How to teach Russian to foreigners? The best Russian language textbook for foreigners

Many often think about how to teach Russian to foreigners. This is no coincidence, because every year more and more foreign tourists visit the Russian Federation. Some of them remain in Russia to live. That is why philologists must know how to help a foreigner who wants to learn Russian. You can find some supporting information for training in our article.

Why do foreigners learn Russian?

Residents of many countries have recently begun to actively study exactly the Russian language. What is the reason, few know. Surprisingly, US government agencies give preference to specialists who know Russian. It is also believed that a decent technical education can be obtained in Russia. That is why many foreign students learn Russian.

The role of the Russian Federation in the global economy is increasing annually. Some residents of foreign countries learn the Russian language in order to discover new opportunities in various fields of activity. In many large companies, his knowledge is required. This is necessary in order to cooperate and negotiate with Russian organizations.

Russian also plays an important role in the personal lives of foreigners. It is known that some of them dream of marrying just a Russian girl. Knowledge of the language allows you to maintain a conversation without too much difficulty.

The Russian language is extremely important for foreign students. Many of them receive education in Russia. Often they choose medical universities. This is no coincidence, because in many countries the doctor is a prestigious and highly paid profession. In the Russian Federation, foreign students can not only get a decent medical education, but also save a lot on it, because in some countries it is the most expensive.

Russian language in Germany

The Russian language in Germany is not the language of national minorities of the European Union. There, in schools, children can choose to study Spanish or French. At universities, students can also learn Polish or Czech.

Germany has several million Russian-speaking residents. It is also owned by citizens of the former republics of the USSR. Russian language lessons for foreigners and indigenous people in Germany were opened by our compatriots. You can visit them on the weekend. The lessons are designed not only for children from Russian-speaking families, but also for Germans who, for one reason or another, want to learn Russian.

Russian words and phrases that foreigners learn first

In order to understand how to teach the Russian language to foreigners, it is necessary to find out what words and phrases you need to pay attention to first of all. Foreigners from all over the world said that, in their opinion, is the most important for those who wish to visit Russia. Thanks to the study of this information, a foreigner will not fall into an absurd situation.

  • According to many residents from all over the world who have at least once been to Russia and Russian-speaking countries, it is first necessary to learn the numbers. There are cases when unscrupulous sellers and taxi drivers charge more from a foreigner for a service than from indigenous people.
  • In order to better understand others, it is necessary to learn some so-called parasite words. For example, often foreigners cannot understand why in some cases a pancake is not food, but a curse.
  • It is also important to learn phrases that are difficult to understand. “No, I guess” is the usual offer for us, which puzzles almost all foreigners. This is no coincidence, because it immediately combines three possible answers to the question. An experienced and qualified teacher can help her understand. During training, almost every tutor of the Russian language for foreigners explains that such a phrase means that a person does not know the answer to the question or is not sure of it.
  • Experienced foreigners recommend that dairy lovers learn the words “milk” and “kefir”. They argue that, as a rule, they are sold in almost the same packaging and they can be easily confused.
  • It is also important to learn words that indicate direction, such as “up,” “left,” “there,” “here,” and others. Thanks to this, it will be possible to easily explain to the taxi driver where to go. The knowledge of such words also helps to understand passers-by, whose help will be required for a foreigner if he is lost.

The best books for learning Russian

Russian for foreigners is difficult enough to learn. For more effective training, it is recommended to use special literature. The best books are described in our article:

  1. The book "The Complete Course of the Russian Language", whose author is N. Peterson, is an elementary course in the Russian language. Thanks to this publication, you can easily learn to read and write. After a thorough study of the book, a foreigner will be able to speak Russian. It will help to get a basic foundation, thanks to which it will be possible to improve your knowledge.
  2. Not everyone knows how to learn the Russian language of foreigners from scratch. In teaching, the illustrated vocabulary of Joy Oliver and Alfredo Brasioli "Russian Language" can serve as supporting material. It contains over a thousand basic words and about 30 images. Thanks to the illustrations, the material is quickly remembered.
  3. Another popular Russian language textbook for foreigners is Russian as a Foreign Language. The manual contains a lot of valuable information. There you can find diagrams, illustrations, tables, practical exercises and much more.
  4. The book "Russian language in pictures" is considered one of the most popular and in demand. Its author is I. Gerkan. Such a Russian language textbook for foreigners contains the main vocabulary, as well as the rules for its declension.

The most difficult rules of the Russian language

It seems no coincidence that the Russian language is difficult for foreigners. There are many rules that they cannot understand. Some of them are described in our article. They must be studied by foreign citizens who want to learn Russian, first of all.

The most difficult thing for a foreigner is the basics of the declension of Russian-speaking words. For example: mouth - in the mouth . Many foreign residents can not immediately understand where the vowel letter from the middle of the word disappears. That is why, not knowing the basic rules, they often say: "In the company."

Many letters of the alphabet we are used to seem strange to foreigners. They do not understand why it contains several varieties of the same letter, which differ slightly in sound. These include e and e, w and u , b and b . The letter "s" also causes a lot of difficulties. To explain her pronunciation is almost impossible. This also applies to hard and soft sign.

Russian language and its study. A few nuances

How to learn the Russian language of foreigners, not every experienced teacher knows. The standard curriculum is not suitable for such students. It is important that the teacher is fluent in not only the Russian language, but also one that the foreigner considers native. The first lessons are recommended to be carried out individually. A student can attend group classes only after a couple of months. Such a training scheme will be most productive.

It is important that the foreigner attends classes at least 3 times a week. The duration of the course, as a rule, is up to 160 academic hours.

Initial stage of study

Any program of the Russian language for a foreigner begins with the study of the alphabet. It is important to devote enough time to the problematic letters that we described earlier. The next stage is the basics of reading. Experienced teachers recommend sticking colored stickers with basic words in the house. So it will be the easiest to remember them.

When a student has mastered the Russian alphabet and reading, teachers begin to study grammar, phonetics and speech development with him. At this stage, a foreigner may prefer group exercises and feel comfortable at the same time.

It is important that the teacher explains to the student what polysemantic words are. He must understand their use in a particular context. It is important that the teacher as often as possible spoke with a foreigner in Russian. All the tips described will allow the student to achieve maximum learning outcomes as quickly as possible.


Not every foreigner wants to learn a new language with a teacher. Some are trained for self-development. A self-taught Russian language for foreigners is an excellent option for those who want to learn a new language without any help.

Today, there are many videos and audio tutorials. Thanks to them, it is possible to master the Russian language in a matter of months without much labor and money costs. You can engage in such self-development at any time of the day. However, this method also has disadvantages. As a rule, foreigners do not fully understand some of the rules. In this case, the help of a qualified teacher will be required.

Language classes

Often, for the study of the Russian language, foreigners prefer special courses. They have both positive and negative sides.

The advantages of language courses include:

  • high professional level of teachers;
  • group form of classes;
  • motivation.

Language courses also have disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • reference to time.

Every year, more and more foreigners choose language courses to learn Russian. This method of training is not suitable for everyone, but is considered one of the most effective.

The opinion of scientists on the importance of studying the Russian language

Scientists often analyze social networks and popular sites. This is necessary in order to understand which language will become the leading language in the future. Specialists claim that English is still leading. The second place is occupied by the Russian language. It is in these languages ​​that books and various materials are most often translated. Experts believe that it is important to be fluent in not only English, but also Russian, Spanish, and French. Every modern person should study leading languages.

To summarize

In our article, you found out how to teach Russian to foreigners. Surprisingly, things that are usual for us, such as the alphabet and some phrases, cause bewilderment among foreign citizens. That is why only highly qualified teachers should engage in their training. A foreigner can learn Russian independently, but for this he will need a large amount of time and effort.


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