Anhydrous ammonia: advantages of application and properties

Farmers use nitrogen fertilizers when growing almost all crops. The use of compositions of this type allows to achieve improved plant development and, as a result, increase yield.

In Russia and in the countries of the former CIS, mainly solid nitrogen fertilizers are used in agriculture - ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, etc. The situation is the same in Europe. In the United States and Canada, at a time of falling grain prices and increasing energy costs, a completely different, much more economical technology for the production of nitrogen fertilizers was developed. In these countries, in the field, in most cases, liquid feeding of this type is used. At the same time, about 53% of all applied fertilizers of this variety are accounted for by anhydrous ammonia.

Special equipment for anhydrous ammonia

Benefits of using

The advantages of this type of fertilizer include primarily the cheapness of production. The cost of anhydrous ammonia is 40% lower than, for example, the same ammonium nitrate.

Another undoubted advantage of the fertilizer of this variety is the uniform distribution in the soil. Ammonium nitrate in granules under the influence of natural factors goes into the ground after vertical application. Therefore, access to nitrogen in the future often has only a certain part of the roots of plants. Anhydrous ammonia, after entering the soil, is converted into gas and is distributed both downward and in all directions.

Another undoubted advantage of this modern fertilizer is the ability to increase crop yields. Such top dressing is more effective than ammonium nitrate, which is popular in the former CIS. Wheat yield, for example, when used instead of solid nitrogen fertilizers, it can increase by almost 3%.

A fairly long shelf life can be considered a certain advantage of anhydrous ammonia. Unlike solid fertilizers of this group, such top dressing in warehouses does not cake, does not undergo segregation, etc.

When introducing anhydrous ammonia into the earth, manual labor is practically not used. This, of course, can also be attributed to the pluses of fertilizer.

Improving soil properties

Why not used in Russia and Europe?

Most CIS farmers recognize the benefits of using liquid nitrogenous fertilizers, including ammonia, over solid ones. However, in Russia and other post-Soviet states, this type of top dressing is still practically not used. While in the Central regions of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus, new technologies for applying nitrogen fertilizers are still being implemented in some places, then anhydrous ammonia liquefied in the Urals is not used anywhere.

What is the reason for this state of affairs? The reason for this is primarily agricultural traditions. Eurasian agricultural workers have long been accustomed to fertilize plants with solid compounds. Accordingly, all the equipment used in agriculture is designed to work with these types of fertilizers. The transition to new management methods is a very costly affair. That is, liquid fertilizers are not used in Russia and Europe, mainly due to the lack of a technical base and the development of new management methods. In the Russian Federation, for example, anhydrous ammonia is mainly exported or for the production of solid nitrogen fertilizers.

The introduction of anhydrous ammonia

Main disadvantages

Liquid ammonia is a byproduct of the chemical industry. One of its features is that at ordinary temperature and pressure it turns into a gas. Accordingly, in warehouses such fertilizer must be stored in special containers at t below 0 Β° C. This, of course, can be attributed specifically to the disadvantages of anhydrous ammonia. In warehouses, when it is used in agriculture, it is necessary to install additional energy-intensive equipment.

Transporting anhydrous ammonia is also a rather complicated business. Such fertilizer is transported in thick-walled tanks of a special design at high pressure. In this case, the transportation route of this liquid top dressing according to the rules must be coordinated with the traffic police.

A feature of anhydrous ammonia is that it is able to stimulate the corrosion of some metals. It is allowed to transport it only in tanks made of expensive steel grades. Moreover, such containers during the transportation of liquid fertilizer should also be filled not more than 85%. It is also associated with the features of anhydrous ammonia. If the pressure drops accidentally or the ambient temperature rises, part of such a liquid can turn into gas. When the lid of the tank is opened, subsequently, as a result of this, fertilizer sprays fly in all directions, which may result in personal injury. All this, of course, can also be attributed to the disadvantages of such top dressing.

Liquid ammonia, unlike the same nitrate, cannot be introduced into the soil, of course, of course. Fertilizing crops with such fertilizer is carried out using special expensive equipment - an applicator. Sometimes this fertilizer is applied to the ground during irrigation. However, to use this more or less simple method is far from possible in all cases.

Safety precautions

Anhydrous ammonia is by far the most dangerous type of agricultural fertilizer. This chemical substance belongs, among other things, to the class of harmful to the human body. Only agricultural workers who have undergone special training can work with this type of fertilizing. This many farmers, of course, also refer to the disadvantages of liquid nitrogen fertilizers.

Work with anhydrous ammonia

To work with anhydrous ammonia liquefied at agricultural enterprises relies in overalls and gloves. Also, farm employees must use safety glasses when using this product.

Application rules

Anhydrous ammonia is introduced into the soil in most cases to a depth of 12-15 cm. In this case, the soil is pre-moistened. Under such conditions, the fertilizer that has gone into a gaseous state does not evaporate. Such dry dressing cannot be applied to dry soil. Otherwise, his losses will be significant.

How improves land characteristics

Subject to all the required technologies, a small part of such top dressing can disappear only on strongly carbonate soils. Immediately after the introduction of anhydrous ammonia, the following processes begin to occur in the soil:

  • the concentration of ammonia and ammonium increases;
  • the soil becomes alkaline (up to 9 pH);
  • gradually begins to increase the concentration of nitrate nitrogen.

The soil alkalizes ammonia during the first 10-15 days. During this period, due to a sharp change in pH and a high concentration of NH 3, the land on the field becomes almost sterile. That is, all bacteria and fungi die in it, both harmful and beneficial to plants.

However, after some time, the soil gradually begins to bounce back. At the end of the nitrification process, the microflora in the earth on the field is restored for several weeks. In total, the conversion of anhydrous ammonia to nitrates lasts about 1 month.

Ultimately, due to the improvement of nitrogen nutrition, the amount of beneficial microorganisms in the soil even increases after the application of such fertilizer. The same goes for earthworms. Immediately after applying fertilizer, most of them, unfortunately, die. This argument, along with others, is often cited by opponents of the use of anhydrous ammonia in the fields. However, a few weeks after the application of such fertilizer, the worm population in the treated area is restored and even begins to grow.

What should i know about?

Farmers who decide to use anhydrous ammonia as a fertilizer, among other things, should bear in mind that, if improperly applied on the field, the percentage of seed germination can significantly decrease. This is due to the high concentration of NH 3 in the soil. To close anhydrous ammonia in the ground, therefore, should be at the required depth. Subject to application technologies, reduction of seed germination in the fields when using such fertilizer is not observed.

Ammonia application during irrigation

Method of use

Anhydrous ammonia can be introduced into the soil without the risk of losing it both in autumn and spring. In any case, the average daily temperature when using this fertilizer should not be more than 10 Β° C. That is, in the summer in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union, this fertilizer cannot be used. Most often, in agricultural enterprises, ammonia is introduced into the fields in the fall. This allows you to unload the busy work schedule in the spring.

An air temperature of 10 Β° C for the use of anhydrous ammonia is optimal primarily because in this case, nitrification processes in the soil occur very quickly.

If ammonia is decided to be added in the spring, farmers should follow special rules when using it. After all, as already mentioned, this fertilizer can have a negative effect on the seeds. In addition, anhydrous ammonia can inhibit the development of already sprouted cultivated plants.

In the spring, this fertilizer in the soil is therefore, in most cases, planted in the ground to a depth of at least 20-25 cm. Moreover, the time interval between applying fertilizing to the ground and planting various kinds of agricultural crops is as long as possible. In any case, plants are supposed to be sown no earlier than 7-14 days after improving the soil on the field with anhydrous ammonia.

Application Methods

Most often, as already mentioned, during the feeding of crops with ammonia, special equipment is used. But sometimes this fertilizer is applied to the soil and simply with irrigation water. In this case, conventional irrigation surface systems are used.

The technique of applying such top dressing during irrigation can be applied only in those places where water does not contain too much mineral salts. Anhydrous ammonia can react with such substances to form a precipitate of magnesite or calcite. And this, in turn, significantly reduces the percentage of fertilizer getting into the soil and leads to all kinds of problems with the equipment. As a result of the formation of sludge, the irrigation system can simply fail. To restore it in the future will require expensive repairs.

The introduction of ammonia in the fall


Regulates the production and use of anhydrous ammonia liquefied GOST 6221-90. Currently, the industry produces three brands of such a substance - A, Ak and B.

The first variety of feed additives in agriculture is not used at all. Liquefied anhydrous ammonia of grade A is used only for the manufacture of nitric acid. Only variants Ak and B are used to produce liquid fertilizer .

In addition to safety measures for people, when working with such top dressings, their storage and transportation, the requirements for environmental protection must be observed. For example, getting such top dressing into lakes, ponds and rivers is by no means allowed. This can lead to the death of underwater flora and fauna. Of course, it is possible to use such fertilizer only far from sources of water supply for cities and large settlements.

Of course, equipment designed for working with ammonia is also subject to increased requirements. Among other things, it should ensure the safety of people dealing with this type of fertilizer. For example, the design of such units may include a quick-detachable connection for the anhydrous ammonia receiving unit. Parts of this type are used to expedite the connection / disconnection of hydraulic lines with NH 3 without the need for any special tools.

Application Equipment

It is possible to fertilize crops with ammonia, thus, when watering. However, using this technology is obtained, unfortunately, not always. In Russia, for example, in most regions, the water used to moisten the land intended for growing crops is quite tough.

How to use anhydrous ammonia

If it is not possible to apply special water equipment for watering ammonia plants during irrigation. For example, such a procedure in the fields can be performed using the applicator -3500-02. In this unit for the application of anhydrous ammonia, the fertilizer is controlled through the SCS-44 control panel. This design of technology allows you to apply fertilizer over the area of ​​the plot as evenly as possible.

The main working body of the -3500-02 is a disk with a figured knife installed behind it, to which, in turn, a tube is connected for introducing the solution to the depth into the soil. Anhydrous ammonia is supplied to the earth using such equipment under pressure from 4 to 6 atm. Such equipment is quite expensive.

Signs of Poisoning

Thus, it defines the safety rules for working with anhydrous ammonia GOST 6221. In this document, among other things, signs of poisoning by this substance are indicated. Of course, every employee of an agricultural enterprise carrying out work with NH 3 should have an idea about them. This will help the victim and call the doctors on time. Signs of poisoning with this substance are primarily headache and dizziness, pain in the stomach, heart palpitations. Also, the victim may have muscle weakness, cramps and hearing loss.


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