Who is the oilman? Profession "oilman": description, training features and interesting facts

Another great classic, Fyodor Dostoevsky, issued a prophetic phrase: "In the future, kerosene workers will rule the world." Like all great ones, he was right. A country that has more or less decent oil and gas reserves can feel much more confident in political games. The oilman is the profession of the present "kerosene miner". Who has the right to be called that? What are the advantages and features of this profession in the modern world? Let's try to find out.

Who is the oilman?

What kind of profession is this - an oilman? The job description of the person with this occupation will not be monosyllabic. This name includes everyone who is somehow connected with the exploration, production, processing, transportation of oil and gas. On the last you need to stop separately.

Natural gas is a product that accompanies oil fields. So most often they are combined into one. Institute of oil and gas, oil and gas production, oil and gas fields, etc.

On the basis of old films about the working days of Siberian oil producers, the uninitiated formed the image of severe men, hardened by the winds and saturated with oil flows. This is not entirely correct. This is necessary first of all to know for those who are just beginning to choose their life path - for children. The oil industry is dedicated to engineers, chemists, biologists, drillers, programmers, economists. It all depends on the direction of work in the oil industry.

oil industry profession

Profession history

People knew about oil fields in the earth for a very long time, but did not use them. During excavations, archaeologists often find some things and buildings, for the strengthening of which solidifying oil bitumen was used. The thick black liquid that made its way from under the ground and mixed in places with the water of the rivers frightened it with its obscurity. In some nations, oil was used for medicinal purposes. As a combustible material, petroleum products began to be used relatively recently, with the beginning of technological progress. Then the question arose of extracting this mineral from the bowels of the earth.

According to historical data, the first borehole in the world for industrial oil production was created in Pennsylvania. Edwin Drake, an unknown lone prospector, bored her. Perhaps this was the first oilman. The profession was not so popular in those ancient times, no one knew the true size of the reserves of this mineral.

And the researchers consider the Chumelov brothers to be the first oil refiner, who in 1745 built a plant for the production of kerosene and lubricating oils on the banks of the Ukhta River.

profession oilman description

Promising industry

The use of internal combustion engines, the development of mechanical engineering, and the aviation industry became possible with the discovery of more and more oil fields. Enormous oil reserves allow the development of the plastics industry, which was developed after the invention of synthetic materials. Oil is the second most important liquid after water today. This fact puts all specialties related to the oil production field among the most popular in the world. The oilman is a profession not only honorable, but also highly paid. In addition, oil and gas specialists are in demand everywhere, have a number of benefits and good pensions.

Oil geologist

It is precisely this specialization that is primarily meant when it comes to oil industry workers.

The profession of an oil geologist refers to a purely masculine one, associated with frequent trips, business trips. It requires endurance, the ability to overcome stressful situations, sometimes do without amenities, spend a lot of time in nature. An oil geologist is involved in research, research, mapping and search plans. After the start of mining, he also monitors the process.

The place of work of oil geologists is oil and gas producing companies, research institutes and centers.

The specialties of geophysics, geodesist, seismic are also referred to search engines. They are doing tremendous work to explore new territories. Working in classrooms and offices, geochemists examine rock samples. Chemistry in the oil industry occupies a very large place.

chemistry in the oil profession

They are also oilmen

Although a geologist plays a large role in the mining industry, the oil industry is not only a profession. The beginning of development is impossible without workers in drilling specialties. These are drilling masters, workers, assistant masters. It was about them that films of the Soviet era were filmed. Drillers work most often on a shift basis.

In every place where the field is being developed, in addition to the main specialists, people are involved in related professions, which are also rightly called oilmen. Indeed, without them, normal work at the rig is impossible. These are engineers, builders, designers, mechanics, drivers, electricians, locksmiths, and even cooks and cleaners.

Where do they pay more?

In all countries of the world, one way or another connected with the extraction and processing of oil and gas, the highest paid profession is the oilman. The average salary of Russians in this industry is 150 thousand rubles per month or $ 59 thousand per year. This income can be considered quite decent, but not the highest in the world. Most pay industry workers in Australia ($ 170 thousand per year) and Norway ($ 160 thousand per year). High levels of patches are caused by a shortage of highly skilled specialists in these countries. Oil industry workers with extensive experience are happy to be attracted from other parts of the world. They also pay well to specialists in the USA and Canada.

profession oilman salary

Who is expected in the industry

Oilman is a promising profession. Large mining companies that implement large-scale projects are waiting for highly qualified specialists on their staff. Always in demand are people who are well versed in design and industrial construction, engineers for work in enterprises for the processing of petroleum products, waste management. We need economists in the field of planning and calculations, managers for the organization of work and staff recruitment. High-risk work always requires specialists in environmental protection, labor protection and safety. Modern technologies, computerization of many processes in the processing industry have led to the fact that you can not do without specialists in the field of software.

biology in the oil profession

Knowledge level

With a few exceptions, all specialists who are involved in oil production and refining processes are people with technical education. Exact sciences, such as mathematics, physics and chemistry, as well as such as geography, biology, are in the first place in the oil industry. The profession can be obtained both in specialized universities of the industry, and in the technical departments of many universities.

It is difficult for a young specialist to break through immediately in any industry. The oil industry is no exception; those who have good practice and experience are waiting for highly paid demanded posts. But nevertheless, active, hardworking and creative young people in this industry get an additional chance, they face the prospect of rapid career growth.

children oil profession

Unusual oil hypotheses

  • The most unexpected version of ancient scholars about the origin of oil was that this fluid was nothing more than whale urine that drains into the ground through deep underwater channels.
  • Space version: oil was formed from the carbon of the cloud that surrounded the Earth at the time of its origin.
  • The version is religious. Oil is a very fertile layer that went into the bowels after the fall of the first people, covering the earth after its creation.

So in different ways, scientists from different times explained the origin of oil.

profession geologist oilman

Some interesting facts about oil production

  • BC, the first oil producers simply collected it from the surface of water bodies.
  • Before the invention of the internal combustion engine in oil refineries, gasoline was poured as a by-product.
  • 1 liter of gasoline means long years of rebirth of 23 and a half tons of plants.
  • There is a high school on the campus in Beverly Hills (USA) that has its own oil well in the yard. The school receives 300 thousand dollars of additional income annually.
  • Russia produces more oil per day than Saudi Arabia.
  • The first oil pipeline, tanker in Russia and the world's first thermal oil cracking unit were built by the engineer of the TV tower on Shabolovka, engineer Shukhov.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13963/

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