How to check for a Windows 10 update and remove it if necessary?

Typically, the Windows 10 operating system itself downloads and installs all the necessary updates. This is logical, because by default in the settings there is an automatic search and installation function. But itโ€™s useful to know how to check for Windows 10 updates. Sometimes you can find them available but not installed.

how to check windows 10 update

How to check for updates in Windows 10?

It's simple: call the Settings application. It opens with a combination of Win + I. In the section "Update and Security" there is a button "Update Center". There is also a big button "Check for updates." Click on it, and the system will automatically begin to search for available updates that have not previously been installed.

The process will last a couple of seconds, then it will display the message "Device is updated." This answer means that no updates are available yet. Otherwise there will be an offer to be updated. Agree.

How to check installed Windows 10 updates?

how to check installed windows 10 updates

The method described above allows you to search only for updates that have not yet been installed. But how to check for Windows 10 updates that were installed earlier. For this, there is also a functional - "Journal".

In the same parameters there is a button "Update log". They will list their names, as well as the installation date. Moreover, the system even displays the installation status of Success or Fail. If the installation fails, Windows tries to reinstall the update, but even if the reinstallation fails, it is downloaded again.

To see the details, just click on the installation date. There will be a brief description of the reason for the installation and the attached link to the Microsoft website with a detailed list of problems that this update fixes.


how to check for updates in windows 10

Now itโ€™s clear how to check for Windows 10 updates, but how do I remove them and do I need to do this at all? Sometimes itโ€™s necessary. For example, on Windows 7, some installed updates looped around the system, because of which the computer could not boot. A picture of the login screen was constantly displayed, after which nothing happened. To solve this problem in safe mode, it was necessary to delete some files, and only then did the computer boot normally.

So far, such problems are not observed in Windows 10, but it is quite possible that they can be. It is possible that after the next update of Windows 10, the computer will become worse. In this case, you need to roll back or delete.

At the top of the log window there is a "Delete" button. Click on it, the control panel will open on the "Installed Updates" tab. There you can select the desired item (what you are going to delete) and click on the "Delete" button. The system may ask for confirmation. Agree. After that it will be deleted.

Remember that the system will again try to install this update, but until then you will have time to check whether your computer is working normally. And if the problem was really in it, then it must be forbidden to install. To do this using the built-in functionality will not work. You will have to use a third-party tool, for example, Show or Hide Updates Troubleshooter, but this is not the topic of this article.

Now you know how to check for Windows 10 updates and remove them as needed.


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