PJSC "Crimean Soda Plant": features and reviews

PJSC “Crimean Soda Plant” is a major manufacturer of soda ash brands “A” and “B” with a 40-year history. The company specializes in the production and supply of technical soda, soda products, building lime, detergents, and common salt.

PJSC Crimean Soda Plant

Historical reference

In the 60s, with the development of the chemical, glass, and construction industries, the question arose of providing industry enterprises with soda and its derivatives. Scientists of the Leningrad Giprokhim and Kharkov NIOCHIM jointly developed a project for the construction of a new soda plant. The construction site was chosen in the city of Krasnoperekopsk due to the availability of readily available raw materials.

08/25/1967 The Council of Ministers of the USSR instructed to build the Crimean Soda Plant with record power indicators:

  • disodium phosphate - 200,000 tons per year;
  • soda ash - 675,000 tons;
  • thermal phosphoric acid - 60,000 tons.

Construction work began in the spring of 1968. The launch of the first stage of the KSZ took place on 12/28/1973. At first, the disodium phosphate soda product was produced. The first soda ash was obtained at a new production facility on 06/30/1975.

The company had great production potential, high-performance equipment was supplied from the GDR. With the development of the technological cycle, the quality of soda improved. In 1977, products were certified for the USSR Quality Mark. The Crimean soda plant was the first in the USSR to produce heavy soda (1980). For this significant achievement, many members of the collective were awarded with Diplomas of VDNH of the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR.

Crimean soda plant

New time

In 2003, the KSZ was privatized. Attracted investments made it possible to significantly modernize technological equipment, reduce harmful emissions by 15%, and programs to reduce fuel and energy resources were carried out. In particular, a 6 MW turbine workshop was commissioned, a new pneumatic packaging line was installed, steam calciners were reconstructed, a medium-pressure gas pipeline was installed, and a progressive technology for automating business and financial activities was introduced. Over the next 5 years, the volume of soda production increased by a third, net income increased 2.9 times.

The plant remains one of the most developed and profitable enterprises of Krasnoperekopsky district and Crimea as a whole. The backlog left by the previous owners allows us to further increase the production of such important products.

PJSC Crimean Soda Plant contacts


The Crimean Soda Plant was the only Ukrainian national supplier of soda ash of the popular brands “A” and “B”. Today, with a change of ownership, the enterprise is a subject of the Russian chemical industry.

In addition to technical soda, KSZ produces the “Syaivo” composition used in the manufacture of household chemical goods, baking soda, building lime, and boiled out salt of Extra grade. For servicing the road network in winter, the plant offers anti-icing reagents based on calcium chloride. In 2015, the company was reorganized into PJSC Crimean Soda Plant. Contacts: 296002, Republic of Crimea, mountains. Krasnoperekopsk, st. Design-1.

In 2015, KSZ produced 524,800 tons of brand “B” soda, 335,000 tons of brand “A”, and more than 20,000 tons of baking soda were produced. The most dynamically developing own production of edible salt, launched in 2008. She made 22,465 tons, of which 205 tons in tablet form, 69 tons - in cardboard packaging.

Crimean Soda Plant OJSC


The most important raw materials for the industrial production of soda ash according to the Solve method are sodium chloride and chalk (limestone). They are mined in the vicinity of Krasnoperekopsk. Thus, KSZ is provided with its own raw materials, which gives the plant certain advantages.

Soda of the Crimean soda plant is produced by the ammonia method (Solve method). This is a multi-step process, including the following steps:

  • Production of lime and carbon dioxide.
  • Getting milk of lime.
  • Purification of raw brine.
  • Preparation of ammoniated brine in the absorption compartment.
  • Carbonization of brine.
  • Filtration of a liquid suspension of sodium bicarbonate.
  • Its calcination in the soda furnace workshop.
  • Ammonia recovery from soda liquids in the distillation department.


Crimean soda plant as a large chemical enterprise has a negative impact on the ecology of the region. In production activities, CSW is generated and then a significant amount of solid, liquid waste is discharged into the environment. The danger is caused by:

  • highly mineralized waste represented by distillation suspensions and brine sludge;
  • slightly mineralized wastewater generated after gas treatment of calcareous kilns and chemical water treatment;
  • excess sodium bicarbonate production solutions.

Wastes enter sludge collectors called “white seas”. KSZ storage-evaporator is located in the northern part of Lake Krasnoe, which is part of the Perekop group of closed saline lakes (Krasnoe, Kiyatskoye, Kirleutskoye). It is located 10 kilometers from the Black Sea Karkinitsky Bay. The total area of ​​the sump is more than 23 million m 2 .

soda of the Crimean soda plant

Problems and solutions

After the accession of the Republic of Crimea in 2014, OJSC Crimean Soda Plant came under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. In response, Ukraine suspended the flow of water through the North Crimean Canal. As a result, the company lost the technical water needed for the production cycle. The problem was solved by drilling aquifers. To filter the fluid supplied from the wells, it was necessary to build a reverse osmosis plant with a capacity of 500 m 3 per hour.

Another problem was energy blackout caused by the undermining of power poles on the border with Crimea in the winter of 2015. For uninterrupted production, the plant needs about 20 MW / hour. However, the company has its own mini-TPP, generating electricity and heat.


KSZ is one of the largest specialized enterprises on the planet, controlling 2% of the global soda market. It collaborates with leading chemical companies and dealers. Reviews of partners indicate decent product quality, prompt shipment and attractive pricing. Ordinary consumers highly appreciate the baking soda of the Crimean plant.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13808/

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