Differential diagnostic questionnaire (DDO) E. A. Klimova. Career Guidance Test: Interpreting Results

Among the various tools we can distinguish the differential diagnostic questionnaire by E. A. Klimov, which determines the orientation of the personality in a particular field of activity. The diagnostic procedure is quite simple. The respondent only needs to choose from the two proposed options the most suitable for him. However, despite the ease of testing, the results obtained in most cases indicate real professional personality inclinations.

Diagnostic methods for professional orientation of personality

Perhaps one of the most important issues in human life is the question of choosing a profession. Often, young people, guided by economic considerations or romantic impulses, give preference to a cause that in the future begins to oppress them and turns into a necessary burden. As a result, professional duties are carried out formally, and the work is not pleasing.

Diagnosis of adolescents

However, as a rule, the prevailing circumstances are not associated with individual inclinations of a person to a particular field of activity. In order to avoid incidents, today there are various methods of psychological testing that help to determine certain personality abilities. A specialist consultant will not only carry out diagnostics, but will also explain to the client how to choose a profession. Tests, as a rule, are not difficult to pass. It is only necessary to carefully and truthfully answer the questions asked.

Among the commonly used methods for determining professional inclinations are:

  • Questionnaire “Map of Interests”, developed by A. E. Golomshtok. Answering questions, you can determine the scope of possible future activities. The test is intended for both adolescents and people who want to change their profession.
  • The technique of L. A. Jovayshi, which helps to determine professional inclinations and addictions.
  • Methodology of professional self-determination by J. Golland. According to this test, you can find out the type of personality of the respondent and correlate it with the field of activity.
  • One of the commonly used career guidance tests is the "Differential Diagnostic Questionnaire" (DDO E. A. Klimova). Perhaps this technique is an integral toolkit of school practical psychologists and consultants from employment services.

Short biography of E. A. Klimov - creator of DDO

The author of the proposed methodology is a Russian psychologist, psychophysiologist, professor and academician of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. Over the course of his long scientific career, Evgeni Aleksandrovich became the author of more than 300 monographs and articles on psychological and pedagogical topics. At one time, Klimov headed the journal “Bulletin of Moscow University. Psychology".

Evgeny Aleksandrovich Klimov

As a methodologist and practitioner, Eugene Alexandrovich studied the relationship of professional activities and individual characteristics of a person and the interdependence of these two categories. The scientist made an attempt to classify professions for the purpose of further career guidance. Based on these surveys, the "Differential Diagnostic Questionnaire" (DDO) of E. A. Klimova was developed. The methodology makes it possible to clearly identify the areas of professional activity of a person. In addition, with the help of diagnosis there is a correlation of individual opportunities with future labor responsibilities.

Career Guidance Test Description

DDO Klimova was created to help a teenager and an adult decide on a future profession. The academician identified five leading areas of human life, which correspond to different professions. E. A. Klimov believed that each individual is endowed with a certain type of thinking, skills, lifestyle and subconscious aspirations. Based on these data, you can calculate the personality type that is located in a particular professional orientation. One person will take care of animals with pleasure, and the other will disassemble complex mechanisms. Relying on the test for career guidance of DDO Klimova EA, you can find out your personality type and understand your addictions to a particular field of activity.

Differential Diagnostic Questionnaire Scales

So, according to the test, you can choose a profession in the following areas:

  1. The sphere of "man is nature."
  2. The focus is "man - technology."
  3. The sphere of "man is a sign."
  4. The sphere of "man is an artistic image."
  5. The focus "man - man."

Description of professions in the category "man - nature"

This area includes people who like to work in the garden and vegetable garden, grow plants and animals, are well versed in biological sciences. The subject of activity for representatives of professions “man - nature” is the animal and plant world, the features of their reproduction and growing conditions. The main duties of these specialists are to study the living conditions of animals and plants, their cultivation and care, and also to prevent diseases of the representatives of the animal and plant world.

System "Man-nature"

How to choose a profession? A teenager whose test results showed a predisposition to the sphere “man - nature” must have the following psychological features:

  • A high level of imagination and visual-figurative thinking.
  • Well developed intuition.
  • Patience and perseverance.
  • Willingness to work alone, outside the team.

The most common professions in this area are livestock breeders, veterinarians, agronomists, biologists, trainers, foresters, etc.

“Man is a technique” and related activities

Fans of activities in physical, chemical or mathematical laboratories, as well as craftsmen to disassemble complex mechanisms and read intricate electrical circuits, will suit the profession in this category. As evidenced by the differential diagnostic questionnaire (DDO Klimova E.A.), the objects of labor of such specialists are all technical and energy subjects. Professionals are engaged in the installation and assembly of technical devices, their operation, repair, commissioning and other types of services.

Man-Technique System

The following personal requirements for potential employees:

  • High level of technical and creative thinking.
  • Exact coordination of movements.
  • Observation.
  • A high level of auditory, visual and kinesthetic perception.
  • Good switchability and concentration.

Occupations of the “man-equipment” sphere include locksmith, installer, builder, electrician, driver of agricultural machinery, etc.

The system of professions "man is a sign"

This area can be chosen by people who prefer to engage in calculations, drawings, circuits, systematization of information, programming. The subject of such specialists is numbers, formulas, notes, foreign languages, as well as diagrams, drawings, sound signals, etc.

System "Man-sign"

Before passing the test and choosing a profession from the sphere “man - sign”, it is necessary to develop such qualities as:

  • Excellent operational and mechanical memory.
  • Logical thinking.
  • Patience.
  • Perseverance.
  • High level of switching and distribution of attention.

The professions included in this system are the editor, proofreader, composer, draftsman, radio operator, surveyor, sound engineer, etc.

“Man is an artistic image”: professions for the gifted

How to choose a profession for a teenager with any talent? After all, not everyone can be mathematicians or technologists. There are so-called artistic natures, far from numbers and drawings. In the differential diagnostic questionnaire - DDO E.A. Klimova - a whole direction has been singled out for such people - a group of professions "man - an artistic image." The name of the activity speaks for itself. This includes all specialties in one way or another in contact with art. Professionals will be able to engage in the creation, design and reproduction of works of art, the manufacture of a variety of delicate products, etc.

System "Man-artistic image"

Personal requirements for specialists in this field are:

  • Ability to creativity, artistic activity.
  • A high level of development of visual perception.
  • Knowledge of human psychology and mechanisms of influence on his feelings.

The professions included in this group are a writer, artist, dancer, jeweler, musician, cabinetmaker, printer, painter, etc.

What professions are included in the list "person - person"

The questionnaire of DDO Klimova E.A. also suggests a system of specialties, the subject of which is a person. Professionals in this field are engaged in education, training, treatment, the provision of services, information services, human rights, etc.

Man-Man System

People who work in this field should have:

  • Sociability.
  • Goodwill.
  • Excerpt.
  • Feeling good when communicating with others.
  • Self-control of emotional states.
  • Well developed speech.
  • Eloquence, the ability to convince.
  • Punctuality and accuracy.
  • Knowledge of the psychology of people.

The professions of the "man-man" system include employees of the pedagogical and medical fields, sellers, waiters, police officers, lawyers, guides, hairdressers, etc.

How is the interpretation of the results of DDO Klimov

The differential diagnostic questionnaire is simple to use and to process the results. Each respondent receives clear instructions to choose from the two proposed options the most suitable for themselves. After this, the form of DDO Klimova EA is filled in. After the interrogation procedure, all the answers received are verified with a special key, where each option corresponds to a specific field of profession. Then comes the scoring. Processing Klimov's DDO indicates a high predisposition to a certain group of specialties if the subject scored 7-8 points in the corresponding scale. If the result is 2 or less, then there is no need to talk about this professional orientation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C1397/

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