Rules for changing and using the irregular verb feel

Many people think that English is easy to learn due to the fact that it is based on the Latin language. A feature is the ease of use of grammar rules. In turn, students know that, despite the apparent simplicity, the language is full of features and sometimes illogical patterns. These properties are most often referred to as seemingly complicated grammar rules and irregular verbs.

The importance and complexity of learning irregular verbs

In the process of working on grammar, one of the most difficult moments to understand is the topic: "feel felt felt - irregular verbs." Beginners in learning English often confuse the correct forms, thereby making mistakes. All that needs to be done is just to understand the essence and consider the specific rules for the formation of irregular verbs. Having mastered the features of the formation of words and their properties, it will be possible to freely operate a vocabulary to maintain conversation at any level.

irregular verb feel

Differences between regular and irregular verbs

In English, all verbs can be divided into regular and irregular. Correct ones change their structure depending on the time according to the pattern: elapsed time + ending -ed, or auxiliary verb of perfect time + main semantic verb with ending -ed. The wrong ones, in turn, do not have a logical chain of change over time.

Some of them can completely change their base. For example, feel is an irregular verb whose forms also belong to this unit. In past and perfect tenses, this word is not converted to feeled - but to felt. Another group of irregular verbs does not change under any circumstances. An example of this property is the English verb run. In all tense forms, the word does not change its structure either in simple, in the past, or in perfect time.

feel irregular form verb

The most used meaning of the verb feel

The irregular verb feel has several meanings. The most used: "feel," "feel," "experience," "count," "feel." But in addition to the meanings from the explanatory dictionary, there is also a slang version of the interpretation of words. In this sense, the irregular verb feel is most often used, for example:

  • Overwhelming emotions that cannot be adequately explained.
  • External information, which is perceived through touch, smell, sight and hearing, and later forms a personโ€™s feelings or personal attitude to the received data.
  • Emotions that completely take possession of a person. Especially often used in the sense when someone is impressed, for example, by a film or a work of art. The verb is often used to convey shades of sadness.
  • Description of negative emotional states: depression, despair, powerlessness and aggression directed at oneself.
  • Strong emotional involvement.
  • Strong feelings for the fandom, a couple in love on the screen.
  • Understand, feel emotionally involved.
feel felt felt irregular verbs

The structure of the verb and its types

Depending on the time and circumstances occurring at the moment of speech, the form of the verb "feel" will change. 3 forms of the irregular verb feel: feel - felt - felt. If the speaker talks about past events, the second form of felt is used. If these actions did not just happen, but still have a visible effect, then in addition to the auxiliary verb, which must be used for the correct temporal construction, the main verb feel will change to felt.

Where to find irregular verbs?

To answer the question of whether feel is a regular or incorrect verb, you need to know where such words are. All irregular verbs can be found in any printed language study guide. The classification looks like a table of three columns. Also, this method is suitable in order to separate the correct verb from the irregular. If there is no word in the table, it means that all temporary forms are formed according to the classical pattern.

To choose the right time to describe the action in the past, you need to know the difference between the times. The first column contains a list of verbs in the present tense. These words are often called infinitives. From this column, verbs are used to talk about real-time events. The second column is responsible for the elapsed time, events that took place without leaving an important trace or consequences. Verbs from the third column indicate perfect tense, in which the consequences of past actions are already visible, in contrast to the previous example. In this case, the second and third forms of the verb do not differ from each other, the verb feel in any past tense has the form felt.

irregular verb feel 3 forms

Why one word has many meanings, and what is the reason for the complexity of the English language

You can understand the topic of regular and irregular verbs if you understand the basic principle of the formation and construction of temporary structures. The most important thing is to try to remember the most used irregular verbs and their forms. It is also worth noting that English is not a ossified set of rules. As in any other language, there are innovations that are related to all areas. For example, thanks to new discoveries, the lexical composition is replenished. Since English is international, therefore, it is it that is subject to change more than others.

Language student

This fact directly affects the irregular verb feel. This is manifested in the polysemy of the word, since in addition to the traditional meaning, there are slang variants of use, that is, innovations. Having studied the irregular verb feel and tense forms, we can conclude that this word is easy to wield in all tense forms.


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