The motto in life - everyone has his own!

To find some clear phrase as an epigraph to your own life has become a fashionable chip of our time. The Internet is replete with all kinds of quotes - from primitive bitchy to claiming serious depth.

motto in life

What is the motto of life?

Like the epigraph to the school essay, which concentrates the meaning of the whole work in one phrase, one short motto in life can tell a person more than thousands of other words. And although it is not entirely ethical to analyze the phrases chosen by the individual (it resembles an invasion of someone’s personal space), it’s also not easy to refrain from commenting on this.

The motto is a certain saying. In the past, it was applied to a shield or coat of arms. Agree that it is not easy to imagine a shield, for example, a secondary school teacher or a coat of arms, for example, a kindergarten, but at the same time, mottos are required for both of them. Today, the motto is a short summary. For example, you can talk about a certain individual for a long time, or you can simply reproduce his motto, “Neither to yourself nor to people,” after which everything will become clear. Not a single brand, not a single commercial enterprise can do without a creed.

Where do they all come from?

life motto for girls

The motto in life is a phrase filled with appropriate meaning. Quotations are pulled from the works of classics (“It is better to die standing than to live on your knees”), from religious sources (“Do not judge, let us not be judged!”), Are the result of oral folk art (“They beat, run, give, take!” )

The best mottoes in life, to find their admirer, can overcome a long way. For example, the phrase “We are not rich enough to buy cheap things!” concentrates the life experience of the inhabitants of Misty Albion. And sometimes aphorisms come up with quite ordinary people - our contemporaries, which is why there are so many profanity in these voiced phrases!

Beautiful mottos for life

beautiful life mottos

Among all the catch phrases, one can find truly beautiful aphorisms. For example, “What does not kill us makes us stronger.” Everyone who ever happened to overcome life tragedy agrees with this. But not everyone knows that this famous expression belongs to Friedrich Nietzsche himself, and the conclusion of the German philosopher was confirmed by modern psychologists. They proved that the transferred not very favorable events can actually contribute to the growth of resistance of the human psyche. People who have experienced serious stresses are more resistant to emotional stress in the future, they show greater vitality compared to those who have never encountered special tragedies.

Motto - disclosure of the true essence of personality

By the way, a person’s motto in life can tell a lot about its owner. The phrase “Everything will be fine, but if it’s bad, then not with us!” certainly serves as the slogan of a great optimist. “Better to do and regret than not to do and regret!” - this saying, no doubt, was chosen by a decisive, even desperate person. “Better to burn rather than smolder!” - the motto of a potential hero.

By the way, any, even controversial motto in life is already good because it at least makes you think. For example, optimism is a wonderful property, but life sometimes prepares unpleasant surprises even for optimists! Will someone who believes that troubles and sorrows are intended exclusively for others cope with them? Courage and determination are unconditional human virtues, but without elementary sanity it is unlikely that anyone will be brought to good. So the loud statement that it is better to burn than smolder, in itself, sounds rather ambiguous: how many people burned out in the harsh life vicissitudes, thoughtlessly breaking ahead!

man's motto in life
And this aphorism will surely appeal to some energetic self-lover: “Never put off until tomorrow those things that you want to do now! After all, desire and opportunity may not coincide tomorrow! ” Great conclusion, you can’t say anything! In contrast, he advocates another popular motto: “Save us, Lord, from our desires!”

But I wonder what motto in life strong people will choose for themselves ? Maybe they will be tormented by doubts between “I see the goal - I see no obstacles” and “In war as in war”? Perhaps these mottoes will come in handy: “My life is my rule!”, “If you want a holiday, make it yourself!”? Well, everyone lives as he can. Perhaps these life-affirming phrases really bring their owner such a welcome victory. But another option is not ruled out: “The rich also cry” (recalls a phrase from a popular film).

Philosophical mottos

what is the motto of life
Life experience and trials sooner or later turn any person into a philosopher, which is reflected in his mottos. “You won’t run away from fate, but if you ran away, then it’s not fate”, “If something happened, then it was necessary” - not only convinced fatalists like to trump such phrases. And still, even the most controversial of these “philosophical” things evoke sympathy: a person’s thoughts about fate and his own actions are always worthy of respect.

“Whoever wants, he seeks a way to achieve the goal, who does not want - seeks a reason”, “Do what you must, and be what happens!” - reasoning from the same series. By the way, the last of them, they say, was once minted on knight's shields as a call to always act with honor and conscience.

Many statements have a positive life-affirming character: “Never be afraid to do what you do not know how. The Ark was built by an amateur, and the Titanic by professionals. ” But there is frankly black humor: "Let fate trample me, and I will watch whether she will be ashamed of it."

Family mottos

As one of the great ones said, it is necessary to enter into marriage: an unsuccessful marriage will make a person a philosopher, and a successful marriage will make you happy. Is it any wonder that the mottos associated with family life are also philosophical? What are the statements made by wise wives: “I entrusted my heart, but, unfortunately, in the wrong hands”, “I have me. We can handle it. ” Husbands echoed to them: “Life must be lived so that it would be embarrassing to tell, but nice to remember!”

Life motto for girls

best mottoes in life

The biggest admirers of aphorisms are young women. What could be the motto in life for girls? Yes, absolutely anyone! These are sighs of unhappy love: “And again we were left alone - I and my naivety”, and immodest: “It’s difficult to be a goddess, but I still manage”, “You have to be a very smart person to live a fool all your life”. But lately, all sorts of bitchy phrases and even whole poems have become especially popular: “I’m gentle, sometimes I’m bold, now I hit your nerves again. I will carry the tablet: “Danger! You have a bitch! ” However, why be surprised: bitching is now held in high esteem! It is believed that only they are able to achieve much in life. This character trait in girls is now cultivated in the same way as in former times - dignity and zeal. At the same time, however, it is forgotten that career and happiness are by no means synonyms.

And a little more about the mottos

What a life slogan should be, of course, everyone decides for himself. And yet there are a few catchphrases that may be useful to any of us. Among them are the following: “Never judge a person by looking at his friends. In Judah, they were impeccable ”or“ No need to be the right person, you need to be real! ” And in difficult moments, everyone is obliged to say to himself: “While I breathe - I hope!”


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