Cedar resin: reviews on the use. Cedar resin: healing properties

Mighty cedar trees have been natural oxygen generators for several centuries , a source of high-quality wood, and they also present to humanity healthy nuts and medicinal resin, which is popularly called just resin. In fact, this is the "blood" of the plant, contributing to the healing of cracks in the bark. Found wide application in bioenergy, official and alternative medicine.

cedar resin

Cedar resin, reviews of the use of which are found only in a positive way, has long been known for its miraculous properties. According to reliable data, during the war, balms were made from it, which have an antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. With this natural medicine, gunshot wounds were treated. The ointment contributed to the fastest regeneration and restoration of the skin.

Doctors of the 21st century did not stand aside and are actively using resin in pharmaceuticals, diluting it with various oils, including cedar. Medical balms are successfully used to solve cosmetic and therapeutic problems. Cedar gum oil, which is used internally and externally, gently cleanses the body, restores every cell and helps strengthen defenses.

Vitamin and Mineral Set

Cedar resin is enriched with tocopherol (vitamin E), it acts as a kind of protective barrier that prevents the invasion of free radicals, also strengthens blood vessels, prolongs youth and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. A lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids that control the amount of cholesterol and fat metabolism.

cedar gum properties

It is worth mentioning about vitamin P, which is responsible for the permeability of capillaries. Cedar gum on cedar oil contains a set of B vitamins and many macronutrients. Laboratory studies claim that the raw material exhibits a disinfectant, wound healing and general strengthening effect.

No wonder the ancient Siberian peoples made cakes from coniferous resin and used as therapy for diseases of the oral cavity. Squeezed oil out of it, which helped in getting rid of trophic ulcers, wounds, cuts and burns. To double the healing power, the resin was added to honey. Cedar resin in combination with a beekeeping product exhibits cleansing, tonic, antidepressant, antihistamine, strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties.

This is a natural stimulating product aimed at improving the intestinal microflora. It is used as adjunctive therapy for cardiac, respiratory, digestive and musculoskeletal pathologies. The scope of its application is quite extensive.

What is the use of cedar resin?

cedar oil on cedar oil

The properties are determined by the content in the chemical composition of valuable components that ensure the smooth operation of the whole organism. Practice has shown that resin in contact with the skin begins to exert a beneficial effect, soothe nerve endings, improve mood and energy background.

Cedar resin (negative reviews from users have not been identified) can be used as a prophylaxis and treatment for gallstone disease. Gastroenterologists and folk aesculapians recommend taking it with sea buckthorn oil for gastrointestinal diseases. Course use will help to establish the activity of the digestive tract and improve the production of gastric juice.

A similar drug is indicated for cores and people prone to vascular disease. A natural medicine reduces blood pressure, strengthens capillaries and reduces the risk of heart attack. Suitable for diabetics and people with thyroid problems. The resin is indispensable for nervous disorders, irritability, insomnia and depression.

cedar resin

Cedar resin: how to take and use?

In its pure form, resin is used extremely rarely, mainly from it are made balms, oils, ointments, capsules and other products. The most popular is the cedar oil-based turpentine balm, it is absolutely safe and can be used in different variations. Reception is carried out dosed - with a few drops.

If during the treatment period, cedar resin, reviews of which are mostly enthusiastic, does not provoke an allergic reaction, then the amount of the drug increases to a tablespoon. In case of gastrointestinal disease, three meals per day on an empty stomach are prescribed, 5 grams per week, then the dosage is adjusted to 10 ml and drunk for another 5-7 days.

Also, cedar resin, whose properties are due to bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, is widely used in infectious pathologies of the pelvis. Microclysters are made - 10-30 ml of a solution for an adult.

Raw materials will help to cope with acute respiratory infections and SARS. With severe symptoms (runny nose, cough, sore throat, sneezing), apply a small amount of balm to the upper lip and inhale the essential oils. You can rub into the chest, nasal mucosa, treat the larynx. Raw materials not only eliminate pathogenic bacteria, but also strengthens the immune system.

Since ancient times, cedar resin has been used as a wound healing agent. Oily liquid treats deep wounds, ulcers and various skin lesions. Carry out compresses, baths and lotions that promote rapid healing.

Use in cosmetology

cedar resin

Cedar gum on cedar oil restores lipid metabolism, perfectly moisturizes, nourishes, accelerates regenerative processes and relieves inflammation. Balm for sensitive and problem skin is indicated. The tool fights with the early extinction of the epidermis, fills with energy, helps smooth facial wrinkles and restores its former elasticity.

After two applications, velvety, tenderness is felt and skin quality is significantly improved. Apply balm twice a day (in the morning and before bedtime). It does not need to be washed off, the oil is perfectly absorbed, creating an invisible protective film against pathogenic bacteria. Trichologists advise applying a herbal potion to the hair roots and not rinse off for two hours. A simple procedure will significantly strengthen the bulbs, prevent loss and make the curls thick.

A nourishing mask is done 2-3 times a week: 30 g of balm are combined with powdered pine nuts (a large spoon) and a similar amount of natural honey. Put the resulting mass on clean skin and massage for 5 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

honey pine gum

Therapy with turpentine balm

Better than any chemical preparation, dermatological diseases are treated by pine resin. Reviews about the use of this tool say that it instantly heals wounds, relieves redness, itching, pain and does not cause side effects. The skin after application becomes smooth and healthy even with psoriasis. In case of serious injuries (deep cuts, burns of the 2nd-3rd degree, purulent wounds), mix the balm with floral honey and apply a thick layer on the skin without bandaging.

Streptoderma and eczema

In the presence of a weeping and itchy rash, the affected areas should be treated with balm twice a day. Therapy should be continued for 14 days. If improvement does not occur, then start taking a solution of 5 drops three times a day. Prevents relapses, relieves inflammation and improves the condition of the skin cedar gum.

How to take with non-healing purulent wounds? In such a situation, it is recommended to independently make a medicinal potion from an oily balsam and medical malt (equal proportions). The cream should turn out to be very oily, it is rubbed several times a day, and undiluted balm is taken 10 drops - three times a day for three weeks.

Mastitis (inflammatory process in the mammary glands)

Apply gauze compresses to the chest area. Combine internal use with external treatment - 5-10 drops three times a day. The procedure and use should be continued for three months. Treat cracks and irritation on the nipples with cedar resin and oil.

For headache, toothache and joint pain, cedar resin is used (negative reviews do not occur). Judging by the polls of people, the remedy eliminates pain, weakness and adds strength in a matter of minutes.

Gynecological pathologies (adnexitis, cervical erosion, candidiasis)

In complex therapy, cotton swabs are used, abundantly moistened with a resin solution, which is implemented in any pharmacy network. Enter before bedtime all night.

Cedar Aromatherapy

cedar oil

It is not difficult to create an atmosphere and aroma of cedar pine in a room. You can use a special aroma lamp or a fabric base soaked in turpentine liquid. Five drops are enough to disinfect the room and freshen the air. Third option: drip the solution onto the pillowcase, humidifier or clothes.

Inhaling useful aromatic substances, you quickly restore lost strength, strengthen immunity and just raise your mood. In addition, aromatherapy helps cure colds. For people with a tendency to frequent depression and a breakdown, cedar resin is recommended.

Reviews on the use of herbal remedies characterize it as one of the most effective and safe. It helps to eliminate a number of diseases and factors that negatively affect health. At the same time, a positive therapeutic result occurs immediately.

Compliments can often be heard from satisfied women using the drug to improve skin quality. The drug removes peeling, puffiness, all kinds of redness and returns a healthy color. When ingested, the digestive system is restored and constipation is eliminated.

Despite the mass of positive impressions, do not forget about basic precautions. Each organism is individual, so the reaction can be unpredictable. Before use, be sure to conduct a skin sensitivity test.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13812/

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