Apple cider vinegar for dandruff: methods of use, recipes, reviews

Dandruff is a common ailment that many people suffer from. The scalp itches and peels, and on the clothes you can notice white flakes that crumble from the hair, spoiling the appearance. For treatment, most people prefer to use special shampoos and other therapeutic agents. The price for them is rather big, and they give a temporary effect. Apple cider vinegar is very effective against dandruff. It is cheap and free of chemical additives.

dandruff is a problem for many

Why dandruff appears

Before proceeding with the fight against this ailment, it is necessary to establish the reason why it appears.

  1. An allergic reaction to hair cosmetics, products or medicines.
  2. Stress.
  3. Excessive dryness of the scalp.
  4. Increased sebum secretion. When the secreted fat is mixed with dead cells, they cover the head with a crust that begins to exfoliate and fall off with white flakes.
  5. Bacteria and fungi.

In a word: dandruff is the result of an imbalance in the body or directly on the scalp. How to get rid of dandruff on the hair with the help of traditional medicine, we learn below.

clean skin and with dandruff

How apple cider vinegar works

For many centuries, cider has been used to preserve perishable products, processing them in a special way. Also, the tool was used in medicine. Its effect is due to the fact that it is capable of killing microbes and bacteria, possessing antibacterial and antiseptic effects. Vinegar also normalizes the production of sebum.

This is a completely natural product without chemicals, so you can use it daily. The result of treating hair for dandruff with apple cider vinegar can be seen during the first week of use, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

The only condition: to achieve a therapeutic effect, you must use vinegar obtained naturally from apples, and not artificially synthesized.

Application methods

There are several ways to get rid of dandruff on the head with apple cider vinegar. It all depends on the severity of the disease.

natural product

If there is a little dandruff, you can just rinse your hair daily with a solution of cider and water (1 tbsp. L. Per liter). This will help reduce excessive fat secretion and have an inhibitory effect on the growth of bacteria that cause dandruff.

In a more severe case, the concentration of the mixture must be increased, and already take a glass of vinegar per liter of water. Rinse your head after each hair wash.

With a very large amount of dandruff, apple cider vinegar should be rubbed, massaging, into the scalp in its pure form. You will have to do this procedure until the symptoms of the manifestation of the disease disappear.

It is worth considering that vinegar is an acid. If it gets on the skin, it is possible to burn, especially if it is sensitive or there are wounds and cracks.


Dandruff apple cider vinegar can also be used in combination with other supplements. This will make its use even more efficient.

other components
  1. With essential oils. Prepare a mixture of 10 ml of water and 20 ml of vinegar. Add a few drops of EM lemon, rosemary, lavender or any other. Wash hair with shampoo with a weak pH index, wrap with a towel to absorb excess moisture. On semi-dry hair, apply the prepared mixture liberally and leave to dry. You can do a scalp massage for a better effect. Then rinse off. Such a procedure should be done at least once a week.
  2. Mint leaves. Boil a glass of water and add a few mint leaves and two glasses of vinegar. Cool the mixture and pour into separate clean dishes. For convenience, you can use a spray gun. Irrigate hair every day until it and the scalp are properly saturated with the solution.
  3. Healing herbs. Take a quarter glass of herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage, etc.) and pour in vinegar, previously brought to a boil (2 glasses). After immediately remove from heat and let it brew for at least two hours. Dilute the tincture 1/2 tbsp. water. Soak the skin and hair with the resulting product before washing. You can use it later, since it leaves no traces on the strands.
  4. Fenugreek. This dandruff mask with apple cider vinegar will quickly put your head in order. You need to take a handful of fenugreek seeds and grind them in a blender or meat grinder. Add a little vinegar to the resulting mass and mix. Apply to scalp for 20 minutes. It is recommended to make a mask 1-2 times a week.
  5. Honey. This means of traditional medicine will not only get rid of trouble, but also improve the quality of hair. After all, honey is a real storehouse of useful active substances. One condition is the absence of an allergy to bee products. To prepare the mask, you must mix honey and vinegar in equal proportions to a uniform consistency. Apply to damp clean hair (for half an hour) under a film and a heater. Then rinse off.
  6. Tea tree oil and olive. You will need a glass of water, a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar for dandruff, a teaspoon of olive oil and 5 drops of EM tea tree, the juice of half a lemon. Mix everything and pour into a storage container. Better with a spray, so it is more convenient to apply the product. Before washing with an ox, apply liberally to the scalp and strands, having previously shaken them. Insulate the top with a film or a shower cap and a towel. After half an hour, wash your hair.

Useful Tips

  • Before using apple cider vinegar for dandruff, it is necessary to conduct a test for an allergic reaction on the bend of the elbow. This is especially true for those who are prone to such manifestations. But it will not hurt non-allergy sufferers either.
  • If the test was negative, but after the procedure an unpleasant sensation occurred: itching, burning or rash, it may still have begun irritation. You will have to stop using vinegar or reduce its concentration in the preparations.
  • Vinegar vapors are very corrosive, so procedures with its use are best done in a ventilated area. If possible, of course!
  • Undiluted apple cider vinegar is healthier, but the risk of earning irritation is greater. Therefore, you should focus on your feelings when using it. If in doubt, it is best to start with a small amount and dilute it with water.
  • When buying, be sure to pay attention to the composition! Vinegar should be natural, not synthetic.
  • Do not be afraid of a pungent odor. He will not stay on his hair. The fragrance wears out pretty quickly.
vinegar raw materials


Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful remedy. But allergies are an absolute contraindication.

Some categorically do not tolerate its aroma. If you don’t have the strength to endure, you will have to abandon its use and look for another remedy, since apple cider vinegar for dandruff has not come up.

Apple vinegar


Those who used vinegar for hair, for the most part, were satisfied with the result. Dandruff does not disappear immediately, but the effect is more persistent compared to the purchased means of the mass market. In addition, the scalp becomes healthier, the oily hair is reduced, which is why many representatives have to wash their hair almost every day. Acetic acid makes the strands shiny and manageable. Therefore, apple cider vinegar often transfers from a therapeutic agent to the category of permanent hair care products.


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