Mask with castor oil for hair growth: recipe, features of application, results, reviews

Any woman dreams of long and thick hair. After all, they can be laid in a fashionable hairstyle, curled with beautiful curls or simply dismissed so that they freely fall over the shoulders. However, the negative effect on the hair of various factors makes this a dream. How to translate this into reality using affordable and natural means? Castor oil will help to become the owner of beautiful curls. A mask for hair growth from it is an effective and time-tested remedy.

Composition and benefits of castor oil

Castor is a product of natural origin. It is obtained by pressing the seeds of castor oil plants.

Castor oil can be called poor. It mainly consists of acids and vitamins A and C. But a unique component is included in castor oil. It contains ricinoleic acid, which occupies 90% of the composition. No other product contains it anymore. It is thanks to her that castor oil can have a healing effect on the hair and scalp. The remaining acids (linolenic, palm and oleic) only complement and enhance the positive effect of ricinoleic.

Castor and burdock oil hair mask

Due to the mutual addition of useful substances in its composition, a mask for hair growth with castor oil is able to:

  1. Protect hair from environmental hazards.
  2. Return curls smoothness and elasticity.
  3. Strengthen the hair roots and restore their damaged structure.
  4. Improve the blood circulation in the scalp, which accelerates the growth of curls.
  5. Normalize fat metabolism.
  6. Eliminate dryness and peeling of the skin and get rid of seborrhea.

The main advantage of castor oil is that it is suitable for all types of hair and has no contraindications for use.

How to apply castor for hair

The substance is considered one of the best hair care products that can heal the scalp and strengthen curls. To get a positive result from the use of castor oil, you must follow these rules:

  • The substance used for cosmetic purposes is available in several forms. The most useful castor, which is obtained by cold pressing. In specialized stores you can buy black (Jamaican) castor oil, which is produced by frying and boiling seeds. The product is quite rare, but is considered the most useful.
  • Castor hair oil can be used both in its pure form and together with additional components. The substance has a viscous consistency, so it is difficult to wash it off with a strand.
  • Before applying castor oil for hair treatment, it is necessary to make a test for sensitivity. To do this, apply a small amount of the product on the inside of the wrist. You should wait 1 hour, and then evaluate the results. If no symptoms of allergy in the form of irritation, rash and redness are found, you can proceed to use a mask for hair growth with castor oil.
  • Before mixing the product with other components, it must be warmed up in a water bath. The optimum temperature must be observed in order to prevent the loss of beneficial properties by the oil.
  • Before applying castor oil to your hair, it is best not to wash it. Because removing it from a clean head will be more difficult. If the hair is short, then the tool treats all the strands, and if long - only the basal zone.
  • After applying the composition, a head massage is carried out, insulated with a special cap or cellophane hat. The beneficial components of castor oil become more active and better absorbed into the skin.
  • Maintain the product on the hair for 30-60 minutes. To wash it off the hair, you need to beat a small amount of shampoo into the foam with wet hands, and then rinse with water. The procedure is repeated once more and soap the hair completely. In order for the hair to acquire a beautiful shine, it must be rinsed with water and lemon juice.
Mask for hair growth with castor oil

It is recommended to use castor oil for the growth of curls 2 times in 7 days. Using the product more often is not recommended, so as not to cause an increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands.

For dry curls

A hair mask with glycerin and castor oil has moisturizing and nourishing properties. An additional component is added dosed, because in large quantities it is able to harm the skin.

The composition of the tool includes:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of glycerin;
  • 1 raw yolk;
  • castor and burdock oil for 2 tbsp. spoons.
Mask with castor hair oil recipe

Glycerin should be at room temperature. Burdock and castor oil are heated to 60 degrees. All components are mixed until smooth, then applied to the scalp and gently rubbed. Pure castor oil can be applied along the length of the curls. Aged on the hair for an hour. Use is recommended no more than once a week. It is necessary to go through 6-8 procedures.

For all hair types

A hair mask with honey and castor oil perfectly fights with damaged tips, dandruff and loss of curls. However, the remedy should not be abused, and also rubbed in large quantities in the roots. Treatment should be carried out gradually.

To prepare the mask, castor oil and honey are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1. In the resulting mass add the pulp of avocado. The mixture is applied to the hair roots. Wrap curls in a towel and hold for 60 minutes. Wash off with water.

Mix onion juice and castor oil. Rub the mixture into the hair roots. Wrap curls in a towel. After 1 hour, wash your hair in the usual way.

For the growth of curls

A hair mask with castor and burdock oil helps restore and grow. The natural components of the product provide cells with essential nutrients and have a moisturizing effect.

To prepare the mask, you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon burdock and castor oil, pre-heating them, 2 tbsp. tablespoons aloe juice.

To prepare a homogeneous mass, all components are mixed. Previously, it is divided into 2 parts. One half of the warm mask is applied to the skin and hair roots. The second part is distributed along the entire length of the curls. With dry tips, the product is copiously applied to the affected areas. Maintain a hair mask with castor and burdock oil for an hour, then rinse with shampoo. The procedure should be 1-2 times a week.

To enhance hair growth, you can use another proven tool. Thanks to the active elements, a hair mask with castor oil and an egg will allow you to notice positive results in a month.

It’s not difficult to prepare the product. To do this, beat 1 egg and add 1 tbsp to this mass. a spoonful of warm castor oil. Soak on the hair for half an hour. Wash off with shampoo.

As a result of application, the hair will become strong and thick.

For brittle strands

A hair mask with castor oil, yolk and honey will be an excellent natural remedy to prevent brittle strands. The appearance of the hair will improve and their growth will be significantly accelerated.

Castor should be heated, and mixed with other components. Rub into the roots and scalp. Then distribute along the entire length of the hair. Soak for an hour.

Hair mask yolk castor oil

The presence in the mask of yolk and honey will help to quickly wash it off with curls. To do this, apply a shampoo that is thoroughly whipped on the hair.

After the procedure, rinse the strands with cool water in order to close the pores and give the curls an extra shine.

Dimexide mask

The substance has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Dimexide is quite dangerous, so masks are done with certain precautions.

Apply it to dry and clean hair. This is especially important because dimexide is able to send through the skin not only useful substances, but also everything that has accumulated on curls.

The second condition is to add dimexide only in a heated mask. In this case, the correct ratio must be taken into account. At least three parts of the ingredients to one part of Dimexidum. The mask must be constantly stirred when preparing the product and during application. The procedure is being carried out with gloves. The product is applied only to the scalp.

The hair mask with dimexide and castor oil also includes burdock, as well as vitamins A and E in liquid form.

Castor Oil Glycerin Hair Mask

To prepare the mask you need: 1 tbsp. spoon of dimexide, 2 tbsp. tablespoons burdock and castor oils, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vitamins A and E.

The finished product is slightly heated in a water bath and applied to the scalp. Cover the hair with a special hat and stand for an hour. Wash off in the usual way. The procedure is carried out 1 time per week. The mask copes with hair loss, and helps some people with alopecia.

To strengthen

To achieve a positive result in strengthening curls, apply a mask for hair growth with castor oil. Before applying to the strands, the mixture is heated in a water bath. This is done so that beneficial substances penetrate the follicles more actively. Due to the high temperature, the molecules move much faster, which speeds up the metabolism in the epidermis.

The most effective masks include the following:

  • To prepare the product, it is necessary to take castor and olive oil, 2 drops of rosemary, 4 drops of bergamot oil in equal proportions. The mixture is distributed over the entire length of the hair. Stand on curls for an hour. Wash off in the usual way.
  • Heat 500 ml of fat-free kefir, add 5 tbsp. tablespoons castor oil. Mix thoroughly. Apply to hair and after half an hour rinse with water and shampoo.

Properly selected components for a firming mask can positively affect curls, making them strong and lush.

For hair density and volume

Thanks to the beneficial composition of castor oil, the hair follicles become much stronger and nourish the curls along their entire length. They become thick and voluminous.

Mask for hair growth with castor oil includes the following components:

  1. Mix castor, lemon juice and vodka in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply the finished mixture to the hair roots and spread over the entire length. Wrap with polyethylene. Sleep with the mask all night. Wash off with water in the morning.
  2. Castor and cognac are combined in a 1: 1 ratio. Then add the yolk. The finished mask is applied to the hair roots, and then distributed along the entire length. It is kept on the hair for 2 hours.
Castor oil hair masks reviews

Regenerating masks for 3 weeks will positively affect sleeping bulbs, which will cause an increase in the additional number of hairs. After 30 days, the strands will become much more voluminous and thicker.

For dandruff

The occurrence of dandruff is most often associated with a violation of metabolic processes and the influence of adverse external factors. There are recipes for masks with castor hair oil that help get rid of dandruff.

The following agents are known:

  • To get rid of dry dandruff, add 2-3 drops of lemon juice to the mixture of castor and olive oil. The mask is applied to the roots and incubated for 40 minutes. Wash off in the usual way.
  • To get rid of oily dandruff, the composition of the mask is slightly changed. To do this, take castor juice from aloe leaves and lemon. All components are taken in equal proportions. Apply to hair roots and wash off after 20 minutes.

Castor can relieve inflammation and irritation of the skin, which is due to vitamin E in its composition.

Recipe for hair tips

To improve the condition of the curls, the damaged ends are lubricated with castor oil at night. Hair is collected in a bun, wrapped in polyethylene and left overnight. In the morning, castor oil is washed off.

A positive effect is noticed after 2-3 applications.

Opinions of women

According to reviews, hair masks with castor oil have a positive effect.

One group of women used drugs to accelerate the growth of curls. Doing the procedures strictly according to the instructions, they managed to achieve 2 cm hair growth within a month.

Mask for hair castor oil and egg

The second group of women used castor oil to get rid of hair loss. They experienced some difficulty washing off the product with strands. But it was worth it. As a result, the hair became thicker and thicker, and their loss completely stopped.


Castor oil for hair - a tool that has a positive effect on their growth and appearance. With regular use, the condition of the curls improves, they become thicker and more voluminous. Instead of expensive professional hair care products, you can use a more affordable drug, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.


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