The general grammatical meaning of the noun: categories, categories and declensions

It only at first glance seems that a noun is a very simple part of speech. In fact, it has many spelling, pronunciation and usage options. The general grammatical meaning of the noun and all the most important points will be noted in this article. Everything that is necessary to know about this part of the speech will be stated here in order not to make silly mistakes in pronunciation and in writing. Some do not know what the role of the noun in the sentence is. We will examine in more detail in our article.

What is this part of speech

First of all, it is necessary to analyze the general grammatical meaning of the noun. No problems should arise here. Since everyone knows that a noun refers to independent parts of speech and denotes an object. You can ask only two questions to him: who? or what?

It should be remembered that the noun can mean:

  • things (e.g. computer, cabinet, phone);
  • people (woman, man, child, youth);
  • substances (tea, borsch, milk);
  • all living things (dog, horse, tiger, microbe);
  • various events and natural phenomena (hurricane, rain, war);
  • various actions, properties of substances, traits (beauty, jump, anger).

Thus, the general grammatical meaning of the noun will not cause difficulties in the study. The rule is easy to remember. He is known to all primary school children.

general grammatical meaning of the noun


If the general grammatical meaning of the noun is clear, then we can move on to the next section, which will tell you more about this part of the speech. The noun is divided into four categories:

  • Own.
  • Common words.
  • Animated.
  • Inanimate.

First of all, you should consider your own and common nouns.

From the first name, we can conclude that proper nouns are concrete names that can designate only one object or person and nothing else.

This includes not only the names of people, but also the nicknames of animals, as well as the names of ancient gods, which students often forget. Also included in this list are the names of cities and countries, as well as other geographical features. Further the names of the planets, galaxies and all other astronomical names. Also among the proper nouns are the names of all holidays, the names of enterprises and organizations, public services, etc.

It is important not to lose the boundaries between common and proper names . Since the Russian language allows the passage of the common noun to its own and vice versa.

This is followed by animate and inanimate nouns. Here the situation is a little simpler. In this section, the main thing to remember is that only humans and animals can be animated. All other nouns are inanimate.

It is also worth remembering that when an animated noun is put in the plural, the form of the accusative and genitive cases coincide. And the inanimate in the plural matches the form of accusative and nominative.

use of a noun in art speech

Case category

This section provides for the division of the noun into the declined and non-declined. The second group includes a small number of words, which in any case have the same form. All other words are inclined according to cases and change their word form.

Number category

The noun has three groups of numbers:

  • words that have two forms: both singular and plural: finger - fingers;
  • words that appear only in the singular: cereals, peas, carrots;
  • noun only in the plural: day, perfume, rake.

noun only in the plural

Gender category

The gender category has nouns that can be put in the singular form. They can be divided into masculine, feminine and neuter. There is a separate group of nouns that belong to the common gender, but there are not many of them.

To determine the gender of a noun, it is necessary to coordinate it with the name of the adjective, verb or participle.

An interesting category is the general genus. This includes about 200 words of the Russian language. All of them in most cases are related to colloquial speech. These are words that stand in the nominative case of the singular and have an ending -a. Usually they characterize an object or person by some sign. They give speech some colors and emotions. To make it clearer, these words include: a drunkard, a glutton, a crybaby and others.

In the Russian language there are some words whose gender is problematic to determine. It is recommended that you simply remember such words so as not to make mistakes. One such word is the word coffee. Many attribute it to the middle family, but no. "My coffee" is always a masculine gender.


In Russian, there are three types of declension into which nouns are divided. Determining the declension of a noun is quite simple, you just need to remember the category of gender and ending.

So, the first declension includes masculine and feminine nouns, which in the nominative case have the ending -a, -i. The second declension is masculine nouns that have no endings, or, as Russian language teachers say, have a zero ending and a neuter ending with -o, -e. And the third declension is the nouns of the same gender, which have no ending.

The grammatical meaning of the noun

The use of nouns in artistic speech

The use of nouns in artistic speech is a very important point. Unfortunately, the school curriculum does not provide for the consideration of a similar topic, but it is extremely necessary for students. Often in high school, students begin to make mistakes in essays and find it difficult in cases where the teacher asks to find a metaphor in the text that is expressed by a noun.

In general, in a literary text, a noun can be not only a metaphor. It can give the text certain colors, emotions, expressions. Teachers need to focus on this, so that it is easier for children to compose essays and parse literary texts.

what is the role of a noun in a sentence


The article described in detail the general grammatical meaning of the noun, its categories, declensions and use cases.

You should pay attention to nouns only in the plural, such words need to know by heart. Pay special attention to gender and declination.

If you take the process of learning a language with all responsibility, then you will not have serious problems.


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