Self-motivation is ... Principles, essence, functions and methods

Self-motivation is a force that helps a person move along their chosen life path. Not everyone has the courage to carry out the plan, the will or enthusiasm is sufficient, but everyone builds plans for life.

The best self-motivation is able to awaken a person and radically change his life. It fills the human existence with meaning and helps to move further along its path, overcoming obstacles of the most varied complexity.

Motivation and self-motivation

Motivation is a power based on deep desire, which makes people strive to achieve their goals.

A variety of factors are capable of motivating a person to certain actions, and self-motivation is when a person himself causes a desire to act.

Motivation is able to take many different types and forms. It can be both positive and negative, both proactive and reactive.

Motivation work in practice

In order for motivation to work in real conditions, it needs to be managed. That is, for starters, it is necessary to create it, and then in every possible way to support and try so that it does not fall below the required level.

Motivation can be created as follows:

  • prompting;
  • forcing;
  • creating a situation.

In addition to all this, when managing motivation it is necessary to take into account the distinctive features of a person and his qualities. Thus, for a person who is unable to enjoy the process of work, the result will be a much more motivating factor.

When managing motivation, it is also important to consider whether a person is prone to frequent emotional reactions or is he mostly used to being guided by his mind.

Other engines

Many people tend to complain about the lack of this same motivation, energy, will to live. It can sometimes be difficult for someone to lift themselves out of bed in the morning. Sometimes in such situations, motivation may not be an effective solution.

Although it is certainly one of the most important behavioral engines, it is far from the only one. Sometimes the solution to the question: "Where can I get energy?" - is not a search for 100 ways of self-motivation, but the setting of a mission or the development of habits that were absent in a person before.

climb stairs

Sometimes, instead of looking for the cherished motivation, you need to remove certain internal barriers that do not allow you to move on, eradicate self-pity. And at times, a simple rest is the most effective solution.

Importance of skill development

Self-motivation as the art of motivating oneself has an inextricable connection with beliefs, life aspirations, desires and almost everything that is important for an individual. All this is just able to push to certain actions.

Self-motivation is something that sometimes allows you to achieve results that previously people could only dream of. Having the ability to motivate yourself is one of many factors that distinguish individuals who achieve success from those who simply move with the flow.

The development of self-motivation is necessary, because no one is born motivated. A motivated personality is able to rise above circumstances, because it shows less self-pity and, accordingly, is able to get up early in the morning and perform more tasks in the most effective way.

Time factor

Gary Vaynerchuk - a Belarusian immigrant, now a businessman who has achieved incredible success in America, once said the most motivating words in his life:

I will die one day.

These, at first glance, depressing thoughts pushed him to live every day, like the last.

end of the road

The time factor creates three forms of self-motivation, these are:

  1. Low When a person simply prefers some occupation. Emotions in this form are not enough for the individual to mobilize himself "right here and now."
  2. Medium. This form occurs when an important, but not urgent, task appears.
  3. High. Here the stimulus of emotions is at such a level when the individual has practically no choice but to do right now.

It can be concluded that the time factor has a significant impact on the priority given to particular tasks.

Non-stop forward movement

The methods of self-motivation basically consist in the proper management of the forms “preferably”, “important” and “necessary right now”. The mobilization of oneself becomes at an optimal level when at least two forms change in "I can."

ant at work

A person is able to show the best of all possible results when all three forms change. This happens, as a rule, when the occupation of a person is a matter of his whole life.

In such a situation, a person maintains his level of motivation even at the end of his forces and when significant obstacles arise.

Other factors

In addition to the time factor, which gives various forms of self-activation, its formation is significantly influenced by:

  1. Inner barriers. They in most cases arise due to reduced self-esteem.
  2. Individual characteristics. For example, there are people who naturally have increased energy reserves, and their organization may suffer.
  3. General development. Those individuals whose ambitions can not come into conflict with laziness, often easily find a variety of excuses for their failures.
  4. Age. Children and the elderly usually have much more difficulties with self-activation and the use of self-motivation methods.

In the process of working on tasks, this skill plays one of the key roles. In order to develop it, exercises on self-motivation were developed.

Practical psychology in this case does not involve the use of any complex techniques. Exercises that allow you to feel a surge of energy are quite simple.

Goal setting and visualization

In order not to waste your precious strength on everything, it is very important to note your life goals. Thus, all sorts of little things that do not matter will cease to bother, there will be more energy and you will spend it on what really matters to you.

And for a greater effect, it will be useful to talk about your plans for life to those who can understand you. This will allow you to visualize your most important goals, which will have a positive impact on determination and bring some satisfaction.

An indispensable tool for personal growth is a magazine in which you will enter every personal victory. In addition to marks of success, it is useful to add smart sayings from a variety of sources to such a magazine that will provide additional motivation.

Inspirational quotes can be drawn from the biographies of people who have already achieved the desired success. In a difficult time, such a diary will be able to remind you of what you are capable of and what you have already achieved, thereby inspiring you to further achievements.

Give up routine

Do a thorough analysis of what you do on a daily basis. It is highly probable that a substantial part of them does not bring the result that you planned to get, but instead only takes away precious forces.

Quietly, you can let go of things that are already boring and are not needed at all. Leave energy to accomplishments that will have a real impact on your life.

It will be useful to make yourself a small environment from accessories that create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort. They will help in adapting to change.

Accumulate endorphins

The hormone called "endorphin" is considered by many to be a kind of drug, because with the release of this hormone in the body comes bliss. Physical activity can lead to this release. A light walk, a little jogging or even the most ordinary exercise will do.

feeling of victory

In this case, at times relaxing is simply necessary to replenish the supply of strength. Comedy, funny stories, jokes and jokes will relieve stress and allow you to cast off unnecessary seriousness. Humor is one of the best cures for stress.

You should not take on an excessive burden, trying without interruption to perform a bunch of different tasks. Overwork can destroy your self-motivation and lead to serious exhaustion.

Instead of trying to do everything all at once, it would be wise to interrupt between tasks for a while to restore strength. Attempts to perform immediately something huge threaten with a decline in quality and extra nerves.

Lost and personal circle

One of the most powerful tools of self-motivation are defeats. If you don’t get hung up on them and boldly step over them, they will save you from complexes and fears.

Every defeat that does not break you will certainly make you stronger, it is important not to stop.

You should also not shoulder the burden of other people's problems, as you already have your own. For those who want to shift their tasks to you, do not be afraid to refuse, because you run the risk of taking on an unbearable burden.

Be extremely careful with those you allow into your life, into your personal circle. There are people who are called energy vampires for their ability to suck energy out of you with their attitude to life. Such people should be avoided.

circle of friends

Optimistic people who are motivated no less than yours will be much more suitable for you. Such people who can really help you in difficult times.

Self-motivation in management

One of the most noticeable indicators of how successful the leadership in the organization is the ability of employees to do without a “kick” from their bosses in difficult conditions, that is, their self-motivation.

office staff

Often for the most efficient employees, the main driving force is the realization of themselves within the company, taking into account their own priorities in life. For a manager, managing such an employee has two sides to the coin. On the one hand, this is quite convenient for him, since it does not require significant efforts in order to motivate an employee.

On the other hand, it becomes difficult to manage such employees when they lose interest in the processes they are dealing with. And when the opportunity to realize themselves within the company disappears, such employees do not hesitate to quit.

There are certain techniques that can help develop self-motivation among employees. One of them is reframing.

Using reframing

A special exercise that allows you to see something from a different angle, which was previously inaccessible to perception, is called reframing. An example is the situation with a glass of water, which for a person with a pessimistic attitude seems half empty and for an optimist half full.

Having an idea of ​​a person’s attitude (optimistic or pessimistic), it is more than likely to predict his actions in a given situation. While the optimist seeks something, the usual action of the pessimist is avoidance.

at a different angle

Leaders are able to influence the fact that their employees have a more positive perception of the surrounding reality, as well as contribute to the development of the ability to understand the other side of what is happening. And all this is achieved with the help of reframing, the construction of which is carried out according to the following principles:

  • The construction of more optimistic interpretations of what is happening at a time when only the negative side is visible with the naked eye.
  • Finding personal advantages for an individual in this situation.
  • Create profitable comparisons.
  • A game of contrasts.

With all these principles, the use of reframing does not allow lies or substitution of facts. All the characteristics of the other side of what is happening should actually take place in reality.

Although some managers prefer to conduct training sessions for their employees according to the “33 methods of self-motivation” type, sometimes it makes sense to simply demonstrate reframing to your subordinates and show all its usefulness in relation to self-motivation, because this technique has repeatedly proved its effectiveness.


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