Facial massager: types, how to choose and use

Facial massage can improve skin tone, eliminate wrinkles, pigmentation, swelling. During this procedure, nerve endings are irritated, which leads to positive changes in the structure of tissues. Facial massager allows you to perform sessions at home. The types, selection and rules for using the device are described in the article.


A home facial massager is an excellent replacement for expensive procedures in a beauty salon. Although a high-quality device is expensive, but once paid, you can regularly conduct sessions at a convenient time.

facial massager

Massage devices are usually compact, they can be placed in a bag and taken with you on a trip. No matter how reliable the device is, it is necessary to consult a specialist before using it.


Of the minuses, we can distinguish:

  • high price;
  • lack of guarantee of the result;
  • risk of side effects;
  • there are contraindications.

the effect

There are many types of facial massagers. Each is created for a specific type of skin, and therefore performs certain functions. The procedures result in the following changes:

  1. Improving blood flow, due to which the complexion becomes healthy, metabolism is activated.
  2. Normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, the disappearance of pigmentation and edema.
  3. Cleansing pores, eliminating inflammation on the skin.
  4. Increasing the tone of the skin and muscles of the face, which tightens the oval and eliminates the second chin.
  5. Activation of the restoration of damaged and the formation of new cells.
  6. The disappearance of wrinkles.
jade facial massager

Such results are expected after regular procedures. Performing sessions at home, it will turn out to rejuvenate the skin of the face and eliminate some of its problems. It is only necessary to carry them out according to the instructions.


Now there are many types of massagers for the face, differing in the principle of exposure to the skin. Each device is designed for a specific type of epidermis, and when used in another area, it will not bring the desired result. Before buying the device, it is still better to go to a cosmetologist - he is able to determine the type of skin and advise the type of suitable massager. The following types of it exist:

  1. Mechanical massager for the face. This is an affordable device. It is also called a roller facial massager, reviews of which confirm the effectiveness of the procedures. The device is presented in the form of connected rollers of different sizes, made of plastic, wood or stone. They move on the skin, which has a massage effect. Although the design is simple, the deep layers of the skin are massaged, which allows you to get a lifting effect - the skin tightens and gains elasticity. Such devices are made of plastic, wood, stone. Jade massagers for face are in demand, having many positive characteristics. An excellent result is provided by a combination of mechanics with the useful properties of natural stone. Among jade massagers for the face there are many fakes. Therefore, it is important to purchase it from trusted suppliers.
  2. Miostimulator. This is an electric facial massager that performs the lifting effect. Procedures relieve facial wrinkles and fat deposits on the neck. Massage improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. The Miostimulator is an excellent replacement for Botox and other salon procedures.
  3. Vacuum. The device is one of the most popular, used to eliminate wrinkles and cleanse pores from dirt. After such procedures, the skin becomes fresh, toned and supple, black spots, inflammations, and a second chin are removed. Although the device has many advantages, it also has contraindications. Procedures can not be performed with vein diseases, rashes, inflammations. Before buying a massager, it is advisable to ask the permission of the attending physician for its use.
  4. Oxygen. Facial massager improves blood circulation of the skin, forms and emits oxygen molecules. With procedures, metabolism and reparative processes improve. As a result, the skin is saturated with oxygen, the epidermis acquires a healthy appearance.
  5. Ultrasonic. The device is designed to get rid of skin imperfections that impair its smoothness. Due to the high-frequency fluctuations of ultrasound, the skin cells shrink and take hold, therefore the epidermis is leveled. The device has a lifting effect - activates the production of collagen, making the skin smooth.
  6. Device for the skin near the eyes. Usually used infrared massagers. The skin around the eyes is thin, sensitive, and wrinkles and pigmentation appear there faster. Procedures can get rid of these shortcomings. The devices are compact in size and have a metal tip at the end. The mode of action is vibration. A vibrating facial massager usually has different tips.
  7. The device with ultrasound and infrared radiation. Such devices combine 2 types of radiation, which allows to increase the efficiency of the procedures.
  8. Laser The device tightens the oval of the face, smoothes wrinkles, evens complexion. With it, the metabolism in the skin is restored. The effect is noticeable after the first procedure.
vibrating facial massager

Mini facial massagers allow you to carry out procedures at any time without outside help. Each device is accompanied by instructions for work and safety rules.


Preparatory work is required using any type of device, but it differs for different devices. For example, for vacuum massage, you do not need to apply cosmetics on the skin in advance, but to perform a session, you must:

  • clean the epidermis with a foam or gel;
  • steam it;
  • apply a tonic;
  • have a massage;
  • close pores by applying cream or mask.
mini facial massager

Before using other devices - ultrasound, infrared or mystimulation, it is necessary to treat the skin with cream. Due to physical factors, it penetrates deeper into the skin, where it has a therapeutic effect. Massage movements must be performed not randomly, but strictly along the massage lines specified by cosmetologists.

Rules for

How to use a face massager? First you need to read the instructions that came with the device. They usually indicate the rules of the procedure. Before any manipulation, it is necessary to clean the skin, eliminating pollution and cosmetics. If time permits, you can perform a steam bath - this will improve efficiency.

It is necessary to move the massager from the bottom up, heading along the massage lines:

  • from chin to ears;
  • from the outer corners of the lips to the middle of the auricles;
  • from the wings of the nose to the temples;
  • from the center of the forehead to the temporal part.


The appliance must be operated gently to prevent discomfort. It is important to control that the skin does not stretch, otherwise the opposite result is likely. The chin and lower part of the face should be given increased attention, but do not massage one place for more than 1 minute.

mechanical facial massager

After 1 procedure, which lasts 5 minutes, it is necessary to assess the condition of the skin. It is important to check whether there are redness or inflammation on the epidermis. If everything went well, the duration of the next massage can be increased to 10-15 minutes.

How often to perform?

Facial skin needs regular, comprehensive care. But more this applies to cosmetics. It is important not to overdo it with the massage - one procedure in 2-4 days is enough to get the desired effect after a month. If there are no skin problems, then prevention can be carried out, but the frequency should not be more than 1 time per week.

You should not perform the massage constantly, it is required to take a course consisting of 10-15 sessions. Then the skin should be given rest for at least a month, and then re-treated.


Sometimes a massager for facial rejuvenation is undesirable, and often contraindicated. Each type of device has its own contraindications, but there are also general ones. Procedures are prohibited when:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • severe pathology of the endocrine system;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • acute inflammation;
  • tuberculosis
  • skin infectious rashes;
  • pregnancy, lactation.
electric facial massager

Electric massagers cannot be used for sensitive skin, and infrared should not be used for scratches and wounds on the skin. Ultrasound devices cannot be used with implants in the skin and defects. Vacuum devices are not intended for dry and inflamed skin, as well as for dilated vessels.

The choice

Without a specialist it is difficult to determine the type of suitable massager. Therefore, it is still better to consult a cosmetologist - he will identify skin problems and on the basis of this will choose a device that will allow you to get rid of them.

To choose a high-quality and convenient device, you must focus on the following nuances:

  1. Operation from the mains or battery (it is advisable to choose the 2-in-1 option in order to apply the appropriate power method in various conditions).
  2. Device parameters (very heavy, not convenient to use, but lightweight may not fulfill its main purpose).
  3. Convenience of the handle, as the massager will have to be kept for a long time during the procedure. This part should be comfortable and not slip.
  4. Power. The higher the indicator, the louder the work will be, and the higher the possibility that the device will cope with the appointment.
  5. The presence of additional nozzles. This must be determined independently whether they are needed or not.

Buying a facial massager is a responsible business. If you choose a suitable device, then very soon the results will be visible on improving the skin. The main thing is to use the device correctly.

Popular devices

Now the most popular devices are the following:

  1. Darsonval. An electric massager has a low cost. The device is practical to use. Users note the effectiveness and ease of use. Another advantage is the presence of 5 nozzles and rapid improvement in complexion.
  2. The device "Gesaton". The device works with the help of sound vibrations of different frequencies, which activate the exchange in the skin. With it, rejuvenation of the skin occurs.
  3. Mechanical massager "Youth". He does not need recharging or power. Although it has a simple device, with it you can get rid of the second chin, improve complexion and eliminate facial wrinkles.
  4. Stimulator "Slenderton Face". This is an expensive device that is used very simply: you just need to put on special headphones on your head and turn on the device. It will send impulses and affect muscle relaxation, which reduces wrinkles.
  5. Spa Expert. Such a device eliminates problems with the face, as well as in other parts of the body. It fits easily in the hand and is very easy to operate. The device operates on batteries. The kit includes 4 nozzles.
  6. Oriflame. The model is presented in the form of a convenient composition from the body and 4 nozzles. This device is intended for gentle cleansing of the skin, massaging, as well as for cleaning with a scrub.
  7. Face Lifting. A modeling massager improves skin elasticity, corrects facial contours, and eliminates dark circles and swelling under the eyes. Already after 10-12 days, the results will be noticeable.
  8. Gezatone Multifunctional devices correct face skin. The devices will allow you to independently perform deep cleaning with massage.
face massager reviews

There are other devices that make it easy to massage at home. The instructions usually indicate what effect they have on the skin of the face. It is necessary to monitor the duration of procedures and compliance with safety rules.

You can buy a massager in pharmacies and online on manufacturers' websites. The cost depends on the type of device. Mechanical devices usually cost about 1800 rubles, and the price of electrical is 5-7 thousand rubles.


Facial massagers are a great replacement for salon treatments. Sessions are easy to do on your own. But even taking into account the benefits, you should not use this anti-aging method in the presence of contraindications, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the delicate skin of the face.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13893/

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