How to increase stress resistance? Useful tips and techniques

In today's world, almost everyone suffers from a particular level of stress. The current lifestyle does not allow you to relax and enjoy everything that is happening around, so people want to be in time, put maximum effort into it and often burn out. Their body simply does not tolerate all the stress that it undergoes in the process. That is why it is very important to know how to increase stress resistance. To do this is actually not as difficult as it might seem. In this article, you will find tips to help you with this. You should definitely learn how to increase resistance to stress so that you can lead a more pleasant lifestyle and also not risk your health due to increased stress levels.

Listen to the body

how to increase stress resistance

The first thing you need to do if you want to learn how to increase the stress resistance of your body is to be more conscious. Listen to your body and try to understand exactly what it wants. In most cases, stress transcends all boundaries and leads to sad consequences when a person concentrates on his tasks, goals and aspirations, forgetting that he is not a robot. He does not care about what his body needs, and the body ultimately inevitably fails.

To prevent this, you need to take care of yourself, and for this, first of all, you need to listen to your body. What does he require of you? Do not get out of bed immediately in the morning to have time to do more. Lie down and try to understand what exactly is wrong. Your body is not your enemy, and if he does not like something, then it will send you signals. You should not ignore them - it is better to interpret them and give the body what it requires, such as more sleep or healthier food. However, this is only the basic way to increase stress resistance. There are other methods.

Vitamin D

increase stress resistance tips

There are various ways to increase stress resistance - tips can be very diverse. However, one of the most effective is associated with vitamin D, which many people are often very lacking. The fact is that this vitamin not only allows your body to better cope with stress, but also increases its resistance to very many serious diseases, including cancer. In summer, the easiest way to get vitamin D is to be in the sun. No, this is not about tanning, which is actually catastrophically harmful to human skin. You just need to be at least five to ten minutes a day in the fresh air, in the sun. It would seem that the simplest task, however, in the modern world people spend days in offices without looking out for a second. So if you want to learn how to increase stress resistance, the advice of a psychologist can help you. But first of all you need to do what you can do without outside help.


how to increase stress resistance psychologist advice

In the modern world, it is very important to be able to forgive. It would seem that this is quite simple, but in reality everything turns out to be completely different. To increase your stress tolerance, you need to train your ability to forgive. But what is the relationship between forgiveness and stress? Everything is quite simple: when you get angry at someone or take offense, your body is already in a state of stress, and if you also constantly think about it, scroll through the situation in the head and its possible outcomes, then your body gives more and more resources to this essentially meaningless undertaking.

So the sooner you forgive the person for what he did, the less stress you put on your body. And you do not need drugs that increase stress resistance. It makes no sense to stuff yourself with chemistry when the answer lies on the surface. The only thing you can take is nutritional supplements with vitamin D. Returning to the previous paragraph, it is worth saying that they are necessary in the winter season, when it is not possible to get enough sunlight in a natural way, as well as vegetarians, since vitamin D in large amounts are found in oily fish, which they do not eat.

Physical activity

increase stress tolerance

If you want to learn even more ways to increase stress resistance, then you should pay attention to physical activity. As in the case of sunlight, it seems that this is easy to achieve, but in reality it turns out that after a whole working day I no longer want to go to the gym or do at least something to do. And this is an approach leading nowhere. First, physical activity tones your muscles, makes you stronger and healthier. Secondly, in the process of any physical activity, norepinephrine is produced in the brain, which increases resistance to stress.

Yoga and meditation

stress resistance drugs

This is another great way to increase your body's resistance to stress. Its advantage is low requirements, so if you want to learn how to increase stress resistance at work, then pay attention to yoga or meditation. All that is required of you is a brief study of the theory and ten minutes of free time. Yoga and meditation are based on proper breathing and complete relaxation, which allows you to harmonize the balance of mind and body. So you can get rid of stress right at the workplace.


how to increase stress resistance

You should also pay attention to the carbohydrates that you consume, in particular sugar. They trigger the production of cortisol in your body, and this hormone is also called the stress hormone. So, if you want to lead a more calm and healthy life, try to give up sweets and various products made from white flour as much as possible. Their use significantly increases the likelihood that your body will seriously suffer from stress.


According to statistics, trouble-free people, that is, those who are ready to do what they are told, suffer most from stress. And this is far from work. Almost everyone at work has bosses who order something to be done, and this must be done, this is life. It's about the weekend, when friends call you to the club, and you are so tired that you just want to lie down, relax or take a walk in the fresh air. But you cannot refuse, therefore spend time not there and not as you wanted. If you learn to say no, you can do exactly what you want, not someone else, which significantly reduces stress.


It is recommended to spend less time on gadgets, which primarily include a TV, computer and mobile phone. It is better to spend free time on other things, such as reading a book, taking a walk, preparing a new dish, and so on. Naturally, this does not mean that you need to completely abandon gadgets, just the trend is that most people spend almost all their time behind them.

Sound therapy

how to increase stress resistance at work

Another way to get rid of stress is to listen to various relaxing music tracks. Classical music works very well in the direction of relaxation and stress relief, however, it is worth noting that this generally does not have to be music as such. Nowadays, everywhere you can find collections of various soothing sounds, such as birds singing, the rustle of the wind, the sound of the surf, the sound of rain and more. Some services even offer you the opportunity to combine dozens of similar sounds to create your own sound background, that is, you can individualize the sound, setting it to your specific state.

Pleasant occupation

And of course, the most important thing in dealing with stress is to do what you like. This applies to absolutely all areas of life, including work. If you find yourself a job that will give you pleasure or at least not make you nervous and upset every day, then the level of stress will significantly decrease. The same applies to all other areas of life. You need to try to surround yourself with those people that you like, do those things that give you pleasure. Find a hobby that can help you relax in the evenings and on weekends, and you will quickly notice that you are less nervous. And if you approach the solution of the problem comprehensively and begin to adhere to all the tips that you read in this article, you can lead a measured and calm life in which there is no place for stress.


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