"I will give" or "I will hand over" - how correctly? Secrets of Russian consoles

Increasingly, one has to face the fact that even the indigenous people of Russia do not know the Russian language: where to put emphasis, how to spell words, how to use prefixes correctly - for many it is a dark forest ... And what about visitors from other countries for whom Russian speech is not native. It is really difficult for foreigners who learn the spelling and writing sentences to be so short, but people who absorb the language with their mother’s milk, study it from childhood and graduate from higher education institutions should be ashamed of their illiteracy! Can't write correctly? Memorize words and some sentence constructions.

Word education

Many people ask: "hand over" or "ask" - how is it spelled correctly?

Word formation occurs with the help of prefixes, suffixes and endings. Prefixes and suffixes help to expand the variety of words, but the main thing is the root from which it was formed. For example, the noun "forest". With the help of suffixes and prefixes, you can form several new words: forest-nickname, forest-n-oh, re-forest-ok, without-forest-n-th, behind-the-forest-n-th. Or the verb "soar": re-par-it, par-enn, pro-par-en-n, ras-par-nen.

From the deafness of the voiced consonant with which the word begins, it depends on which prefix to choose: “voz-” (“vos-”), “raz-” (“ras-”), “vz-” (“vs-”).

For example: to amuse, to see, to restore, to call, to give, to, to, to, to burn.

The choice of prefix depends on the first letter of the root word.

spelling rules

"Rent" or "rent" - how to write?

The root of the word "give" begins with the sonorous letter "d", therefore, it is necessary to write "build". But! The prefix “z” does not exist in Russian!

"Rent" or "rent" - how to write?

There is a prefix "c", its spelling does not depend on the sonority or deafness of the subsequent letter: c-do, c-work, c-iron, c-write, c-sing, c-quiet.

"I will give" or "I will hand over" - how correctly? Everything is simple - write "I will hand over".

Voiced and deaf

If you want to check, try to drop the prefix from the word, and if the root remains unchanged, then you have chosen correctly. Try to get rid of the words "building", "zgi", "here" from the letter "z" - nothing will work for you, without "z" these words are not used.

Write "I will hand over"

So how is it right: “give” or “give up”? Of course, "surrender"!

The word comes from the verb "give" and the prefix "c", and if you use other prefixes, the root does not change: give, give, give, give, etc. For instance:

  • donate money for school breakfasts;
  • rent a summer cottage;
  • submit an order;
  • hand over clothes to the wardrobe;
  • hand over cards.

"I will give" or "I will hand over" - how correctly? It all depends on your logic and intuition. There is a linguistic flair - you can bypass the traps in the difficult preparation of sentences. Know how to parse words into parts - you can write without errors. Tip: Learn the rules!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C1389/

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