What is menhir? Vertically placed stone blocks. Menhirs age

There are many mystical places on our planet where a tremendous amount of mysteries lurks, exciting the minds of not only scientists, but also ordinary inhabitants. Our ancestors left a unique cultural heritage that holds many secrets, and for several centuries, researchers have been exploring high boulders towering above the ground. Some of them stand alone, others are arranged in a closed ring or a semicircle, others form entire alleys of massive pillars.

Some are directed upward, while others are tending to the ground, and it seems that they are about to fall, but in five or six thousand years this has still not happened.

Types of Megaliths

First of all, it must be said that prehistoric structures from stone blocks belonging to the preliterate era are divided into several groups: these are dolmens, menhirs, cromlechs. Scientists know stone mounds, boat-shaped graves and covered galleries.

We will understand what the ancient megaliths are. Mengir is a solitary, vertically standing stone, and when there are a lot of such blocks and they form a circular shape, then this is a whole group, called cromlech.

Dolmen - a structure of one stone, which is put on other slabs. Most often, it resembles the letter “P”, and the most prominent representative of the megalith is the English Stonehenge. Such stone houses were erected at the mounds, but constructions far from burial places are also known.

menhirs photo

Sacred stone

So what is menhir? Scientists consider it the first man-made structure, which has survived to this day. This is a man-made sacred stone dating back to the Eneolithic period (transitional period from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age). Science does not know the true purpose of these colossi, many of which are well studied by scientists.

It is believed that the menhirs of Brittany are best studied, but such architectural complexes are scattered throughout the earth, however, there is no evidence of the people who installed them. There is no material evidence at our disposal, and all that we can rely on is ancient legends, as well as unconfirmed hypotheses.

Worship building

According to one version, the stone pillars of the earth served as beacons, and their location is very similar to the signal system. According to another, it is believed that these are ancient gravestones, but not all scientists support this theory, because not every menhir found traces of burials.

what is menhir

Whatever their function, one thing is clear - they all served the cult, and the traditions of veneration of stone deities among ancient peoples known today shed a little light on secrets of age. It is known that in Greece the huge tetrahedral pillars that stood at the crossroads were dedicated to Hermes, and in Rome the columns to which the gifts were brought in honor of the god of borders were rubbed with oils and decorated with flowers. Anyone who accidentally moved such stones was considered forever damned.

Help ancient agronomists?

There is another theory that megalithic monuments with healing energy were used to correct soil imperfections. Earth, penetrated by currents, needed to be balanced, and the menhirs helped the ancient agronomists in this. After energy equalization by ways unknown to us, people achieved high yields, restoring the lost balance.

Here the hypothesis about a living organism - nature, which our ancestors respectfully and tried in their own ways to help her sick body, was reflected.

Stones at the sites of geological faults

It is possible that menhirs, whose photos convey the special power of ancient structures, were border stones that did not divide neighboring territories, but something else. Therefore, there is another hypothesis, according to which stones were placed in places where tectonic faults of the earth's crust occurred and energy released from the bowels came to the surface. They stood in geopathic zones, and, as our ancestors believed, two worlds met in such places - people and gods.

dolmens menhirs cromlechs

The revered pillars of the earth have always been considered the focus of energy - the very power that is designed to protect against all adversities and keep the world from death. It happened that the peoples who replaced others, cherished artifacts and reused stones, applied their inscriptions to them and even changed their shape, turning tall columns into idols for worship.

Guards of the borders and souls of the dead

And when the conversation comes about what menhir really is, many are sure of its security mission. There was a tradition in Brittany to establish a stone throne, to kindle a fire and wait for the souls of deceased relatives to sit on the head of the head to warm themselves by the fire. Such ensembles, built by human hands, served as a guarantee that the world will continue to exist, and if they stand, then the end of time is postponed.

It was believed that the ancient obelisk will work when it is in a special zone, at the intersection of force fields or over the graves of ancestors. Strongly elongated boulders are found among different peoples. For example, in Palestine such stones were revered as houses of spirits, and people respectfully treated them and tried not to anger their departed predecessors living in the plates.

high stone

Riddles of deep megaliths

Sacred stones are monuments of a bygone era when an ancient person began to realize himself and his place in the world around him. They are studied by scientists, and the famous traveler, Professor Ernst Muldashev, has repeatedly studied the megaliths that melt many mysteries. Menhirs scattered throughout Europe are not always high, but go deep into the ground.

Muldashev says that in Central Asia, in places inaccessible to people, he saw stone pillars more resembling periscopes, and according to the testimony of Tibetan lamas, these are not just sacred plates, but antennas of Shambhala, with which the underworld observes the living. They pass energy through them in the same way as heat, thanks to the crystal structure.

Stone - energy accumulator

Over several millennia, a huge block of stone has accumulated natural magnetism. Northern peoples believed that stoves absorb energy from the environment and give it to those who worship natural giants. The stones seemed to be a kind of battery, enhancing vibration and allowing you to enter a person into an altered state, awakening sleeping abilities in him.

Menhirs of the village of Akhunovo

One of the largest groups of menhirs is located in the village of Akhunovo (Bashkiria), which attracts the attention of specialists studying anomalous zones. In a small village, all the religious buildings of the prehistoric era are collected. And the mysterious natural monuments, near which flying objects appear at night, immediately disappearing in the stones, clearly have a special energy.

ancient obelisk

Muldashev, who studied dolmens, menhirs, cromlechs, explained that such formations connect the terrestrial and underground worlds, but the true purpose of sacred artifacts is very far from unraveled.

Bashkir Stonehenge

What are the famous Akhunovo pillars? Thirteen stone giants, the oldest megalithic complex in the world, are unofficially called “Bashkir Stonehenge”. Many researchers are inclined to the version that it is an ancient observatory oriented to the cardinal points. It allowed astronomers who lived in the Neolithic era to determine the dates of the equinox, as well as maintain a calendar. Scientists who deciphered the location of the stones said that menhirs (the photo of the ancient complex confirms this) is a miniature diagram of the solar system.

In addition, rituals were conducted here that allowed the priests to change their consciousness, as a result of which they acquired new knowledge and strength.

Menhirs of Khakassia

In Askiz district of Khakassia, local residents themselves can tell what menhir is, since there are 50-ton blocks in this territory, reaching a height of three meters. The mysterious atmosphere of this corner attracts tourists and scientists who have established the age of the pillars - four thousand years. It is curious that on some stones human faces were carved.

megalith menhirs

After numerous studies, zones of tectonic faults in the earth's crust have been identified that affect the human body. In Soviet times, menhirs were excavated and are now in the museum, and when the question arose of returning them to where they stood before, it turned out that the data on the exact location had been lost.

Two stone pillars have survived, near which sacrifices were made, and now people believe in the healing properties of megaliths.

Bakhchisarai menhir

The high stone found in the Crimea, was once part of a whole complex, the purpose of which is still debated to this day. The Bakhchisaray menhir, about four meters high, was artificially established several millennia ago, but its exact age is still unknown. A wave of interest in megalith arose at the end of the 20th century after an observatory employee put forward a version about the astronomical orientation of a stone pillar.

pillars of earth

Research continues, and when the question arises of what menhir is, modern scientists are unlikely to give a definite answer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13956/

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