CV to work: template to fill out, strengths, tips and reviews

It seems that nowadays everyone knows what a resume is for work. A template for writing this document can be found on every second job site, and there are even more recommendations for completing ready-made forms online. But all the same, when we set about compiling it, we experience many doubts and do not understand where to start and how to end this important matter. Today we will offer readers a universal template for a resume for a job, according to which any job seeker can easily create an informative and competent CV.

Think you know what a resume is?

Very often people confuse resumes and autobiographies. The first document is a rather concise curriculum vitae of a person, concerning, first of all, his education and professional activities. Personal information in it should be a minimum. Resume templates for applying for a job do not contain a clause about relatives and friends, there you do not need to indicate your hobbies and hobbies, childhood, youth. Moreover, within the framework of one resume it is not always even appropriate to write about all the steps of your career ladder.

An autobiography is usually written in free form, it does not have a strict template. It can summarize the entire history of a person’s life - literally from birth to the description of the current time, indicating significant periods (change of place of residence, wedding, birth of children, etc.).

Good resume

With a resume, in fact, everything is not so simple. When starting to compile this document, applicants often make many annoying mistakes, because of which headhunters mercilessly weed out potential candidates at the stage of considering profiles of people who want to get a job. A resume template can be short or detailed (CV). Many people confuse resumes and CVs, considering these documents the same. But there is a significant difference between them - in CV it is necessary to deepen on professional achievements, portfolio, examples of work are hemmed to the document, which is especially important for specialists in creative professions (designers, journalists, educators, educators, animators, event organizers). A standard resume should fit on 1-2 pages of printed text, and a person talks about all the details of his work experience during an interview.

The main mistakes in compiling a resume

So, what mistakes should be avoided when you need to write a resume for a job? The template used to compile the document has a strict structure, all the items in it help the reader to quickly get the most information about the candidate for the vacancy. If you write a resume randomly, without observing the chronology of work experience, then the employer will not see the real level of competence and qualifications of a person.

It is also necessary to be careful about filling out all the resume columns, do not forget to attach a photo, indicate contact details - a valid mobile phone number and email address. Be sure to read the document before sending it - grammatical errors will scare away even the most loyal personnel manager from the candidate. Judging by the reviews of personnel officers, employers do not stand up to candidates who use ready-made resume templates for applying for jobs to write CVs. A sample can become the basis of a document, but you can’t just write off someone else’s resume, like a carbon copy. If the candidate does not cope with such an elementary task as writing a resume, then the question naturally arises as to how he will subsequently fulfill his functional duties.

Job resume template

Job resume template

Each resume should begin with a section containing personal information about the person and his photo:

  • surname, name and patronymic;
  • year and date of birth, you can indicate the full age in brackets;
  • address;
  • Contact details.

Headhunters make rather strict demands on photography. It’s not necessary to go to a photo shop and take a picture like for a passport, but you don’t need to attach photos from a fishing, feast or architectural background to your resume - it’s better to choose a frame that doesn’t have strangers and a “free” environment.

Further, the resume should be prepared according to such a plan:

  1. The goal is one sentence and even a phrase (career growth, change of activity, increase of salary, etc.).
  2. Education - in full, with an indication of the educational institution, form of study, faculty, specialization and academic degree (specialist, master, candidate of science, etc.).
  3. Additional education - courses, trainings, seminars.
  4. Work experience - from the oldest to the present. Each position must be peed separately, indicating the place and period of work, as well as their functional responsibilities, achievements.
  5. Professional skills are what will help to cope with work in the desired position.
  6. Personal qualities.
  7. Additional information - this includes important information about the family, having children, a driver’s license, knowledge of foreign languages, the ability to go on business trips for a long time or long distances.

Some employers ask for a summary of their strengths and weaknesses. This is a difficult point to fill in, the description of which must be approached responsibly.

How to create a resume

The main sections of the resume - what to write and what to keep quiet about?

All seven of the above items should be fully disclosed in the summary. However, the author may not indicate some information from his biography. It is not necessary to enter data on all diplomas in the section on education (if there are several). It will be enough to demonstrate your profile education. For example, when applying for a job as a medical representative, you need to indicate whether you have a medical university diploma. Knowledge in the field of management, finance or economics will also come in handy and will be an additional trump card candidate. But it is not necessary to talk about the course of a gas-electric welder in a vocational school.

The same applies to work experience - if the work book is written up and down, you do not need to indicate the entire track record in the resume - you should limit yourself only to those posts that are related to the vacancy for which you are trying yourself.

What read between the lines?

As for the information from the sections on professional skills, personal qualities of strengths and weaknesses of a person, it refers to the category of data that are difficult to verify in absentia, having read them from a piece of paper. The applicant can write anything about himself. Taking advantage of this, many embellish reality beyond measure.

Common mistakes when writing a resume

An experienced HR manager, looking at a document, can immediately distinguish immodest bravado from actual professional skills. Therefore, the applicant himself is most interested in the most realistic way to write a resume for the job. The document template never includes a section with the recommendations of former executives, but a potential employer can make inquiries about the candidate and find out how much reliable information he provided in his resume.

Talking about personal qualities, one should not speak very flattering about oneself, but one cannot belittle one's merits. Standard words like “sociable”, “punctual” and “purposeful” are more likely to describe the candidate not as a responsible and sociable person, but as a person deprived of his “I”. It is better to replace these frayed phrases with a brief description set forth in your own words.

Why can't you always use the same resume?

We have already said that a resume is a short document in which you do not need to indicate your entire biography, but you must constantly edit it, make corrections and additions to it. Sometimes a person, having written a resume at the age of 20, uses it at both 30 and 40. This is fundamentally wrong, because over the years any specialist will have new knowledge, skills and abilities, his work experience will increase, he can receive additional education . In the resume, you even need to include information on passing short-term continuing education courses. This seemingly insignificant moment may become a decisive factor in favor of choosing a particular candidate for a vacant position.

Bad resume

What is an address resume?

Continuing the previous chapter, we add that each resume should be addressed to a specific employer. You should not send the same document to several companies at once. First you need to study the "enemy", and then using a resume to demonstrate to the interviewer that it is you who are better than other candidates who are suitable for the desired position. It is especially important to use this approach for those applicants who are looking for work in a new industry for themselves and who want to radically change the vector of activity.

Resume sample

How do eychars relate to boilerplate job seekers and lovers of creativity?

At job forums, job seekers can learn a lot from themselves. On such sites, not only the applicants themselves like to speak, but also their counterparts - HR managers. They are the ones who are most often the first to read the candidates' resumes and, judging by their reviews, most people are not able to use even basic computer programs and applications, such as Paint, Adobe Photoshop, Excel and Word. They take the resume template for work as the basis of their questionnaire, without making any changes to the downloaded sample and without bothering to check the text for errors.

How to write a resume

Others, on the contrary, in order to present themselves in a better light, begin to replay with creativity: write resumes in verse, use an artistic or humorous style of presentation where data needs to be presented dryly, constructively and as informatively as possible. When compiling this document, you must maintain a healthy balance - it is interesting and competent to write about yourself, understanding that the employer gives one resume no more than 5-10 seconds, so you need to arouse his curiosity from the first lines and make him read the text to the end.


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