Internet without inconvenience. How to choose the right provider?

If you want to use a stable Internet, which will also be inexpensive in price, you should pay some attention to the choice of provider, because the quality of your connection depends on the services it provides. When choosing a provider, whether it is Beeline or Starlink, you need to build on a number of the following characteristics:

  1. Data transfer rate. This is perhaps the most important factor that has internet connect for promotions, like, “Gigabytes of speed for free” would probably be a bad idea, because promotional offers usually involve some sort of catch. Also, do not be content with the characteristics of a consultant, for example, "speed up to 50 GB." This only indicates that you are drawn to the upper limit, and with a minimum Internet speed can drop to zero. Make sure that the Internet speed is included in the contract at least in the form of an interval.
  2. The cost of internet. This is another company trap that can double your overpayment. For low cost, obviously, communications failures and low connection speed are hidden.
  3. Type of internet connection. Consumers usually undeservingly ignore this important detail. However, if, for example, the connection is using ADSL technology, then your phone will be constantly busy and if necessary, you will need to terminate the call. It is also inconvenient to use a USB modem, which is very unstable and begins to automatically “throw” the user out of the network as it wears out. It is best and most convenient to use a connection to a router via Wi-Fi, the possibility of which is provided, for example, by Starlink.
  4. Tariffs. Before connecting, you must visit the office of your potential provider and ask for a flyer with a list of tariff plans provided by the company. At the moment, the competition in the industry is high enough so that you can not agree to a compromise proposal for you. Look for exactly the tariff that will satisfy you in all respects. In addition, a visit to the service office will allow you to form a general idea of ​​the quality of service in the company, and the leaflet will most likely contain a lot of information in small print and with an asterisk, which consultants can withhold from you.
  5. Reviews It will not be out of place to get acquainted with the reviews of already connected users, for example, on the official Starlink company website. This plays an important role especially when buying a modem. In this case, reviews are the only way to get reliable information about the quality of the connection and the 3G coverage area in your area.

So, when choosing a provider, you need to weigh all the positive and negative points. Perhaps it makes sense to pay attention to the opinions of friends and acquaintances. The more information you have now, the less problems you will have with the Internet later.


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