Self-esteem of personality and its components

Self-esteem of the person lies in the ability to evaluate their strengths and capabilities, to treat themselves critically. It forms the basis of those tasks for which a person considers himself capable. Self-esteem is an integral part of managing behavioral responses. It affects our relationships with the environment and people, the level of wealth and satisfaction with life. Note that this concept is very important for understanding, because we often forget about it and allow others to characterize us, to determine whether we are bad or good, good or evil, etc. As a rule, not entirely positive personalities play on this, therefore they benefit from the expressed benefits, and they inspire doubt and develop complexes in us.

But note that objectivity is important in everything. So, self-esteem of a person can be both adequate and inadequate. Depending on her character, a person forms either a real or a wrong attitude towards himself and his actions. Of course, the first type of perception is characteristic of an adult, held personality. A child, developing, cannot correctly evaluate himself, because his opinion is greatly influenced by society, trends, the desire to be like someone else, and so on. He cannot adequately determine what is good and what is bad, because his value system is blurred.

Self-esteem and the level of personal aspirations should strive for a positive mark, at least as psychologists recommend. A person needs respect from others, as a result of which he begins to respect himself. Since we want people to speak well about us, we are doing something for this, we are trying to become better. Of course, when a person from a teenager turns into a child, personal self-esteem comes to the fore, and not the opinion of those around him. The person, soberly assessing his capabilities, puts forward a number of requirements and strives for their implementation.

Note that the method of personality self-assessment depends on many factors, among which are called:

1. Human status in society. An individual who is born in a royal family, self-esteem will be higher than that of a nurse who did not go to medical school.

2. The element of suggestion. If a person is constantly told that he is a pig, he will certainly grunt soon. This factor should not be underestimated.

3. Success in life and in a specific situation. Self-esteem of a person will decrease if a person is accompanied by failures alone.

4. Attitude to oneself. If the subject is β€œin harmony” with himself, he feels much better.

5. Belief in yourself and in your own success. When we believe that we can do a lot, we get a lot. This is the law.

    Note that for an emerging personality, if the requirements for it do not coincide with those that it sets for itself, such interventions in external education end in failure. Moreover, the ability to act contrary to the opinions of others directly depends on the stability of the individual. If the self-esteem of a person and the assessment of people around him diverge over a long period, an acute conflict very often develops, which can lead to a crisis situation.

    However, remember that you should develop a positive self-esteem. Of course, no one talks about discarding an adequate perception of the situation and embarking on idle dreams. Once you have a negative thought about yourself, replace it with a positive one. Do not fight the negative, just eliminate it. Looking in the mirror, notice only the good, not the bad in your appearance. Each person has many positive and negative characteristics. There is no ideal, so do not put an end to yourself. The more good you see in yourself, the more it will be in you.


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