Freudian reservation: randomness or regularity

It is difficult to find people who would not hear about Sigmund Freud. The works of this father of psychoanalysis have been of great interest for many decades. Some are enthusiastic about his teachings, others call him "an intellectual quack." Nevertheless, during his lifetime he was awarded the title of Doctor of Medicine, was a professor, an honorary member of the Psychoanalytic Association of America, the British and French Psychological Societies. This is perhaps the most famous theorist in psychology.

What is a Freudian clause

Freudian slip
Despite the fact that the personality and work of the psychoanalyst cause a lot of discussion and debate, his theory of the unconscious remains to this day quite popular. In his opinion, various unconscious desires can even cause mental problems. It is from here that the term “Freud clause” came. In simple terms, any erroneous action is the exit of hidden desire out. Even if a person does not realize that he wants something, then the subconscious through random reservations or descriptions helps to clarify the true picture. The main thing is to learn to see and understand the signs sent.

A Freudian reservation is not just a trivial, insignificant mistake, it is an exit of hidden desires. Sometimes it is difficult for even an experienced psychoanalyst to understand the nature of their appearance, but in the process of work you can try to find it out.

Error classification

It is worth noting that in his analysis Sigmund Freud spoke not only of reservations or clerical errors. He created a whole classification of errors. So, in his opinion, all actions can be conditionally divided into several groups.

Freudian reservations examples

The first of them will include all reservations, stonecrops, donkeys and clerical errors. The second can include all memory problems: forgetting names, plans, impressions, words of others, hiding things and other erroneous actions. Each of these facts indicates certain problems. Moreover, the further a person tries to push back his desires, needs, the more clearly they come out.

The most understandable and common group is the first. Most often people are interested in what the Freud clause means. But even understanding the meaning of this phrase, it is not always possible to figure out what the subconscious wanted to say.

Reasons for reservations

What does the Freud clause mean?
Many say that any unintentional mistakes result from fatigue or mental overstimulation, they mean absolutely nothing. But Sigmund Freud thinks otherwise. He first of all asks the question of why a person made such a mistake. Trying to answer it, you can understand that this did not happen by chance, each action has a certain hidden meaning. This was the reason for the appearance of the term "Freudian reservation". Its significance and the cause of occurrence must be sought in the depths of the subconscious.

If you messed up a name, address or phone number, then the answer in most cases lies on the surface. Most likely, you miss a randomly recalled place or person. But there are reservations, the meaning of which must be considered. The main thing to remember is that every mistake is a hidden desire. Therefore, you should not be surprised if you tell guests who you didn’t really want to see that you were “not happy about their visit,” even if you planned to say the same phrase, only without a “not.”

Possible mistakes

Among the most common examples are often the words of modern politicians or television presenters. Some of their phrases become truly winged. If one of the politicians said that “they are worth hundreds of rubles”, and then corrected the last word to “people”, then without any psychoanalysis it is clear what was on the speaker’s mind. This is a very vivid version of the Freudian reservation.

Examples, of course, do not end there. Another variant of the popular mistake is forgetting names. According to a well-known psychoanalyst, it is not for nothing that a wife is offended if her husband calls her differently. This speaks precisely of what he thinks of another, even if he is not aware of this. And if, when trying to compliment a woman, she “breaks out” instead of the planned “lost weight”, then there’s no point in making excuses.

Reasons for the appearance of the unconscious

According to Freud, primitive instincts are embedded in people. Civilization was built in such a way that all natural impulses needed to be suppressed. They hid as deep as possible in the subconscious. But at the slightest weakening of the defenses, they begin to break out. Moreover, if Freud’s reservation was voiced, then do not rush to justify yourself. Think about it: perhaps there is nothing wrong with the fact that the internal censor released long-hidden desires.

Freud disclaimer
The reason for their appearance is quite simple. Unconscious thinking is similar to what was in the heads of our great-grandfathers. They still did not know how to highlight the nuances, analyze, connect logical analysis. It was common for them to perceive reality in fragments, in pieces, their thinking can be called "thickening of colors." The same process occurs in modern man, only he is hidden in the depths of the subconscious. And any involuntary combination of words, letters, changing the meaning of what was said, is called the "Freudian clause."

The easiest way to understand this is if you recall any dream where you see a person about whom you cannot say who he is to you - a colleague, husband, father, boss. The collective image has all their features, but at the same time it doesn’t look like anyone else. This is a vivid example of the work of the so-called "thickening" of the subconscious.


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