Oil: spill. Methods and Stages

Human activities often lead to changes in the environment. The more he achieves in the field of technological progress, the more destructively affects life around him. Particular attention in the issue of ecology is occupied by oil, the spill of which is not in vain during its production and transportation. Accidents in this industry are particularly harmful to the environment and have serious consequences. Humanity cannot prevent possible disasters. However, it learned how to deal with oil spills. Although these measures are not enough to fully restore the polluted ecosystem. What is oil spills and how to eliminate them?

oil spill

The concept

Oil spill - the release of this substance into the environment due to human activities. The reason may be the release of petroleum products or an accident at a number of facilities:

  • tankers;
  • oil platforms;
  • wells;
  • drilling rigs.

The consequences of the spill are harmful to the environment, and their elimination can take several months or many years.

Consequences of the spill

Why is oil dangerous? The spill of this completely natural substance leads to the destruction of all life on the surface of the earth, including water bodies. It spreads for many kilometers, covering with a thin layer everything in its path. This leads to the death of vegetation. Oil-affected areas become unsuitable for living organisms. The black film covers not only the surface of salty springs. Particles of oil can mix with water and penetrate to the depths of water bodies. This leads to the death of many marine organisms.

oil spill

Ecosystem restoration is very slow. So, in 1989 there was a disaster in Alaska, as a result of which a huge amount of oil spilled (two hundred sixty thousand barrels). Many millions of dollars have been spent to eliminate the accident. Eighteen years later, this territory was examined and more than twenty gallons of black fuel in the sand were identified. Because of this, the ecosystem has not yet recovered along the coastline. According to scientists, the remains of the spilled oil disappear at a rate of four percent per year of the remaining total mass. That is, it will take more than a dozen years to restore the affected area.

Tanker accidents

The most dangerous oil (spill is inevitable due to human activities) for water bodies. It is lighter than water, so it spreads in the form of a thin film, occupying huge areas. The harm done affects all living organisms, since birds, fish, and mammals die. The fishing industry and the tourism business suffer from this.

oil spill response

Oil spills often occur due to the use of tankers for its transportation. One of the largest such disasters was the Exxon Valdez accident in 1989 off the coast of Alaska, the consequences of which are described above.

Platform crashes

No less dangerous are accidents on offshore platforms. Wells are drilled from them , from which oil is pumped, the spill of which becomes catastrophic for the ecosystem of the sea shelf.

oil and oil products spills

The largest technological disaster at sea is considered the 2010 spill. An explosion occurred on the Deepwater Horison platform. The amount of oil flowing into the Gulf of Mexico could not be calculated. However, according to some reports, five million barrels of liquid fuel leaked. A deadly spot covered an area of ​​seventy-five thousand square kilometers. This not only led to well-known environmental consequences, but also nearly led the mining company to bankruptcy. The fact is that the owners of a fishing license are to blame for such accidents. It is they who are obliged to pay the costs of the elimination of consequences and compensate the victims.

Outcrops of black matter occur naturally and from faults at the bottom of the seas and oceans. However, of these, oil leaks out gradually, in small volumes. The ecosystem has time to adapt to such phenomena. How does humanity correct the consequences of its destructive activities?

The concept of OSR

The elimination of oil spills due to accidents in an abbreviated form is called the OSR. This is a whole range of activities. They are aimed at removing stains and drains of oil products from the surface of soil and water.

oil spills

OSR Methods

Oil and oil product spills are removed by four main methods:

  • Mechanical. Collection using specialized equipment.
  • Thermal (burning out). It is appropriate for an oil layer of more than thirty-three millimeters. It is used immediately after an accident before mixing the substance with water.
  • Physicochemical. The use of dispersants, sorbents that absorb and retain oil within themselves.
  • Biological. The work of bacteria and fungi in order to absorb oil residues after applying the previous methods.

Sorption purification (physicochemical method) is quite effective. Its advantages are that contaminants are removed to the lowest residual concentration. In this process can be controlled. Although the maximum sorption is achieved in the first four hours. The method is also unfavorable for the environment; therefore, it is used in special cases.

The most environmentally friendly are biological methods. They are used by specialized organizations that have a license to conduct these works. An example of modern biological technology is bio-composting. This is the process of oxidation of oil hydrocarbons using special microflora. As a result, the black substance decomposes into carbon monoxide, water, and biomass. The process takes two to four months. In order to prevent the spread of black spots on the water, booms are widely used. The mass enclosed in them is burned out.

oil spill response

Specialized ships

Liquidation of emergency oil spills is impossible without the use of special equipment. I use vessels both for carrying out certain works, and for the whole complex of events. Depending on the functional purpose, the following types of vessels exist:

  • Oil collectors. Their task is to independently collect the mass from the water surface.
  • Bonoplaners. These are high-speed vessels that ensure the delivery of booms to the disaster area, as well as install them.
  • Universal ships. They are able to provide almost all stages of OSR on their own.

Stage LARN

The liquidation of oil and oil products spills from the surface of the water is carried out as follows:

  1. Fences are installed that prevent the spreading of spots. Oil traps and oil traps are also used.
  2. Sorbents are sprayed, which allow for the natural dispersion of the poured mass.
  3. Mechanical collection is carried out using skimers, that is, devices for collecting oil products from the water surface.

OSR from the soil occurs in a different way. But most often it is necessary to use a universal system, since pollution affects water and land at the same time, like a tragedy off the coast of Alaska. Then it is necessary to take into account regional, climatic and other features.

oil spill warning

Liquidation of consequences

After completion of the OSR, a special commission is created, which conducts an inspection of the territory, determines the nature and depth of pollution. Further, it is appropriate to use the most effective methods of rehabilitation of the contaminated area. Residual oil is washed off and pumped out. The decomposition of petroleum products by liming or milling is stimulated. In order to reduce the concentration of hydrocarbons in the soil, a stable grass cover is created, that is, phytomelioration is carried out.

Problem warning

The adverse effects of oil production for all living things leaves no doubt. Moreover, no funds can restore the environment during an oil spill. That is why in this industry it is necessary to adhere to high environmental standards. Oil spill prevention is possible when companies introduce new performance standards that take into account negative experience.

At work, the causes of an accident can be a variety of factors that should be considered. The steps to minimize leakage are as follows:

  • protect the walls of tanks and pipelines from corrosion;
  • prevent equipment failure;
  • Do not violate safety regulations;
  • avoid mistakes of working personnel.

Enterprises should cultivate a culture of safe conduct of work. At the same time, technological means are being developed that can prevent the risk of emergencies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13861/

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