How to become a mystery shopper: methods, procedures, conditions, reviews

How to become a mystery shopper and win if not money, then at least the pleasure of using services or products? Consumers of this type are “frontmen” of the company who want to find out the peculiarity of the quality of services or products of competitors. For this, a secret buyer is hired, the payment of which depends on the complexity of the work. It is one thing to test a product, another thing is to agree, for example, to a tattoo and at the same time endure all the circles of hell. The only negative is a one-time job, but it can be permanent in various companies.

What kind of profession is a mystery shopper, and what is the point of this work?

Secret purchases were a popular way to earn some extra cash. It lasted a long time - for decades. But the purpose of the profession is not to earn "a little more" or "pocket expenses", but to be able to evaluate someone else's business and labor. Now this is similar to the selection that takes place in connection with competition, because no one warrants whether the mystery shopper will be real. Perhaps he is also the figurehead of an opponent whom they want to check?

Assessment of the quality of competitors' services

Ask yourself why you want to become a mystery shopper and you will be presented with a list of requirements. However, not everyone fits them. Many people simply do not have the connections, talents, and necessary qualities.

Who benefits: the role of the mercenary and the actor of purchases

Now that providers are connecting to a network of customers on the Internet, the need to go shopping will decrease by several times, but will increase in the field of online procurement. It also becomes an excellent reason to “activate” online scams. The more often new financial transaction schemes are opened (bank card, online payments), the more difficult it is for a person to understand the essence of reality and problems.

It is proposed to work as a secret buyer on the Internet, which does not make it possible to complete this task 100%. He does not see the product, does not feel it and does not feel it. The mystery shopper must make an assessment with impartiality in order to actually tell all the advantages of the opponent, whether he is better or worse. This is the whole difficulty.

How to become a mystery shopper in Russia?

To begin with, 80% of people rely on their superiority and someone else's need for them. Watching how companies compete in the USA, Russians are getting excited, but not about what really makes sense. Next, we will tell you some interesting stories shared by ordinary citizens on the Internet.

For example, a secret marketing special agent advertises a set of mystery shoppers. This is most often seen on the company's website. They have excellent service, but the competitor is something better. The question is being solved with an edge: to find out everything under the net, how things are with the "strangers". The savvy of some managers is to hire less qualified personnel. On the example of one car service, as the employee himself said, the boss could not understand why things were going uphill in the neighbor, because this one has a specialized staff of imposing Muscovites who even forget to offer a free car wash or consultation on maintenance. Guest workers work with a neighbor - they need money and they are ready to work with a bang. In addition to basic powers, they will rearrange the machine and open the door for Porsche women drivers.

Secret Shopping Business

It reminds the story of the “plot” from the concepts of Karl Marx, who said that people would choose a human attitude to themselves and an average wage than a high wage for labor with a relationship to oneself as a servant. And he was right, this applies to managers, employees, and even customers - they also like the human attitude to themselves, and not the hypocritical smiles to receive interest-bearing tips, for example.

Tough selection for the rich - who does not pass the interview?

Another incident happened with a middle-aged lady who was always interested in how to become a mystery shopper. There was a phone call from her:

- Do you have Merce 2006 or younger? Maybe you change coats every day? The main thing is that you do not work, but ride a representative car.

“For the sake of 500 rubles of income, I would not have bought Merce,” the woman replied.

This is where the tale ends, but the call-center consultant wanted to offer her a job as a mystery shopper to evaluate the VIP service. The beauty salon does not develop for them, rich women changed the makeup artist to the one who works at the corner in the hairdresser.

This should be additional revenue, as Mike Merchimer, president of MSPA Americas, once said. People who are just starting to do business can make only 5 thousand rubles (by our standards), so it all depends on how much time the cost of the project can be equivalent to the minimum wage. But the work, as a rule, is very simple, and along with the money you have earned, in many cases you are rewarded with free discounts from restaurants to oils from beauty salons.

By the way, how much does a mystery shopper make in Moscow? There is also a very impressive answer to this question:

  1. When checking the store - 1 thousand rubles.
  2. Checking the quality of services without communicating with the seller - 300-500 rubles + the cost of the transaction itself.
  3. Visit the restaurant and eat there at the expense of the company - for free.
  4. Checking hotels or hotels - 7 thousand rubles + accommodation at the expense of the employer.
  5. Shopping trip to an elite store - you will have to work for gift certificates and discounts.

If you use additional services at the hotel at your own expense, you can not report on them. But if you work for the sake of discounts, then only to those who can then pay back the goods for a tidy amount. As a rule, visiting a SPA salon for 10 thousand rubles under a certificate will cost 10% cheaper.

How to become a mystery shopper at Dodo Pizza and get a tasty promotion?

Speaking of goodies and food, many people turn to catering for work. Here you will not remain tasty and hungry. Let's talk about Dodo Pizza right away. They offer on their website the vacancy "Become a mystery shopper", gently describing interesting conditions for cooperation. It is tempting, but you can check, satiated with intrigue in an atmosphere of fragrant pizza:

  1. The site has a summary of how to become a mystery shopper.
  2. There you need to fill out a questionnaire about yourself, indicating which pizzeria you want to check.
  3. Next, the manager contacts the selected candidates, and it does not matter which city he is from.
  4. On the established day, you need to order any pizza in the restaurant.
  5. Take a picture and fill out a report on a special form.
  6. The form is checked for accuracy.
  7. If you manage, you are credited with double the amount of dodo money that you can pay for the next order.
Pizzeria Report

By the way, the site also provides information on the best pizzerias. All based on reports of real people. Pizzas are ordered every week and the worst restaurants close. So keep in mind that someone’s business may depend on your report, and a person’s assessment is always subjectivity.

Is it possible to make a business out of it?

There are millions of people across the country who engage in various kinds of secret purchases. Retail and restaurant chains, service providers, and even cruise and airlines are among many businesses that pay customers to provide their services to evaluate service quality. Comparing the "plot" of how to become a secret buyer in Moscow or abroad, it is necessary to distinguish some features of such works:

  • Appearance - to check some of the services of companies you need a stately image of a person.
  • Decisiveness is one thing to eat in a restaurant, another is to fly to Bermuda. Endurance and, of course, lack of fear of flying.
  • Report - this includes requirements that customers must comply with.
Mystery shopper in Moscow

Before deciding how to become a mystery shopper in Moscow, find out in which areas of business the greatest competition is. And remember, do not change the “feeding hand” often - your competitors may also be employers.

In which industry does the secret consumer work?

Most purchases include shopping at a restaurant or restaurant. But there are many opportunities for people who do not want to leave far from home, and secret purchases can be a good additional source of income. Some companies use mystery shoppers to test the quality of their customer service centers; others use people with disabilities to find out if their shops, restaurants, hotels or other facilities meet their requirements. In any case, the process as a mystery shopper business can occur constantly or from time to time.

What you need to know about work - pitfalls in the "freebie"

What fear can there be if a person receives everything at once. But if everything was so simple. Here are some guidelines:

  1. Do not accept unsolicited offers. The rule of thumb is that if they come to you, then they are probably not a real deal.
  2. Feel free to ignore the offers that come out of the blue box in your email, because these are scammers.
  3. Visit sites, not bulletin boards.
Secret purchases in beauty salons

And never agree to make money to buy unnecessary accessories, costumes, supposedly so necessary "for the look." The companies themselves provide and pay everyone your expenses, or rather work. What if I want to become a mystery shopper in Moscow? Start by picking a simple look.

Just fun or wear work?

Expect to have to work hard. While some constantly go shopping and delight themselves with free purchases, others work hard, figuring out the quality of service, service and more. Attention to detail is also important. If you have not noticed something important, insignificant, serious, then you are not able to assess the situation objectively. Most companies expect reports with lots of details, down to the smallest detail, the temperature of the ordered coffee and the time it was made, brewed, etc.

How not to impersonate at the initial stage?

Secret trade events of companies with better working conditions and decent employee rewards may require too much from you. By providing a work plan, a beginner may just get confused about how to behave. In order not to impersonate, you need to relax, ask more questions. If the company will like your candidacy, the work will be offered more than once. Most likely, actors or university students in acting will expect guaranteed success, since talent in this matter will always be welcome.

Customer Service Quality Assessment

In fact or in advance - receiving money for expenses and fees

Do not accept payment in advance. Advances should not be enough card. Cash is also not to be taken into hands - supposedly for payment of goods they issue money against receipt, the service is more expensive, and the one-day company disappears. Just getting a job and taking risks are two different things. Assess the situation - this is where your work begins. You will have to adapt to different things, from wearing an uncomfortable suit to changing the accent of speech.

Internet fraud - how to play on human egoism?

And here they began to offer to play Russian roulette, urging people to make joint purchases, orders in foreign stores, etc. Rate the delivery? Speed? Awareness of courier services? Nobody needs to know this, because any company registers a new buyer, and he can decide for himself who is better - a new online store or a good old site, from where orders were always delivered quickly and on time.

Secret Purchase Report

Remember that you should always see the person with whom you make a deal. The contract also does not hurt, and all the conditions for payment and acceptance of the report should be indicated there. Carry a voice recorder with you - if you like free burgers, then they can play on your greed. It will be especially useful for women to first study what services will be provided to them when checking the quality of service. Going to the cosmetology salon for the operation "mystery shopper", make sure that you will get a facial massage, and not Botox injections, sending a trainee.


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