Home Money LLC - reviews of company employees and customers

In this publication, we consider the work of Home Money (LLC). To begin with, it should be understood that this microfinance organization is not a bank. This is the so-called limited liability company, which is generally called abbreviated as "LLC". We will also use the following abbreviation - “DD”, which means “home money”.

The reviews on which this information is based belong to both customers and employees. It should be understood that some of them may be biased. This is not only because a person often expresses his opinion under the influence of emotions, and not even because we question him. But when examining the work of any financial company, including Home Money LLC, it makes sense to take customer or employee reviews only from those that were recently left.

No matter how hard the owners of “DD” or other similar companies try, they are unlikely to be able to initially organize their activities in such a way that absolutely everyone will like them. But if positive changes occur in the organization’s work , it deserves attention.

To begin with, that “DD” (LLC) has been operating on the Russian financing market for several years. Founded in 2007, this company is part of the ADELA Holding group. To date, “DD” is collaborating with customers whose number exceeds 50 thousand people. The company has more than one and a half thousand employees, of which more than 2/3 are engaged in direct contact with customers. As of January 1, 2011, this microfinance organization was already represented in 36 regions of the Russian Federation, and today the number of regions has increased to 50. The total amount of loans issued exceeds three billion rubles.

On the official website of Home Money LLC, the reviews are only positive. Readers, as a rule, do not believe that this is possible: they think that for sure there is a preliminary moderation. But what if we assume that the potential customer is interested in an urgent cash loan? He is not interested in how work is being done with debtors, but it is important what Home Money LLC can really offer him. In this case, reviews should contain information appropriate to his needs.

For example, quite often it is impossible to get a loan without providing a certificate of income. On the official website of the company there are thanks from people who received money without providing such documents. Taxi dispatcher writes that some drivers of the taxi fleet work without an employment contract and cannot take an income statement from the accounting department . Following his recommendations, several drivers were able to use the services of a microfinance organization. Another client of “DD” testifies that, while studying at a higher educational institution, he works in freelance. This is a woman who urgently needed money for treatment, but the banks refused her. She was able to get the required amount by contacting Home Money.

The reviews that are published on the company's official website are useful in that a potential client can quickly find out how realistic it is for him to personally receive a loan. If we summarize everything that people write, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • a loan to LLC DD can be obtained without a statement of income;
  • the procedure for receiving money is quick;
  • you need to try to pay the money on time.

As for the staff of the Home Money organization, there are no reviews on their work on the official website, but they are on other web resources devoted to loans. Some customers testify that they were served and issued a card very quickly. Others did not receive the money, although they provided all the necessary documents.

The specifics of the company is that employees are busy attracting new customers. Thus they earn points and climb the career ladder. In case of misunderstanding, you need not wait, but find out what the problem is. If there were inaccuracies (errors) in the documents, it becomes unprofitable for the organization representative to repeatedly go to the client.

In general, be that as it may, but you should be extremely careful both when submitting the necessary documents, and when concluding contracts. Tens of thousands of people work with the company in question and new customers are constantly appearing. All of them received certain amounts for some of their goals. If you be careful and comply with the terms of the contract, everything will be fine. As for work in this organization, in order to earn money normally, you need to get into a good management team.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13884/

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