Where to buy sulfuric acid? Points of sale and tips

Not all substances and reagents are in free retail today. One of such inaccessible names is sulfuric acid. Let's consider in this article what it is connected with and where it is possible to purchase it in Russian cities.

Sulfuric acid is ... Transportation, storage

Those who are interested in where you can buy sulfuric acid, first of all, recall the properties of this substance dangerous to humans. Sulfuric acid is a variety of strong dibasic acid, its formula is H 2 SO 4 . In Russia, this mixture of sulfur trioxide with water is produced according to GOST 667-73, 2184-77, 4240-77. The production of this heavy oily liquid, which has neither color nor smell, suggests several varieties of it, which differ in their purity and concentration.

Sulfuric acid has the following important properties:

  • The specific gravity is 1.85 g / cm 3 (for an ideal 100% sulfuric acid - 1.92 g / cm 3 ; but such a substance has a significant minus - it freezes at -10 degrees Celsius).
  • The boiling point is +296.5 ยฐ Celsius, the crystallization point is + 10.45 ยฐ Celsius.
  • At a concentration of up to 70%, only water vapor is released during heating and boiling of this acid. With a higher content of H 2 SO 4 , harmful acid emissions also enter the air.
  • Explosive and fire hazardous substance. In contact with water, one should be wary of a violent reaction, as a result of which gases, vapors, and heat are released. Therefore, when working with sulfuric acid, you need to have special clothes, shoes, a set of individual chemical protection.

where to buy sulfuric acid

Sulfuric acid is delivered to the end user both by road and by rail. For transportation, special sulfuric acid containers (for technical sulfuric acid) or acid-resistant tanks (for improved H 2 SO 4) are used.

During storage, it is worth remembering that sulfuric acid is a toxic substance belonging to the second hazard class. Extremely safe vapor concentration of H 2 SO 4 is 1 mg / m 3 . Before deciding where to buy sulfuric acid (technical), you need to purchase a special container for its storage. In industrial premises, it is additionally lined with acid-resistant brick.

The use of sulfuric acid

The main consumers of sulfuric acid are metallurgical enterprises, woodworking plants, and the chemical industry. It is used for:

  • purification of petroleum products from sulfur inclusions;
  • ore decomposition;
  • descaling before galvanizing wire, metal sheets;
  • nickel plating, chromium plating of the metal surface;
  • production of medicines (concentrated solution in organic synthesis);
  • fertilizer production (this industry consumes about half of all sulfuric acid produced in the country);
  • manufacturing artificial fiber;
  • ethanol production;
  • making aniline dye.

where can I buy sulfuric acid

Individuals interested in where to buy sulfuric acid mainly use it as an electrolyte for acid batteries.

Where to buy sulfuric acid

In a pharmacy, sulfuric acid is not sold in principle. A private person can purchase its non-concentrated solution (30-35%) in stores selling auto parts and auto chemicals. More concentrated solutions are precursors that are not legally sold to individuals.

sulfuric acid where to buy in a pharmacy

Before you find out where to buy sulfuric acid, here are the tips of the people who made such an acquisition.

Buying Tips

So, it is important to keep in mind the following:

  1. In rare cases, a large volume of this substance will be sold to an individual - it should be purchased little by little, from different suppliers.
  2. If purchase is not possible, you can try to evaporate H 2 SO 4 from the electrolyte. The maximum density will be no more than 1.4 g / cm 3 . Evaporation is carried out in a porcelain container in a sand or gypsum bath. In no case should this process be carried out indoors.
  3. Remember that the sale of sulfuric acid is under control, as This substance is used to produce drugs as well as improvised explosives. Even if you purchase it for innocent experiments or for refueling the car battery in considerable quantities, this can cause unnecessary suspicions.

where to buy concentrated sulfuric acid

Where can I buy sulfuric acid in Moscow

In the capital, you can purchase sulfuric acid in:

  • Himmed;
  • Sigma-Tech
  • online store of CJSC Khimservice;
  • Component Reagent LLC;
  • Odichim LLC;
  • in LLC Mega-chemical (technical, battery, chemical clean) - the company does not work with private owners.

Where can I buy sulfuric acid in Moscow?

Sale of sulfuric acid in Russian cities

Where to buy sulfuric acid in other Russian cities, we consider in the summary table.

Volgograd"Reagent"Chemically pure
EkaterinburgService SteelTechnical, GOST 2184-2013
Irkutsk"KP" Crocus "Technical, canisters 35 L
KazanNPF "Alpha"Rechargeable
KrasnodarNPF "Nitpo"Rechargeable, technical
KurskKurskKhimPromChC improved
Nizhny NovgorodHemixWholesale: regenerated, technical, rechargeable battery, rechargeable
Nizhny Novgorod"Trading house" ProfChem "Technical sulfuric acid
NovosibirskSPT LLCTechnical acid in cans 10 l
Novosibirsk"VitaChem Siberia"GOST 2184-77
St. Petersburg"Capitalchem โ€‹โ€‹Industry"Wholesale and retail. Delivery
SimferopolKhimregionsnabChemically pure
Tolyatti"Oil transportation"Improved
Ulan-UdeKhimpromRechargeable 36 L
UfaLLC DOPTechnical
Cheboksary"Ideal Group"GOST 4204-77
Chelyabinsk"Technochemistry"Technically clean in cans 18 L

Where to buy concentrated sulfuric acid? "Sick" question for a private person. In most cities, only 30-35% battery solutions are available in free retail.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13938/

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