Sowing oats: photo, description, healing properties

Sowing oats, a photo of which is presented in this article, is an agricultural plant, which is periodically called a medicinal plant. This name cereal received due to the unique healing properties that have found their application in traditional medicine. Healers do not doubt the enormous benefits of eating oats. Most often, infusions and decoctions are made on its basis, the contraindications and medicinal properties of which are described in the article below.

Sowing oats also found its application in cooking. In cuisines around the world, its flour is used to prepare various dietary dishes. Sowing oats, the description of which is given in the article below, is also used in the form of decoctions. They are used for weight loss. Excess weight is removed due to the presence in the composition of a huge number of various active substances that contribute to the improvement of metabolism in the human body. But this is not all the positive properties that this drink is famous for. We will talk more about the benefits of oats in this article.

sowing oats

Collection and composition

For cured purposes, stems and fruits are used as ingredients. At the same time, grains are used mainly in crude form. The stems of this plant are usually used in any form: both green and in the form of straw. Useful properties of a plant are determined by the presence of a number of useful substances in it. Among them are the following components:

  • Enzymes.
  • Squirrels.
  • Fats.
  • Essential oils.
  • Starch.
  • Cellulose.
  • Vitamins
  • Amino acids.
  • Trace elements.
  • Choline.

It is worth noting that sowing oats grows only vertically. Its spikelets are at the end of the hollow stem. In this case, the spikelets create a panicle, while on peduncles. Oat grains themselves are surrounded by small scales.

sowing oats

Healing properties

For healing purposes, oats are used to remove inflammatory processes in the esophagus. The properties of its medicinal decoctions have also found their application in the prevention of overwork, enuresis, edema and insomnia. In folk medicine, there are also recipes for decoctions that are recommended for smokers to cope with their bad habit. This unique broth includes oat grains.

In addition, cereal is very useful for the human liver, because with it we can cleanse it of the harmful substances that have accumulated there over many years. But the treatment process is quite complicated and requires the consultation of a doctor. Oats sowing healing properties has a wide variety. Having set the goal of starting treatment with him, you need to consider a number of ways to prepare infusions and decoctions.

sowing oats photo

Decoction for smokers

As many former smokers say, sowing oats is very effective in combating this addiction. The purpose of taking the decoction is to completely rid the person of addiction. To make it, you must first soak 100 grams of peeled grains in a soda solution, then boil them for 1 hour. This broth should be taken half a cup several times a day, in advance of eating food.


To prepare one of a huge number of varieties of infusions from the described plant, we need:

  • sowing oats (100 grams);
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 liter of water.

This should all be boiled for 8 minutes. Further, the resulting infusion can be taken on the 1st spoon up to 5 times a day. If you prepare this decoction based on natural goat milk, then we will get an effective cough remedy that can be drunk even by children.

sowing seed healing properties


Sowing oats are mixed with vodka in a proportion of 1:10. Within a week, the liquid is infused closed in a dark place. When seven days have passed, the potion will be completely ready for use as a medicine and sedative. Oats can also be steamed in a thermos. Then we get a drink that is used to prevent and treat cough that occurs with asthma.

Milk oat broth

The recipe for its preparation is simple. Pour a glass of oats with a liter of purified water, cook over low heat to a jelly consistency. Then pour a liter of milk into the mixture, after which we boil to the same state. Next, set aside the tool in a cool room. After that, dissolve 3 tablespoons of honey in the broth. The remedy should be drunk warm: a glass before meals.

sowing seed healing properties

Broth - Elixir of Life

We take 3 cups of unrefined grains, rinse them thoroughly in running cold water, and then fill with 3 liters of water. The mixture is brought to a boil. Reduce the fire, and then cook for 20 minutes. Then remove from the stove, remove in a thermos or carefully wrap the broth. We insist day.

After this, the drink must be filtered through a thick napkin or gauze. Next, add 100 grams of natural honey to the broth, cover with a lid, simmer for a couple of minutes. Set aside, then cool in the room. Once the broth has completely cooled, it must be bottled in glass and refrigerated. In a glass of broth before use, you need to add lemon juice (to taste, freshly squeezed).

Drinking the elixir of life is important in small sips, calmly, 100 ml per day on an empty stomach. At the end of a portion of the broth, it will need to be done two more times. In other words, the course of treatment with this tool is carried out three times a year. The broth perfectly increases vitality, and also cleanses the body from slagging in a natural way.

Decoction for inflammatory processes

You need to take 2 cups of seed unpeeled oats, pour it with 3 liters of water, then cook over low heat for 3 hours, stirring slowly. Then we filter. The broth should be stored in the refrigerator, and before serving, a portion is heated to a slightly warm state. Consume ยฝ cup an hour before meals. This broth is ideal for cleansing the body of toxins, as well as the work of the kidneys, stomach, pancreas, liver.

Honey broth

Take a glass of oat grain, fill it with 5 glasses of water. Boil the cereals on low heat until half of the original volume remains. Then add 4 teaspoons of honey. Bring to a boil again. A broth is taken warm, 1 glass before each meal. Since this tool is very high-calorie, it is used to strengthen strength with the general weakness of the body. In addition, it is effective for diseases of the thyroid gland and kidneys.

sowing oats description


The oat grass should be used carefully, especially at low pressure. It is worth noting that an overdose of this medicinal plant can provoke pain in the head. Intolerance may sometimes manifest in the form of all kinds of allergic reactions.


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