Where to publish my poems? Advice

Beginning authors often wonder where to publish their poems. It is known that at present this is not an easy task. If the creator of poetry is not the owner of a tidy sum, it can be difficult for him to promote his creations in the literary world. But how insulting it is to bury talent in the ground, not having the opportunity to fulfill oneself! In fact, you should never give up.

poet's things

It is always necessary to look for certain opportunities. It is worth taking in advance on faith that effective methods exist. You just have to try hard. So, how to publish a collection of poems, what should you pay special attention to? Let's try to understand such a difficult question.

Print Publishers

Some people with a writing talent literally climb over their heads to win the favor of the chief editors. They are convinced that a good verse is simply required to notice and print.

In fact, this happens quite rarely. Printing publishers are unlikely to collaborate with unknown authors who have no experience. After all, it is required to prove not so much the presence of talent as its demand in the market. And this is not so easy to do, given that most poets often have to face many failures.

print publishers

Meanwhile, if the desire to fulfill oneself is really great, you should pay attention to little-known publishers that have only recently appeared. They are really interested in the texts of the beginning poet. If the author’s ambitions are quite large, it makes sense to send poetry to such promoted publishing houses as “Sphere”, “AST”, “Astrel”. No one guarantees that you will certainly be published, but you can get at least some experience.

Internet resources

It is no secret that information technology today is developing at a rapid pace. It is much easier to rely on them than on traditional publishers, which, most likely, absolutely do not need the creation of unfamiliar talents. It is very disappointing to receive refusals, but this is not surprising. It is necessary even in a certain sense to prepare yourself for them.

Internet resources are noteworthy in that they differ in a certain variety. It’s better to choose several options for yourself, rather than stop at just one. Indeed, how to publish your poems on the Internet? What resources are useful to dwell on?


Quite a popular site that many people know firsthand. "Poetry.ru" has proven itself several years ago and has been receiving the attention of users since then. They drop in to raise their spirits, express emotions, share written poetic texts. After all, keeping your own creations in the table sometimes becomes quite unbearable! Only a true poet knows how difficult it is sometimes to grow and develop creatively every day.

portal poems ru

Sometimes despair comes, hands fall, I do not want to do anything. “Poetry.ru” can be called a win-win option for those who want to try their hand and get some feedback.

Literary portal Artbull.ru

Few people know about it because of its low prevalence. Meanwhile, neglecting this resource would be extremely imprudent. Beginning poets can use it not only to put their works on public display, but also get acquainted with the creations of other masters. If you also think about where to publish your poems, it is very useful to take this advice into account.

There is no need to constantly fear criticism. On this resource, it is more than constructive. The benefit from this is undeniable: a person begins to work on himself, grows as a person, develops his creativity. There is no task more important than to succeed in your own individual endeavor.

Resource Www.gorst.net.ru

Thinking about where to publish your poems, we should not forget about this portal. Yes, it is not well known than the two previous ones, but it certainly deserves attention. This is an electronic version of a literary magazine in which famous talents are printed. It turns out with a frequency of once or twice a month. It is worth paying attention to if you want to further develop in the field of literature.

Instead of a conclusion

In fact, the question of where to publish your poems requires a detailed consideration. Particular attention should be paid not just to finding the right resource, but to what content they need. Otherwise, one can constantly make the same attempts for many years, which will never succeed.

poet at work

The process of self-realization can really be long, sometimes incredibly exhausting. Constant persistence is required so as not to lose self-confidence. You must have a clear goal and never stop there.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13880/

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