Description and reviews: "Mixture" (bar, Nizhny Novgorod)

"Mixture" is a bar-club in which famous artists of domestic and foreign show business regularly perform. For many, this is just another place to have fun. Others do not even imagine a better club for meeting friends. Still others find their favorite music or group, a unique alcoholic cocktail. A wooden interior and an exquisite menu will not leave indifferent even the most demanding client.

potion bar

Opinions about Mikstur, a bar in Nizhny Novgorod, according to visitors, are completely different. Despite the fact that basically everyone considers the institution the most popular in the city, the format seems a little outdated to them. It’s like in the late 90s: the main thing is that there is a lot of alcohol, then life will become more fun. Visitors often point to a rather important point: drinking is more expensive than in other, even large, establishments.
Sometimes it seems that this place is very noisy, with a huge amount of alcoholic drinks, it looks more like not a night club, but like an ordinary tavern.
potion bar nizhny novgorod reviews

The style of the institution is liked by everyone, without exception. These brick walls, on which there is a huge collage with images of pop and rock stars. Seats are hung right under the ceiling. The bar counter is originally decorated with bras and ties. They say that in the men's toilet there is a window from which you can see the women's toilet. Club staff constantly bring celebrities here, such as Pizzas.

The bar's menu focuses on tapas. However, everyone can also taste rabbit cutlets, salmon and even marbled beef in the form of toasted steak.

Often people, having visited this place for the first time, go out of here in complete delight, since the fact that celebrities often come here comes as a complete surprise to them. As a rule, for such guests the bar becomes a favorite place.


An emphasis should be placed on the attitude of the staff, especially bartenders, who simply fascinated almost all visitors with their pleasant attitude towards customers and, of course, their virtuosity. Together with an unforgettable spiritual atmosphere, this institution is simply ideal for young people.

For men

Almost all the men who have been here celebrate the unforgettable beauties of go, which match the most elite hot spots. DJ, in turn, is famous for his great experience and incredible talent.

For women

Not a single woman will be impressed by the Women's Club party, where entry is free only for the fairer sex. Men are not allowed there. An unforgettable erotic show with beautiful hosts.
There are those who do not really like this institution, but there are only a few. They believe that “Mixture” is not a bar for normal people, they note that they are faced with the arrogant attitude of the staff, the menu is just for the amateur, as well as music and everything else. The contingent is inadequate for them, the waitresses are calculating, alcohol is being bred, cockroaches are running around the table and, in general, this is a place for elderly losers and their women.

For most people, Mixtura (bar) is an ideal place to gather a large company, the most chic and comfortable in the whole city.
Everything happens in life, but one thing is clear: here everyone will find real crazy fun with the best alcoholic drinks and a heady and heady atmosphere. Having visited this place once, you will definitely want to come here more than once and will surely become his welcome guest.

The club works every day, opening from 17:00, and closes only the next day in the morning. It is always warm and fun. By the way, the local menu, in addition to gourmet dishes, offers delicious breakfasts.


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