Kaysyn Kuliev: biography, interesting facts and creativity

One of the most prominent writers of the twentieth century is rightfully considered Kaisyn Shuvaevich Kuliev. The biography of the Soviet writer from the very beginning had many dark spots and was filled with various events. The future poet Kaisyn Kuliev was born at the most disturbing time of the beginning of revolutions and vague perestroika in the upper circles of power. This honorable event happened on November 1, 1917 in the village of Upper Chegem.

His father worked as a cattle breeder and hunter, but, unfortunately, died when the boy was still very young. So Kaisyn left rather vague memories of this man.

Kaysyn Kuliev: short biography

Let's talk in more detail about this person. No one knew who Kaisyn Kuliev would become in the future. A short biography leads to many places where he had to get an education.

After school, the future poet went to Nalchik to the pedagogical college. At this very time he begins to compose poetry. Thick notebooks with completely written pages were filled with the masterpieces of the young poet, and the first publication took place in 1933.

Further development of the literary skills of Kaisyn Kuliev took place within the walls of the State Institute of Theater Arts (GITIS) and the M. Gorky Literary Institute .

The master of poetry - Kaysyn Kuliev. Biography and creativity

Having received an excellent education, Kaysyn will always be grateful to remember the years spent in GITIS, but by then he will firmly determine for himself that he is faithful to literature and considers it his main vocation. At the same time he taught literature and published in various publications.

In 1940, Kaisyn Kuliev made his debut - a collection of poems "Hello, morning!". At the same time that Germany declared war on the Soviet Union, the writer was in the Baltic states. Defending his homeland, the poet did not avoid injuries, after which he arrived in Moscow in 1942 at the invitation of A. Fadeev. Despite the troubled wartime, Kaisyn Kuliev’s poems continued to be published in various print publications of the USSR, and also sounded on All-Union Radio.

In Moscow, the poet had the opportunity to arrange a small creative evening, which was attended by such famous poets and writers as Konstantin Simonov, Boris Pasternak, Vera Zvyagintseva and many others. Naturally, the creativity of the young talent was appreciated. A year later, the lyric collection of Kaisyn Kuliev was included in the list of books applying for the Stalin Prize. But in connection with the deportation of the Balkarian people in 1944, the prize did not find its owner.

The war years caused serious damage to the health and soul of the author. He saw many deaths, pains, sufferings, bereaves and heroic battles, advancements on the fronts, multiple victories and defeats. At this very time, he worked as a correspondent for the newspaper "Son of the Fatherland", and at the same time published his poems, which rightfully brought him public recognition.

"And into the fire, and into the water for his people ..."

Soon he learns the sad news of the deportation of the Balkars to Central Asia. The question of the future fate of the poet did not arise - he simply could not accept this and therefore went to the aid of his people, realizing all the difficulties that could overtake him there.

He did not stop writing for a minute, any prohibitions of the Kyrgyz government could not prevent the desire for creativity. This period was marked by the wide participation of Kaysyn in the literary life of his country, but almost all of his poems were written "on the table." Thus passed the long ten years of the life of the great poet.

The influence of art on the formation of K. Kuliev

During this time, he not only became addicted to Eastern literature, but also completely dissolved in it. The trends of this high culture captivated the mind of the young poet more and more. At the same time, he discovers the great classical works of Russian poets and writers. Later, Boris Pasternak wrote about Kaisyn Kuliev that the arrows of East and West converged above his head. And he was right. Literature of different times and peoples, which had the strongest influence on the worldview of the poet, literally brought up in him the man who soon wrote his greatest works.

Kaisyn Kuliev called the great Russian classics M.Yu. Lermontova, A.S. Pushkin, F. Tyutchev, as well as many European classics, among which the honorable place is occupied by Lord Byron.

Return of the author to literature

In the mid-fifties, a new star flared up in the Moscow literary firmament - Kaisyn Kuliev, whose biography was already full of many tragic and joyful events by this time, and the ability to compose lyrical works was not inferior in skill to recognized masters of their craft.

Not so long ago, he graduated from higher literary courses in the capital of the Soviet Union and was already thinking about returning to his homeland, where fame and success awaited him, and his works - publication and grateful fans. Literature is published simultaneously in Balkar and Russian.

As it turned out, both the author and the poet, and many other roles in one person - this is all Kaisyn Shuvaevich Kuliev. The author’s biography over the next several decades gives us an idea of ​​his comprehensive education. After all, he managed to visit both the board member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, and the chairman of the defense of peace in Kabardino-Balkaria, and the first secretary of the Union of Writers.

Staying on the literary peak ...

The biography of Kaysyn Kuliev briefly tells us about the heyday of his literary powers. It was during the “thaw” and “stagnation” that the work of this man was at the peak of popularity, despite the difficult economic situation in the countries of the Union. His new collections (“Fire on the Mountain”, “Wounded Stone”, “Stars to Burn”, “Evening”, “Spikes and Stars”) become real bestsellers and are quickly gaining popularity among the literary elite and not only.

The biography of Kaysyn Kuliev cannot briefly contain all the advantages of the great poet and fully talk about his life path, which turned out to be really difficult, thorny. Especially the last five years of the great poet’s life were full of suffering due to a serious illness. But he did not let the pen slip from his hands and did not lose hope, until the last he clung to the strings of life and continued to write frantically in order to have time to say everything that he should. Yes, this is the secret of such a person as Kaysyn Kuliev, whose biography is filled with majestic strength of spirit and courage until the last breath.

Curious facts about the beloved poet ...

From the memoirs of contemporaries of the great man, an image of such a poet emerges before us, as he was in simple life, behind the curtains of creativity, fame and recognition. Friends admitted that his poems truly touch them, touching the innermost strings of the soul, and cannot leave anyone indifferent. Chingiz Aitmatov wrote about Kaysyn that he had a phenomenal memory and paid special attention to classical musical works, believing that it was they who should give praise for the inspiration and formation of him as a poet.

Kaisyn Kuliyev’s son, Alim, who devoted a little work to him, says that his father fully possessed a sense of patience and love. And even now, when he is no longer on earth, he continues to be an example of life wisdom for them. Kaisyn Kuliev was able to raise four wonderful sons and a daughter in his life. Biography, interesting facts about the father, as well as much more - all of this contained the small works of children.

Impressive generosity

The children told about his father that he was a very kind person and could always share the last crust of bread with the people around him, while remaining hungry. His friends could always rely on him, no matter what, and the poet himself was only too happy to help and prove useful in all matters of life.

Once, according to the poet’s son, he managed to help one innocently convicted person who was sentenced to death. Kaisyn himself did not hope that his intervention could change anything, but decided to try. What surprise and joy was when he became the main culprit of a good event for this innocent - he changed the type of punishment, and he remained alive. Kaisyn Kuliev for a long time could not come to his senses, rejoicing at this, like a baby. Apparently, good is always capable of delivering such pleasure.

Yes, that person was Kaysyn Kuliev. His biography is full of other good deeds. However, he, as a modest person, was not used to talking about achievements of this kind throughout the district, so we have the opportunity to learn about his generosity only through the memories of relatives and friends.

The younger generation knows almost nothing about such a poet as Kaysyn Kuliev. A short biography is not able to convey the fullness of the soul of this person, but even from such a handful of facts we can conclude what he was.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13820/

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