Likbez: what they write in the cover letters to the resume

What they write in the cover letters to the resume
What do the cover letters to the resume write? If you asked this question, then congratulations, you can stand out from the crowd of candidates who decided to skip this optional, but such an important step in setting up contact with a company representative. More than half of the applicants do not consider it necessary to write an additional message, but simply send a resume. Well, no one says that this is bad or tactless, but if you want to draw attention to yourself, then take a few minutes to create a mini-appeal.

What do the cover letters to the resume write?

The entire text of the future message can be divided into three parts. The first is a greeting. It is advisable to know in advance information about who will be the recipient of your resume and letter. The second is the main part. In it, the applicant talks about why he is interested in this vacancy in a particular company, about his achievements and professional skills. The third is the final part. So, let's take a closer look at each of these components.

The right cover letter for your resume

Part 1

The correct cover letter to the resume begins with a welcome message. Also in the upper right corner you need to specify the date of writing and the return address.

Part 2

First, briefly tell us why you decided to contact this specialist (maybe you were recommended or you have already met). Next, explain why you are interested in the vacancy to which you are responding, is there any experience in such an area? It is advisable to fit all this into one sentence, a maximum of two. For example: "I have experience in a bank in a similar position for more than two years." And the last thing you need to tell about yourself in this part is your skills and abilities. Avoid ephemeral descriptions (“I know all the documentation” or “I can work at a computer”) and use more specifics, arguing why you should consider the position.

Part 3

What do the cover letters to the resume write? In conclusion, indicate that you are ready to meet and talk in person, also ask for feedback with any response after reviewing the resume and thank you for your time.

How is a cover letter drawn up when sending a resume?

If the application is submitted in printed form, then the text of the appeal must also be printed. Use a new sheet of the same format (A4) for this.

cover letter when sending resume

If the resume is submitted electronically, the message to the recruitment manager is written in the body of the letter, and the resume is attached to it as an attachment. What they write in the cover letters to the resume, you now know. Do you know what to avoid when writing this?

  • The tone of writing should be businesslike. Avoid flattering, petition, and prayer.
  • Do not write in demanding form. Nobody owes you anything.
  • It is not necessary to discuss wages in a letter. The amount of material incentives can be discussed already directly at the interview.

These are the requirements for a cover letter. Of course, writing it is not necessary, but if you want to focus the attention of a potential employer on your candidacy, then do not be too lazy to devote some time to this.


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