Unauthorized landfill. Disposal of industrial and household waste

Widespread environmental pollution to the present day has become global. Big cities and megalopolises were among the first to be mired in garbage. Over time, ubiquitous “littering” reached small towns and villages. The coasts of rivers, lakes, forests and fields did not escape this sad fate.

That is why the elimination of unauthorized landfills is one of the most important tasks that modern humanity simply must solve. Why is the universal storage of all unnecessary so dangerous and how can this be combated? Let's get it right.

unauthorized dump

Garbage - the scourge of civilization

Garbage is usually called the waste of human activity. On a global scale, all waste can be divided into two categories:

  • household garbage - all that remains as a result of human consumption of various products and equipment;
  • industrial waste - residues from the processing of materials in the production of various goods.

Landfill is a sign of non-compliance of human life with environmental standards. The Earth's population today is a society of super-consumers. A huge part of everything that we produce and consume accounts for several dozen megacities scattered around the globe.

In almost every city and village there is a place specially designated by the authorities - a landfill, which is designed for storage and storage of solid household waste. However, in addition to this, in every village there is also an unauthorized dump (most often not one). This definition includes any unauthorized storage of solid waste (garbage) with an area of ​​at least 50 m 2 and a volume of more than 30 cubic meters. Simply put, this is a bunch of pretty impressive sizes.


Landfill: what is the danger

Any unauthorized dump is not only very unaesthetic, but also dangerous. Each such heap is a kind of chemical laboratory that produces harmful toxins and spreads miasma around itself.

Precipitation passing through heaps of garbage, like through a filter, falls into the soil, and then into underground waters, rivers and lakes, changing their chemical and physical composition.

An unauthorized dump, as well as a legal one, is a real breeding ground for infection. Such places are very quickly fond of mice and rats, birds, cats and dogs. Of course, here homeless animals can easily find food and not die from hunger and cold. But, on the other hand, moving around the adjacent territories, they suffer various infections and diseases, which often becomes the cause of epidemics.

Who to complain to?

What to do if you notice that a large pile of household waste begins to form near your house or on the way to work, and garbage is not removed? Of course, the easiest way is to pass by, reassuring yourself that it has nothing to do with you. But if this option does not suit you, you need to start fighting.

Since cleanliness in the city is a problem for local authorities, the first thing to do is to make a statement to the head of the city. The application must be collective, for example, from all residents of your home. A single appeal is likely to simply "drown" in a pile of others. In the statement, be sure to indicate what kind of reaction you expect from the city leadership: to conduct an investigation, establish a fact, draw up an act, identify the perpetrators, remove garbage, and so on. The term for consideration of such an appeal is 30 days. You must also indicate to which address you want to send a response.

If you live in a multi-storey (multi-apartment sector), be sure to report to an unauthorized landfill to the management company or the housing and communal inspection to which your house belongs. The timely removal of garbage is also their concern.

garbage removal

If all your appeals have not yielded results, proceed to more active actions. It will be necessary to take the statements to the prosecutor's office and the police. Only now do you need to complain not only about the landfill, but also about the failure of the city administration to fulfill its direct duties.

If all else fails, an open war will have to begin. Here you can’t do without the help of a lawyer, since the next step is to legally oblige the city authorities to remove the trash.

Coverage of the problem through local and federal media, online publications, public campaigns and flash mobs can also be effective. In the pre-election period, you can turn to a candidate for deputy in your constituency.

How to make a complaint

If you are concerned about an unauthorized landfill, and you decide to deal with it, you need to correctly compose a statement (complaint). Let's see how to do it:

  • As usual, in the upper right corner we indicate the addressee - the organization to which we send the letter; if there will be several, then you need to list everything, each from a new line in a column. A separate letter must be sent to each instance, with the same text and attachments, if any.
  • In the center of the sheet we write the word “Statement” or “Complaint”.
  • In the text of the appeal, indicate your surname, name and patronymic, location of the dump, as well as requests for its liquidation; It is very important to describe the location of the ugliness as detailed as possible, because according to your description the inspector must go to the object to verify the facts presented.
  • If possible, attach photographs confirming the presence of garbage to the treatment, and if the landfill is located outside the village, you should attach a more or less detailed map with an exact location (you can also draw a driving directions "by hand" and indicate the main landmarks on it) .
  • Further, in the text of the letter, indicate that, according to the legislation, the administration (organization) must send you an answer within a period not exceeding 30 days. Since envelopes are often lost, indicate the address to which you want to send an answer, directly in the text of the letter.
  • Now put the date of writing (on the left) and signature with the decoding of the surname, initials (on the right).

disposal of unauthorized landfills
If you attach any materials, number them as “Appendix 1”, “Appendix 2” and so on, and list them immediately after the text of the letter. For example, like this:

  • Appendix 1. Directions.
  • Appendix 2. Photofixing the fact of an unauthorized landfill - color photograph, size 10 x 15 cm.

Delivery methods for the complaint

There are several ways to deliver your message to your destination:

Option 1. This method is the fastest, cheapest, easiest and most inefficient. You just need to send an email to all the organizations you are interested in. As a rule, such statements are not recorded anywhere, and therefore your appeal is likely to be simply ignored.

Option 2. Send by regular mail. Note! The letter must always be registered with a receipt of delivery. This is a paid option, but it costs a lot. Send a registered letter with a notice affordable even to a senior citizen or student. This is how you can be sure that the application will get where it is needed, and you will have confirmation on that. Be sure to save the notice - this is your insurance against the fact that the letter is "lost."

Option 3. The most reliable. Personal delivery of the complaint to the destination. You will have to spend a little time for this. You need to come personally to the specified organization, find the correspondence department, the general department or the secretary there and leave them your application. Be sure to ask to register your letter, and inform you of the incoming number. Write it down. It is best to prepare two copies of the complaint and ask the receiver to put a stamp on one of them with the number and date of receipt. You will take this copy with you, it will become a confirmation that the letter was received, and you must answer.

What threatens violators

The reaction to your appeal should not only be the elimination of the landfill, but also the search and punishment of those responsible.

household trash

The responsibility for such actions is provided for by administrative (Article 8.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses):

  • from 1 to 2 thousand rubles - for individuals;
  • up to 50 thousand rubles. - for entrepreneurs;
  • up to 30 thousand rubles - for officials;

Also, in some cases, criminal liability is provided for up to 2 years in prison (Article 247 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The application of any of these measures to the guilty person does not relieve him of the obligation to eliminate the violation and remove garbage.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13876/

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