What is compromising evidence: definition of a concept and significance in the life of society

The word "compromising" is quite actively used both in colloquial speech and in the media. A sociological survey was conducted, during which it turned out that most of the Russian citizens are familiar with this concept to one degree or another (78% of the respondents), but some of the respondents do not know this word (these are people over 50 years old, people with secondary education). What is compromising evidence? Why is it being collected? What are the consequences of making it public? Discrimination, its meaning and forms will be discussed in the article.

What is compromising evidence? Definition of a concept

In the counterintelligence dictionary, such a definition is given to the concept of “incriminating materials” - this is actual data that is stored on tangible information carriers about the actions or actions of a particular person or group of persons. They entail administrative or criminal penalties, are sharply censured by society, as they violate norms of behavior, morality, religious rules, and customs accepted in society.

But it should be borne in mind that the same actions and actions of people in a given country can be evaluated in different ways. It depends on the legal, moral and political foundations of the society of each particular country.

Compromising information is used to prevent the subversive activities of the enemy, and also as a basis for the recruitment of agents.

Compromising evidence - what is
  1. The following words are indicated in the dictionary of synonyms, replacing the concept of “incriminating material”: incriminating evidence, compromising materials, black file, material.
  2. In the dictionary of financial terms, “incriminating evidence” is the announcement of information about a person who is capable of causing distrust of him, discrediting his reputation or undermining his authority (prestige).
  3. In the modern jargon of journalists and politicians there is such an expression as a “war of incriminating evidence”, which means confrontation, confrontation of influential people, the weapons of each of which is the publication in the media of incriminating information about your opponent.
  4. In the Russian argo dictionary, “incriminating material” is incriminating evidence or incriminating evidence, that is, information about someone.
  5. In the explanatory dictionary S. Ozhegova the word “incriminating evidence” means any documents or information that discredit someone’s reputation or activity. For example, collect dirt on someone.
  6. The Encyclopedia of Law gives such explanations as compromising evidence: it is an abbreviated form from "incriminating materials", used in investigative jargon to mean defamatory documents that concern a blackmailer, suspect or person under investigation.

Efremova T.F. in the explanatory dictionary gives two definitions of the concept.

  1. These are materials that compromise or can compromise a person.
  2. Accusatory documents per person or group of persons.

The general concept of compromising information and its impact on the fate of man

Compromising Information

Compromising information is evidence, materials, facts that discredit anyone.

Usually they are documents (photographs, papers, videos or audio recordings) that contain information that could expose the illegal or immoral aspects of a person or organization. They (those who are being compromised) would like to hide or withhold such information from the public.

The higher the position and status of a person in society, the more destructive may be compromising for him.

By the method of detection, compromising information can be accidental (if some facts about a person were revealed by coincidence) or intentional (as a result of investigation and surveillance). Private detectives or journalists are usually involved in the collection of incriminating evidence.

They can use this kind of information for extortion or blackmail. Very often it is used in politics, rarely an election campaign does without a war of compromising evidence.

The disclosure of incriminating evidence is always associated with a scandal. This kind of information can ruin a person’s career, but it can give the exact opposite effect - to become additional advertising.

Cleaning function of compromising evidence

Disclosure of compromising information is always a scandal. Some call it an investigation, the main characters consider themselves victims and shout about "digging in dirty laundry."

Disclosure of this kind of information is important to maintain open authority. Everyone knows that many businessmen, officials, politicians have achieved everything that they have, not in the most honest and legal ways.

The word compromising

Journalists and private detectives collect and publish incriminating evidence on these people with evidence and facts of all their illegal acts. As a result, they lose their posts, and in the worst case they go to jail. But the most common phenomenon is an escape abroad together with their capitals. However, the published incriminating information significantly complicates their life abroad, and sometimes leads to extradition back to their homeland. Thus, compromising information performs a cleansing function in society and government. He eliminates corrupt officials , bribe takers, immoral officials.

Compromising and blackmail

Often, criminals use blackmail to blackmail. Gathering it on a person, they offer to buy information, force them to take any action. But the Criminal Code stands up for defense. For example, in the late 90s of the XX century, lawsuits took place, and many criminals, including journalists, were imprisoned.

Discrediting in politics and show business

In the world of politics, a frequent occurrence is a war of incriminating evidence in which there are no winners, but only losers. Disclosing revealing materials in the political sphere is not uncommon. For example, the publication on the eve of the 2016 election campaign of information about the personal life of Mikhail Kasyanov. After the turmoil in Courchevel and the publication of information, Prokhorov broke up with his business. After the release of information on money laundering, Sakurov lost his post.

Show business does not do without compromising. The Internet and the media are full of information and photographs, where famous personalities appear not in the best possible way. But while in politics third-party authors of compromising materials are involved, in show business sometimes the victims themselves.

Who collects dirt for what?

So, we figured out what compromising evidence is, it remains to understand why it is needed and who it is collected for.

It is collected by criminals for the purpose of blackmail. As a rule, he is needed for a senior official or entrepreneur, that is, for someone who is willing to pay money for this.

incriminating evidence

This kind of information is collected by special services of different countries on diplomats and officials from other states in order to recruit. For example, during the time of the KGB, a special department was created in which beautiful girls worked, with the help of which information was collected about high-ranking foreign figures. The special term “honey trap” was even coined.

Nowadays, no one is immune from the information discrediting him. It should be noted that compromising on the bosses is also collected by subordinates of enterprises, organizations of any form of ownership and at any level. The Internet is replete with recommendations on how to do it right, how to correctly arrange everything from a legal point of view.

The attitude to compromising material has changed, and if earlier people treated him with disgust and considered it a negative phenomenon, now they are interested and believe that compromising material has a cleansing function in society.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13868/

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