Meadow geranium: description, medicinal properties and contraindications

In modern medicine, a wide variety of herbs, medicinal plants are widely used. Pills and other drugs are made from them, and they also make infusions, decoctions, ointments, juices, which make it possible to get rid of a variety of ailments. One of the herbs with unique healing properties is meadow geranium.

Meadow geranium bloom

Plant description

The grass is a perennial with small creeping rhizomes and a perfectly developed aerial part, up to eighty centimeters high. The lower leaves are pinnate, located on long cuttings. The upper leaves are sessile, short. On the stem are fluffy hairs. The meadow geranium blooms with simple lilac-blue flowers located in umbrella inflorescences.

Many people confuse the meadow view with that grown indoors, but these are completely different plants. Meadow geranium, forest or field, swamp - all these are wild plants. They bloom for about two months, blooming in late May. The plant is an excellent honey plant and an excellent cure for most ailments.

Workpiece Features

Meadow geraniums are harvested during flowering, usually from June to early fall. The roots are harvested in late autumn, after the death of the aerial parts. During this period, many useful elements accumulate in them.

Raw materials are dried under a canopy or in a room with good ventilation. It is necessary to store blanks either in fabric bags or in a glass jar in a dark place. Shelf life should not exceed one year.

Meadow geranium can be used fresh.

Geranium meadow healing properties

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of meadow flowers is unique. Plants contain a large amount of vitamins, tannins, antacids, essential oils, flavonoids. The aboveground part contains many trace elements, such as manganese, copper, zinc, nickel, etc. The amount of nutrients can vary: it depends on the composition of the soil, the location of the geranium.

Essential oil is obtained from the plant. It has a specific aroma. It is used not only in medicine, but also in perfumery.

Indications and contraindications

Knowing the medicinal properties of meadow geranium and contraindications, you can deal with a variety of pathologies. This plant helps with the following ailments:

  • Epilepsy.
  • Oncological pathologies.
  • Urolithiasis
  • Fever.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Gastrointestinal problems.
  • In case of menstrual irregularities: plentiful and long periods are treated with geranium.

Outwardly, the plant is used for alopecia, abscesses and ulcers, anal fissures, joint diseases, tonsillitis and stomatitis.

Before taking infusions and decoctions, it is necessary not only to find out the medicinal properties and contraindications of meadow geranium, but also consult a doctor.

This plant can not be used by those who have problems with blood coagulation: drugs for thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and other pathologies are prohibited. Also, you can not take preparations from geranium with a low bowel tone, with constipation, gastritis with a high level of acidity. Doctors do not recommend taking decoctions and infusions for lactating women and during pregnancy, children.

Effects on the body

Meadow flowers have a very different effect on the body. Essential oil and other elements contained in the plant have analgesic properties, promote wound healing, relieve inflammation, itching. Essential oil has a detrimental effect on many pathogenic microorganisms, therefore, the plant is credited with an antibacterial effect.

Geranium is used as a hemostatic agent, a wound healing, disinfectant, astringent drug. Successfully use plant-based products for hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding, gastrointestinal diseases. Like any other plant, geranium is used only as directed by a doctor.

Geranium leaf in autumn

Plant use

A variety of preparations are made from the meadow geranium plant: infusions and tinctures, decoctions for internal and external use.

To prepare a decoction, you need to take one and a half teaspoons of roots and pour 1.5 tbsp. water. The composition is put on fire, boils for twenty minutes. The resulting product is taken during the day in small sips. This decoction is recommended for diarrhea caused by a variety of reasons, including dysentery. Also, the drug has a positive effect on the body during the deposition of salts, nosebleeds.

For external use, another broth is prepared. This remedy is used for tonsillitis, upper respiratory tract pathologies, for rinsing the oral cavity, for washing hair when they fall out, for dermatitis, seborrhea, and for wounds and ulcers. To prepare the broth, take two tablespoons of grass and pour half a liter of water. The product boils for fifteen minutes, after which an hour is infused.

It helps with various ailments infusion of geranium. To prepare it, you need to take two tablespoons of grass and pour two glasses of water (it should be boiled and cooled). The tool is infused overnight, filtered in the morning.

Geranium treatment

Traditional medicine recipes

According to the description, meadow geranium has a hemostatic effect, and also helps well in the treatment of cancer patients. Scientists conducted a series of experiments, as a result of which it was found that this plant has good results in the treatment of malignant pathologies.

For the treatment of neoplasms, the roots of the plant are used. They make a decoction: thirty grams of raw material is poured with two glasses of water and boiled for half an hour. The filtered and cooled remedy is taken in a tablespoon twice a day.

Well helps in the treatment of a variety of ailments infusion of herbs. To prepare it, you need two tablespoons of chopped herbs and a glass of boiling water. The raw material is steamed, then insisted until it cools completely. It is taken in a spoon every two hours.

Freshly squeezed juice helps to fight ailments. He is prescribed thirty drops every three hours.

Treatment with folk remedies meadow geranium

Scleroderma treatment

Knowing where meadow geranium grows, you can prepare raw materials for the treatment of systemic scleroderma. One scientist, candidate of medical sciences, has developed a unique method of treating this pathology. He suggested using a collection of herbs, including meadow geraniums.

To prepare the treatment fee you will need:

  1. Yarrow and plantain - one hundred grams.
  2. Calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile, clover - fifty grams each.
  3. Leaves and roots of dandelion, meadow geranium, wormwood, initial letter, Ivan tea, raspberry leaf - twenty-five grams.

All herbs are mixed. Then a spoonful of the mixture is taken and poured with half a liter of water. The product is put on fire, brought to a boil, removed from the heat and infused for an hour, after which it is filtered. This medicine is taken in half a glass 4 times a day.

The squeezed gruel is again steamed with a glass of boiling water, after cooling it is used as an external agent, added to the bath.

Where does geranium grow

High Pressure Geranium

To treat pressure, you need to take a spoonful of grass and pour a glass of boiling water. The agent is infused for eight hours, after which it is filtered and taken in a third of a glass. The infusion is taken at any time, regardless of food intake.

Other types of geraniums require other therapies. Even indoor pelargonium is used in home medicine, but only strictly according to the doctor’s testimony. Self-medication can lead to serious consequences. So be careful.


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