semi-finished product workshop. It has Italian equipment.


Sausage factory REMIT

The factory produces more than ten categories of various goods. These are semi-smoked, cooked smoked, raw smoked, cooked sausages, delicacies and smoked meats, sausages, serving slices, pork sausages, ham, sausages, jellied meat, tongue, bacon, semi-finished products, dumplings, dumplings, meat and kebabs in marinade, as well as.

Reviews about the products "REMIT" come mainly positive from the majority of buyers and partner companies that sell products of the enterprise. For example, boiled sausages are popular. In the reviews of "Doctor's sausage" from "REMIT" there are many references to the fact that it is constantly present in the kitchen of many customers of the company, as a constant attribute of a hearty and tasty breakfast. She is ready to help out the hostess, if you need to prepare an urgent snack, and collect the child’s breakfast at school. In addition, it is with the "Doctor's Sausage" that the most delicious okroshka and omelet are obtained, according to classical recipes that have been prepared for decades.

It is worth recognizing that a genuine alternative to Doctor’s Sausage has not yet been invented. With wild mushrooms and capers, a wonderful home-made pizza is prepared from it, and a hot sandwich with sausage and cheese will decorate the family feast.

The quality of products at the plant is monitored. In reviews of REMIT sausage, buyers always note this. Ingredients: beef, pork, egg melange, water, milk powder, nitrite salt, sugar, stabilizer sodium pyrophosphate, monosodium glutamate, flavor enhancer, ascorbic acid, spices. Shelf life of 45 days, after the packaging is opened, the sausage should be eaten in three days.

In reviews of REMIT sausages, customers recognize that this category is one of the most popular among all the company's products. For example, classic milk sausages make you remember your favorite childhood taste. This product is the gold medal of the international competition "Product of the Year", which was awarded to him in 2014. The composition of these sausages is selected beef, pork and all kinds of spices. Shelf life of sausages is 20 days, and after opening the package only three days.

Among the true connoisseurs of sausages, there are many fans of raw smoked sausages. In this section, at the REMIT factory, you can find Braunschweig sausage, Abricolette, Salchichon, Sacramento, Salami, Milan, Italian, Fiesta, Pepperoni, Princely sausage the meal. "

Especially a lot of reviews about "Italian sausage" from "REMIT". This is a fragrant matzis with nutmeg, black pepper, which goes well with tender pork. An original structural cut makes this sausage an adornment of any meat plate. It consists of pork, spices, sugar, nitrite salt, flavoring jerky, carmine dye, black pepper extract. The shelf life of such a sausage is 120 days.


Shops of the REMIT factory

Recently, the company has been actively promoting its products through a franchise network. It offers its potential future partners a reliable, simple and time-tested business that turns into a real effective money-making machine. Across the country, it is proposed to open convenience stores "REMIT. Delicious sausages" in the format "at home".

Clients are guaranteed a net profit of up to one million rubles, a quick start to a business (in one month), and a payback period of three to seven months. The lump-sum payment is 200 thousand rubles, royalties - 10 thousand rubles. Currently, the company is considering opening franchises in the Moscow, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Ryazan, Kaluga, Tula, Tver and Yaroslavl regions. For the reason that the company operates in the FRESH segment, opening franchises in other regions is not possible.

Currently, reviews of the REMIT franchise can be found from 70 retail outlets. They note that this is truly a profitable business with an initial capital of one and a half to two million rubles and a profitability of more than ten percent.

The REMIT franchise reviews emphasize that the main advantages are the ability to avoid the difficulties associated with starting a business from scratch. The partner is provided with professional and powerful support at all stages, existing and developed standards, fresh and tasty products, minimal liquidation risks, deliveries directly from the manufacturer to their own branded vehicles, which maintains temperature conditions.

At present, almost a hundred stores selling classic sausages and sausages for every taste are open in the regions.


Remit factory guides

Today, REMIT, as well as at retail points of sale, has opened several hundred jobs, new vacancies appear on a regular basis. The plant began to work in Podolsk in 2001. Since then, the company has only grown and developed. At present, they are waiting for initiative and caring employees who love sausage and their business, to whom they are ready to give themselves completely.

At the moment, the company has opened vacancies for a production economist, sausage moulder, operator of a sausage production machine, meat and meat products saliner, tenant, storekeeper, equipment manager, picking operator, forklift driver, force minder.

For example, a farmer is required at the head office in Podolsk. His responsibilities will include monitoring the mixing process, conducting the process of compiling and preparing the forcemeat, dosing the components according to the given recipe, unloading the finished meat from the cutter or the meat mixer, and controlling the uniform distribution of the components. The applicant for this vacancy is required to know the types of marriage and how to eliminate and prevent them, responsibility, attentiveness, diligence, experience as a force supplier from one year.

The employee is guaranteed to work in a stable and large company, career opportunities, registration in accordance with labor legislation, a hostel, free meals. Earned salary - from 40 thousand rubles, the provision of discounts on their own products and workwear. Schedule from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. two in two.

A sausage moulder can count on a salary of 35 thousand rubles. Her responsibilities include the manufacture of stuffed sausages, the formation of sausages by filling the shell with cooked meat, compliance with the output standards of the finished product, transfer to cooking, laying in the mold, further processing. The work schedule can be two in two or on a rotational basis 15 in 15 days.

Customer Opinions

Company shop of the REMIT factory

Buyers in reviews of "REMIT" note that once having tried this sausage, they have not changed it for many years.

High-quality and always fresh products encourage customers to return to the company’s retail outlets over and over again.

Recently, consumers have been pleased that packages with small portions of products began to appear in the assortment, which allows you to try a new sausage or semi-finished product without spending too much money on it. In customer reviews, "REMIT" is constantly noted. Moreover, customers would like the fillet to be initially cut into portioned steaks.

In this case, the hostesses have the opportunity to buy products for the evening, to take as many servings as needed for a tasty and full dinner, without doing meaningless packing of the refrigerator. In the reviews of the REMIT meat factory, many people like that the company is moving in this direction.


Breast of the plant remit

It should be noted that there are also negative reviews from "REMIT". In particular, about its products and the work of outlets.

For example, many are in a hurry to warn against buying selected beef produced at this enterprise, directly calling it a low-quality product. Despite the fact that outwardly beef looks very decent, it is a product of dubious quality. It tastes all slippery, practically does not chew, under vacuum packaging there is too much liquid. There are so many chemistry in the composition that some buyers are simply horrified by this fact. So in the reviews about REMIT they do not advise anyone to purchase this product.

Not delighted by consumers and sausages. Although at the opening of the package a pleasant meat smell is felt, it turns out that, most likely, the merit in this is exclusively monosodium glutamate. The composition of sausages leaves much to be desired, since it has a lot of chemical additives. On the palate, all meat pulp is more like boiled porridge. The impression that the natural in these sausages is only a shell. As a result, they are completely tasteless.

Employee ratings

Reviews about the factory REMIT

There are a lot of positive aspects in the reviews of REMIT employees. For example, they note that the company really organized free meals in a corporate restaurant. The team has a rather warm atmosphere, they are attentive to the opinion of each employee. There are good career prospects.

For many, it is of great importance that production is constantly developing dynamically, they pay salaries and bonuses without delay, they are sent on vacation, as it should. The main thing is that an employee can initially see prospects for himself. In reviews of work in "REMIT" this is extremely important.

Staff dissatisfaction

However, there are also enough who criticize the leadership and organization of labor. In the reviews of REMIT in Podolsk, the staff constantly notes that low-skilled employees who do not have the appropriate knowledge and education are hired.

In particular, complaints come to the mess that is going on at the factory. The management allows itself a boorish attitude towards the staff, in case of the slightest offense a person can be fired literally in one day. They simply turn a blind eye to product quality to meet supply volumes.

Workers who are engaged in delivery warn that potential employees will have to drive old vehicles, which constantly break down and fail. So many people speak negatively about employment in this company.


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