Professional orientation of students: the concept and main components

If your child clearly knows what he wants to achieve in his adult life, what to do and who to work with, this is just wonderful. However, such an ideal situation does not always develop. A lot of school graduates are lost and don’t know where to direct their almost adult feet, which university to choose.

At the same time, parents like to insist that the teenager give preference to a “money” profession, which can always feed him. And not always the desires of the adult generation correspond to the child's ideas about what he wants, or his abilities in a particular area. Meanwhile, it’s extremely important to do exactly the thing that you love and that you are interested in, psychologists say without exception. And this is the only way a person has a chance to achieve success, to fulfill himself and not to experience constant discomfort from a hated or boring daily exercise. And while time is not lost, it is necessary to act.

Vocational guidance is a reasonable set of activities that are aimed at preparing the young generation for the choice of a particular profession. In this case, not only such objective factors as the socio-economic situation on the labor market, but also the personality characteristics of each student are taken into account.

Events (psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic, biomedical, industrial and technical), which are included in career guidance, are designed to provide real assistance to adolescents in self-determination, as well as employment in that particular profession. At the same time, the profession will be the one for which the young man “has a soul” and for which he has abilities. And the main motto that follows the professional orientation of schoolchildren can be revealed in such a phrase: “Work as a vocation”.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the main components that make up career counseling.

Career Guidance as Vocational Education

Education (or vocational education) is a set of measures aimed at familiarizing high school students and graduates with various types of activities, characteristics of professions, the requirements for them and their relevance here and now, that is, in the modern world and directly in our country. At the same time, many young people are also interested in what are the opportunities and conditions for qualification and career growth in various jobs. Ultimately, professional information should form motivated intentions in a teenager, which will be based on objective, and not unfounded (“I just want to be ....”) Justification of the attractiveness of a particular work activity.

Vocational guidance as a professional diagnosis

Specialists are engaged in professional diagnostics, following a purely individual approach. So, different methods are applied to each specific student, which allow him to study the characteristics of nervous activity, health status, motives and interests, value orientations and attitudes that drive him when choosing a profession.

Vocational guidance as professional advice

Professional advice is to assist students in self-determination of work. According to the results of diagnostic methods, specialists give practical recommendations to the student about the most preferred type of work, which is most consistent with its psychological, physiological and psychophysiological characteristics.

Vocational guidance as psychological support

Psychological support uses a number of methods that are designed to reduce the psychological tension of adolescents, create a positive attitude and give confidence both in the future as a whole and in the future.


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