Voronezh: Victory Square - the largest memorial of military glory in the city

Monuments dedicated to the Victory of the Soviet Army in the Great Patriotic War are in all cities affected by the events of those years. Voronezh is no exception. Victory Square is the largest memorial of military glory in this city, decorated with intricate sculptural compositions. Every tourist who is interested in the great feat of the Soviet people in the Second World War, as well as everyone who loves original sculptures and magnificent monuments, is worth visiting this place.

Voronezh Victory Square

The role of Voronezh in the Second World War

Fascist troops reached Voronezh in the summer of 1942. The right-bank part of the regional center fell into occupation. The reaction of the defenders of the city was immediate, and a defensive front was created on July 7, 1942. Further, the fighters restrained the onslaught of the enemy, and already in mid-January of the following year they defeated the invaders and captured a huge number of German soldiers and officers. January 25, 1943 is the date of the liberation of the city. The battles in the Voronezh region lasted 212 days, solely due to the heroism of the Red Army soldiers, 30 enemy divisions were destroyed here.

Square of victory

Voronezh Victory Square Monument
During the Great Patriotic War, the city, which was not occupied by enemy troops, was destroyed by almost 95%. One fact is interesting: despite the fact that the front line passed through Voronezh, the settlement did not receive the status of a hero city. In the postwar years, the center of the Voronezh region receives the order, and not so long ago it was recognized as the City of Military Glory. And yet, despite the formal ranks and definitions, it is impossible to underestimate the contribution to the Great Victory that Voronezh made. Victory Square - a grand memorial complex, solemnly opened on the 30th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.

Order awarded city

On May 9, 1975, residents of Voronezh were able to attend the grand opening ceremony of the memorial complex. Victory Square itself has the correct geometric shape and is conditionally divided into three zones. The author of the project is sculptor F. Sushkov, architects: P. Danilenko, N. Gunenkov, designer S. V. Puchkov. In the southern part of the memorial, a high construction can be seen. The stella on Victory Square in Voronezh consists of two separate elements, between which at the very top is the Order of the Great Patriotic War of the 1st degree. The total height of the monument is 40 meters.

Sculpture group

According to the residents of the city and all the tourists who visited Voronezh, Victory Square is notable primarily due to its main sculpture. The composition demonstrates the unity of all sectors of society and the joint contribution of the workers of the rear and front to the liberation from German occupation. On the pedestal you can see standing shoulder to shoulder representatives of all types of troops of the Soviet Army participating in the battles near Voronezh, as well as outstanding representatives of the civilian population: workers, a mother with a baby in her arms, a Komsomol member. Victory in the Great Patriotic War is a national achievement. Each person who lived in this region during those events contributed to the common cause, it is precisely because of this that such a positive result can be observed. Be sure to visit Victory Square during a trip to Voronezh : the monument erected on it is rightfully considered one of the most moving in our country (as part of its theme).

Eternal Flame on Victory Square in Voronezh

The eternal flame and other elements of the decoration of the square

An eternal flame burns in front of the sculptural composition; it was lit on the day of the grand opening. This element of the memorial complex is made in the traditional style: tongues of flame rise from the center of a five-pointed star framed by a figured lattice and ears. The eternal flame on Victory Square in Voronezh, as expected, burns year-round, in any weather. A granite wall stretches along the memorial, on which you can read the names of all the units that participated in the battles, as well as see the real map of the battles. If you decide to come to Voronezh in the summer, Victory Square will seem like a real oasis to you. On its territory are manicured flower beds with flowers. Most recently, the grave of the Unknown Soldier was also equipped here .

Stella on Victory Square in Voronezh

Where is Victory Square, what events are held here today?

Every year an increasing number of years separates us from the date of the Great Victory. But no one is forgotten, and nothing is forgotten. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War are gathering on Victory Square, Voronezh cadets are taking the oath here, schoolchildren and students are taken on open excursions, and on May 9, celebrations are held in this place. Near the monument and eternal flame are always fresh flowers and memorial wreaths. On the day of their marriage, many newlyweds also drop by during a wedding walk to lay flowers and honor the memory of their ancestors, thanks to which the sky above their heads is now always peaceful. This memorial is also interesting for a tourist inspection while visiting the city.

Victory Square Voronezh Address
Where is Victory Square (Voronezh) located? It is not difficult to remember the address of the object: the memorial is located on Revolution Avenue. Thanks to the high stele, it can be seen from afar, in addition, any local will immediately tell you how to get to Victory Square. An interesting fact: during the construction of the memorial, it was calculated that a picturesque panoramic view would open from it. However, subsequently the neighborhood was built up with lively and business-like skyscrapers, and today only sculptures installed on the square itself should be considered the main attractions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13921/

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