What is a card security code? How to use Visa card security code?

If you have made purchases through the Internet at least once, then you most likely have encountered the need to enter a security code. Everyone should know this parameter. So what is a card security code ? It is about him in question.

What is a card security code?

We understand the terminology

If we talk about what a card security code is, then it should be noted that it is a set of characters separated from the card number and used to make one-time payments during the purchase of goods via the Internet. Different media typically have different character sets. The security code on the card "Visa", "Master Card", JCB, DinersClub usually consists of three unique characters that are placed on the back side, namely on the signature strip. AmericanExpress cards use a four-digit number placed above the primary number on the front side.

How it works?

So, what is the card security code, you already understand, now it’s worth touching on issues of working with it. The existing rules are spelled out so that the seller does not store this character set after the operation is completed, and he is not obliged to use it to receive payments. However, the situation is such that many banks do not agree to conduct transactions without entering this code, so payments do not go through, and customers are unhappy. Since a bona fide seller is obliged to forget the security code after the transaction, purchases using such a tool are not suitable for periodic payments.

So, you know where the security code is on the map, so you can make purchases via the Internet. For users who shop online regularly, it is worth saying that a PIN code is not needed. Entering a security code is the only way to confirm a payment. When entering any personal data into the network, in no case do you need to provide a PIN code.

Visa Card Security Code


So, you should not inform the Visa card security code, its number, credit limits, card duration in response to requests that may come via SMS, to your e-mail, as well as on pages of sites that are not involved in sales. Payment for services on the network should be realized through a separate, prepaid card. And in this case, do not store a lot of money on it. If there is a significant balance, it is worth setting a limit on account transactions per day.

There are signs that immediately catch your eye, indicating that the site is fraudulent - a primitive design, an abundance of banners and active links of dubious content. Another precaution is installing anti-virus software on your computer, as well as updating it regularly.

Where is the security code on the map

Visa international

The bank card of this brand allows owners to cash out cash, purchase goods at retail outlets, pay bills in cafes and restaurants, and also pay for online purchases. Such banking tools are in great demand, because it is a convenient and fairly safe means of input / output of monetary assets.

A Visa International credit card can be purchased at any financial institution. In practice, it becomes clear that for its execution on the most favorable conditions, you need to familiarize yourself with the lending conditions in three banks or more. You should pay special attention to the limit of funds, the size of the credit rate, the maturity of the debt and the credit limit.


Having become the owner of this truly financial miracle, it is worth remembering that cybercriminals have recently learned to very quickly fake any credit card. Therefore, it is recommended not to trust anyone, nor to show your card. When withdrawing funds using an ATM, be sure to check if there are any reading pads on the receiving device. And the security code of your card should be kept even more carefully.

So, if we talk about what a Visa card security code is, then it is worth noting that it has the working name CVV2. It is represented as a set of characters placed on a magnetic strip. Its main purpose is the possibility of making one-time payments via the Internet.

Visa card security code


All of the above indicates that in practice, the introduction of a security code does not at all contribute to increasing the level of security, but at the same time, confusion is guaranteed. If the security code is entered incorrectly, payments are not made, and this becomes a cause of dissatisfaction with the bank's customers. Recently, this is why the majority prefers prepaid credit cards, as they are used to carry out transactions that do not require the user to enter a security code. This trend was the impetus for the development of a completely new technology 3-DSecure, designed to make credit cards for all functions similar to electronic payment systems.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13962/

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