Who is elongated caret: tips from stylists, photos

This haircut came to us from time immemorial and firmly established both in everyday life and on holidays. It turned out that, like many centuries ago, in our time its versatility is confirmed by its popularity. Many women in the world, regardless of the type of face and hair structure, choose a square: someone is elongated haircuts, and someone with different types of bangs. Apparently, the Egyptians knew a lot about the art of decoration, because the style they chose remained the basic model for a variety of caret options. Although there was a moment in history when the exclusive male prerogative was to wear a hairstyle in this style - the Middle Ages. However, justice prevailed in the 20th century, and women regained the face frame, which was preferred by Queen Cleopatra.

Classics of the genre

Among those who are elongated in their classic form or other varieties of this haircut - women of all ages and complexions, with any type and length of hair, business woman and housewife. They are united by only one thing: they all want their hair to look stylish in any circumstances, but to care for them is simple, and the time spent on it does not exceed half an hour.

A bob haircut meets all these requirements. Therefore, the only question that a woman or girl has to solve before going to the master is: "What kind of hairstyle is right for me?"

Today, there are several dozen varieties of this haircut, and the basis of each of them is the basic model. This season, one of the highest ratings for elongated caret. To whom such a haircut is going, and who should choose another option - the topic of our conversation.


A model with the playful name bob twenty years ago was on its own. But today, everything was mixed up, including haircuts: bob became one of the modifications of the square. At the same time, the length of the hair slightly covers the neck, and the bangs merge with the overall contour of the haircut and are not accented.

Color scheme

If you have long hair, and you don’t want a bang, then the master can advise you just a bob-car. The fact is that not every face type has a clear horizontal contour of the hair on the forehead, which is provided for in the classic version of the square, and whoever has an elongated hair style, they stop on a mixed model, in which the strands end on the line of the clavicle or shoulders.

The type of face in which the brown-bob looks great is, first of all, oval, to which all haircuts are suitable; then comes a round face, and after - with a contour expanding to the chin, or pear-shaped.

Kare on a leg

The execution of a square of this type is to remove the hair on the back of the head, but leaving long strands in front. The popularity of this haircut has increased many times after Victoria Beckham did it. Those who are elongated square without a bang on the leg should be the owners of thick hair, as well as an oval or triangular contour of the face.

Different bang options

Add saturation to the natural hair color also does not hurt: in this case, the hairstyle will look spectacular and flawless. The age of the client and the length of the strands are not important, since the haircut is as if two-tier: in front the hair can reach to the shoulders or lower, and on the back of the head they are cut to a minimum.

Caret graduated

This model relatively recently began its journey through the salons, and its performance is somewhat different from the traditional method. In a classic square, the shape of the hairstyle is leveled to one level, and in a graduated strand they are removed in layers, forming a volume even with a fine hair structure, and their length increases from the nape, where they are the shortest, to the lower part.

To achieve a super effect, masters recommend highlighting, but this is decided individually. Those who opted for a graduated elongated square without bangs, and who are interested in this option, should remember that this model involves styling, otherwise you will be a "shaggy hedgehog." The haircut is especially suitable for holders of round and oval, as well as pear-shaped faces.

Oval face

Special skill requires the execution of a double square. This rarely performed graduated haircut model involves daily grooming, which takes time and effort, but it's worth it.

Creative asymmetry

Stylists constantly bring new zest to the classic version of the haircut, one of which can be considered an asymmetrical square. The technology of execution is as follows: on the right side, the hair is removed as in a bob model, and on the left side the original length of the strands remains. If the shape of the face needs correction, as is the case with a round or rectangular look, then the master performs an offset in the center of the hairstyle. You can familiarize yourself with various modifications by looking at the photo of an elongated square, and to whom this asymmetric style suits, you can understand right away.

If you are not afraid to experiment or want to dramatically change the image, then you may be interested in the same disproportionate model, for which the base haircut is not a bob, but a bob. This option is suitable for girls or women of thin, athletic physique, because it resembles the style of a "boy." And here the correct styling is important, emphasizing your advantages.

Best version of yourself

The basic haircut of Queen Cleopatra gave birth to a whole direction in the design of the image, taking into account its shape and unique features. A high-level master will be able to choose exactly your haircut, having examined the parameters of your face, the shape of your nose, the shape of your eyes and the shape of your eyebrows.

How to independently deal with the question "Who goes elongated square without a bang?". A photo can help you with this: just look at one of your last images, where you are with a smooth hairstyle, and visually try on different modifications of the caret to it. And then choose an improved version of yourself from your point of view.

Individual approach: circles

When choosing a variation of a square you can use the advice of stylists, for example:

Kare on a leg
  • If you have an oval face, then you are a real lucky person who does not need correction and hiding flaws. You can experiment with all styles of haircuts, since each of them will highlight your personality in a special way. And asymmetry is very suitable for your oval, especially if you correctly use hair coloring.
  • The moon-like face will be in harmony with the hair, easily laid in the form of waves. However, it is necessary to observe the measure and make sure that the proportions of your body do not enter into dissonance with the volume of the hairstyle. It is unacceptable to build a tower on your head with small stature!
  • What should the owners of an elongated face do? Four of a kind goes to such women, if you choose the appropriate hairstyle design. Here, the same recommendation as for round faces is suitable: wave-like styling, taking into account the proportions of the body. It will visually increase the puffiness of the cheeks.
  • If the face is wide, then it can be slightly visually extended, making an elongated caret. And then your cheekbones will not be so accentuated.
  • Regarding the question "Does the elongated caret go full?" - here the answer is rather affirmative, and the option with bangs, as a rule, visually expands the face. However, one can definitely speak only by visually inspecting the proportions.

Individual approach: squares

A square face needs to be clarified: either it is a square shape, or rectangular.

  • In the first case, the position will improve the square without a bang to the shoulders. But only if your hair does not curl and is thick enough: rare locks will not save the situation.
    Rectangular face
  • In the second case, it is better to abandon the extended square in favor of asymmetry or graded haircuts. Perhaps it is worth considering the option of a square with a bang, but taking into account the individual parameters of the face.
  • Owners of a triangular face can also recommend asymmetry, which will correct the narrowness of the chin and hide a wide forehead.
  • Women and girls with graceful facial features can emphasize the neck, especially if it is long, with a bob-cut haircut on the leg.

Bangs: role-playing games

Classics of a caret are, first of all, exact geometric lines. This can be achieved with a high-quality hair straightener, as well as the use of certain caring cosmetics. It should be borne in mind that the uniqueness of the face makes the same haircut for a blonde or brunette completely diverse, although both of them will look very impressive.

A bang is able to emphasize flaws and obscure virtues and vice versa. Here a lot depends on the qualifications of the master, as well as on the image of the client. Bangs can be of different lengths, asymmetric and strictly proportional, torn and as if drawn along a ruler. In addition, the very structure of the hair is of great importance: wavy or straight, thin or hard, obedient or not.

Some hairdressers recommend taking into account the phases of the moon to achieve a greater effect, but this is not for everybody.

Who goes elongated caret with bangs

So, before heading to the salon, ask yourself the question: "What image do I want to create?". Especially it is necessary to think about this if you are planning any important event, and your confidence depends on the appearance. In addition, psychologists know that the main impression of a person is created within the first 3 seconds, which is why it is important to produce it at a high level.

Now about the options for bangs and about who such a haircut is the best choice.

  • If you have a square face shape, then you are the one who goes elongated square with a slanting bang. Asymmetric parting will be out of place.
  • The triangular face can be aligned thanks to a skillfully executed haircut with a bang, especially if the ends of the hair are directed inward. The length of the strands matters: it should be a few cm below the chin.
  • The so-called lacerated square can safely be worn by chubby women and girls. A haircut will allow you to adjust the shape of the face by visually stretching it.
  • The owners of the oval face are real lucky: everything suits them. This is the case when you can change your image, emphasizing its merits, without thinking about side effects. If you want to emphasize the shape of the lips - try on a model with an elongated bang. And you can highlight a beautiful forehead with the help of a variant of a square without a bang. The main thing is that the hair structure allows you to use the advantages of the shape of the face.
    Color selection
  • Clients with high eye-catching foreheads are usually advised to close it with a dense, even bang. And if, moreover, the face is noticeably elongated, it is recommended that the length of the haircut is below the level of the chin.
  • Girls and women with inexpressive, small facial features can choose the brown bean on the leg, where the length and shape of the bangs will depend on the image as a whole. And it will not be amiss to think about an emphasis on hair color.
  • The swan neck is, of course, the subject of dreams of every woman, but if she is too long, then this can be corrected: cut no higher than the level of the shoulders.

Conclusions and decisions

rack styling

You familiarized yourself with some of the intricacies of hairdressing and learned how to correctly create images. Now you can objectively evaluate yourself and choose what suits you, based on your goals and existing trends in modern hair styling. Perhaps this will be a choice in favor of an elongated caret: whether it suits you or not, you can decide for yourself. In the end, there are thousands of other styles and options from which you can choose your image.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13905/

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