Exercises with flat feet. Orthopedic insoles with flat feet

Flat feet - a common ailment associated with the deformation of the human foot. The pathological condition has a negative effect on well-being and over time can cause pain in the lumbar region and spine. Special exercises will help to cope with the disease. With flat feet, they must be performed daily. Orthopedists also recommend wearing the right shoes.

Causes of flat feet

The condition in which the arches of the feet are flattened is called flat feet. The first arch is located in the area of ​​the fingers, the second - longitudinal - goes along the inner edge of the foot. Such a structure allows only three points of the foot to rest on the surface. For some reason, the muscles and ligaments that support the foot weaken, after which it lowers.

flatfoot exercises

The risk of foot changes is increased by the following factors:

  • heavy load on the legs;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • wrong shoes (high heel, narrowed toe);
  • weakening of ligaments, muscles;
  • overweight;
  • pregnancy;
  • injuries.

Depending on which arch of the foot has decreased, longitudinal, transverse and combined flat feet are distinguished. In the complex treatment of the disease, an important role is played by physical exercises. With flat feet, physiotherapy exercises must be combined with the use of special insoles (orthopedic) and wearing high-quality comfortable shoes.

Treatment of ailment

Experts say that flatfoot can be completely eliminated only in childhood. Therefore, parents should constantly monitor the formation of the foot of the child. It is impossible to get rid of the disease of adult patients. Therapy prescribed by your doctor will be aimed at relieving symptoms.

gymnastics from flat feet

Quite impressive treatment results can be achieved even at home. A conservative approach in the treatment of flat feet involves certain exercises. The specialist will also individually select orthopedic insoles and shoes for the patient.

With flat feet (at the initial stage), it is useful to make baths. It is necessary to add a little pebble to the water and roll it with your feet. An integrated approach can significantly improve the condition.

Gymnastics from flat feet

Gymnastics will help not only eliminate the deformation of the feet, but also prevent the appearance of flat feet. It will be especially useful for children. For adult patients, special exercises are necessary to unload the back, the muscles of which experience a huge load with this ailment. Exercises with flat feet should be performed daily for 4-6 months.

exercises with moving objects
Gymnastics helps improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the feet, stimulates the production of joint fluid, training and strengthening muscles. With regular exercise, the arch of the foot is strengthened, which will prevent further deformation.

Physical therapy classes include several groups of special exercises. To achieve a positive result, you can use various devices (sports equipment): massage mats, balls, sticks.

Where to begin?

To adjust the foot, there are many different exercises aimed at strengthening all muscles. At any stage of deformation, gymnastics should begin with flexion and extension of the fingers. This exercise can be performed while sitting on a chair until a feeling of fatigue appears. The number of repetitions is 20-30 times.

circular rotation

Within a few minutes, you can perform the exercise "caterpillar". To do this, you need to sit on a chair, rest your feet on the floor and bend your fingers, and then pull the heels to them. The legs should gradually move forward.

It is useful to do exercises with flat feet with pencils and small objects. The pencil is clamped between the fingers and perform circular rotations, trying to draw a circle. Children can draw a circle on paper, holding the sheet with their second foot. Having reached the goal, they grab the pencil with the fingers of the other leg and repeat the exercise.

Having laid out small objects in front of you, you must try to grab them with your fingers and lay them out in different baskets or bowls. Restoring the normal state of the arches of the feet will help rolling a small ball from toe to heel. Grabbing the ball with your foot, you need to try to throw it. The exercise with moving objects is especially popular with children.

In a sitting position, you can perform simpler manipulations, for example, pulling socks on yourself (with strong tension) and away from yourself (in a relaxed state).

Walking with flat feet

Walking should be included in the set of exercises. To begin with, you should walk on socks (1-2 minutes), raising your hands up. After that, you should lower to the heels and move your hands to the belt. To unload the hip joint and lower back, you need to walk on your heels. On the outer arch of the foot, it is necessary to walk with bent fingers.

To get rid of flat feet, you need to walk on a log, beveled surface. In this case, the load is transferred to the outside of the foot.

walk on heels

With flat feet, it is important to learn how to walk. Otherwise, sprain will develop and the arch will completely lower. The gait is considered correct, during which the shoes on the legs are parallel to each other or the socks are slightly turned towards each other.

At the initial stage of development of flat feet, it is enough to use orthopedic insoles, put your feet correctly while walking and perform simple exercises. Taking the right step is not an easy task, because it requires constant tracking of your gait. However, over time it will become a habit.

Gym exercises

You can use any stick with a smooth surface and a length of at least 1 meter. Such exercises will help to keep the height of the arch of the foot in the correct position. First of all, the stick is rolled legs (alternately) in a sitting position. Exercise should be performed for about 5 minutes. With a flat valgus foot, it is useful to walk on a stick, like a rope.

General recommendations

Orthopedic surgeons warn that constant excessive loads can give the opposite result. For classes, you need to spend 20-30 minutes a day. Do not give up physiotherapy exercises even at the last stage of flat feet. During the day, it is recommended to periodically walk on toes.

orthopedic insoles

At home, you can do foot massage to improve blood circulation. It is necessary to begin the procedure with the calf muscle, passing to the shin and foot. The foot is rubbed with the back of the fingers towards the heel.

The choice of medical insoles and shoes should be carried out by the doctor after examining the patient's musculoskeletal system.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13859/

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