How to wash your nose with chamomile at home?

In the article, we will consider how to rinse your nose with chamomile. This procedure is safe and in most situations does not cause any side effects, so it can be performed both for adults and children. The negative consequences of such washing are low-risk, they are easily detected and do not lead to serious complications, however, most often they require cancellation of treatment.

With a runny nose - how to do it right

Rinse the nose with a chamomile with a runny nose against the background of sinusitis, various otolaryngological pathologies, in which one or another unpleasant sensation can be observed in the form of dryness, itching, tickling and so on.

rinse your nose with a decoction of chamomile

Is the nose washed with chamomile in the presence of allergic rhinitis? No, this should not be done. In this case, it is possible to increase hypersensitivity due to the reaction of the body to the plant. Similarly, it is forbidden to rinse the respiratory organ with this agent if the procedure causes a clear allergic reaction in the patient. If no consequences arise, chamomile can be used to rinse the nose.

Is this treatment helpful?

Flushing performed by safe means are useful for the nasal mucosa. The procedure allows you to moisturize the internal surface of the organ, wash away contaminants and allergens from it, preventing drying out.

In the presence of a runny nose due to the described manipulation, the output of excess mucus is accelerated and nasal breathing is stabilized. Proper rinsing allows even with severe otolaryngological pathology not to use vasoconstrictive drops and to breathe more or less normally at night.

With sinusitis

Such washings are also useful for sinusitis. In this case, a special technique is required in which not only the strokes, but also the sinuses are cleaned with a solution, which is more difficult, but sometimes allows you to cure this disease without puncture.

how to wash your nose with chamomile at home

With adenoids

With adenoids, washing the nose with chamomile is not enough, pharynx irrigation is required. The plant can have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. In the process of research, it was shown that the effect of it is stronger than that of a 25% hydrocortisone solution. As part of cleansing the nose with chamomile, swelling of the mucosa decreases and breathing is facilitated. Due to the fact that washing allows you to clean the surface of the mucosa, the risk of bacterial rhinitis decreases. Next, we will figure out how to perform the procedure in question, while being at home.

How to wash your nose with chamomile at home?

Such a procedure can be carried out almost constantly. Yogis use this method to prevent otolaryngological pathologies, even with normal health. If you have a runny nose, you can rinse your nose with a decoction of chamomile, which is very useful. It is better to do this every two or three hours. For one procedure, from 0.5 to 1 liter of decoction is used.

Given that treatment is often carried out, it makes sense to brew a sufficient amount of tea in advance. For convenience, you can prepare 6 liters of chamomile broth, then strain and cool it, and before washing, warm to body temperature or dilute with warm water. Then it is poured into a special kettle.

rinse nose with chamomile

During the procedure, the patient bends over the sink, turning his head to the side and pouring the drug into the nostril, which is located at the top. In the event that the passability of the passages is preserved, then the liquid will flow out through the lower hole. At the same time, people do not experience any unpleasant sensations. In the event that the head is thrown back a little, then the liquid will flow into the throat and there will be a feeling that is usually experienced when choking. Immediately at this moment, the nasopharyngeal tonsil is washed with a solution.

How to rinse your nose with chamomile, it is important to find out in advance.

After washing, the head is turned to the other side and the other move is cleaned. After that, you can blow your nose. Such prevention can be carried out six times a day daily. Within two hours after the procedure, it is better not to go outside, especially in cold weather. In principle, if such a frequency is excessive, it is possible to rinse an organ as often as convenient. The course lasts until the runny nose ends. If desired, you can wash the moves after the illness.

whether nose is washed with a camomile

Which camomile preparations are best used?

Typically, cleansing is performed with diluted chamomile broth. This tool is safe and retains all the beneficial properties of the plant, without any side effects. You can also connect a water infusion, however, it is harder and longer to cook than a decoction, because it will take at least eight hours.

You can not wash the body with alcohol tincture of chamomile. Such a tool can burn, in addition, irritate the mucous membrane, drying it and leading to unpleasant sensations. As a result, after such procedures, the patient's condition can only worsen.

Can I add any other herbal ingredients to the camomile?

In addition to a clean decoction, the nose can be washed with a product that differs in a combined composition. So, sometimes to a camomile for the preparation of a medicine is added:

  1. Calendula, enhancing anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. A plant like sage also helps reduce inflammation.
  3. Oak bark may have some analgesic effect.
  4. Other types of chamomile (but its pharmacy form is considered the basis).
  5. Peppermint has a local irritating effect, contributing to sneezing and cleansing moves.

According to its properties, calendula, in fact, is very close to chamomile, in this regard, it is best to add it to the decoction for washing the nose.

how to wash your nose with chamomile at home

When to wash your nose with infusion of chamomile is impossible?

This remedy should not be used for allergies. The plant itself as a biologically active agent is able to cause or aggravate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, and therefore its use in this disease can be fraught with risks.

Therefore, you can not be treated with chamomile when, after treatment with it, signs appear in the form of a rash on the skin, sneezing, itching in the nose, and pain in the eyes. This symptomatology means that in a particular person this decoction causes irritation of the mucosa, and, unfortunately, it is impossible to continue using such a remedy.

An adult or a child who has never taken such drugs before, it is advisable to carry out the first procedure with a minimum amount of chamomile decoction in order to observe the condition. In the event that within three hours the corresponding signs develop, then in the future you can rinse your nose only with pure physiological saline (i.e. salt and water). If such signs do not appear, then the camomile should be used constantly in small quantities.

Children washing their nose with this plant is allowed only from the age when they can independently do such manipulations. Breasts and crumbs from three to four years old, which are choked with liquid when it enters the nose, are prohibited from carrying out such procedures. So, then we’ll talk about small patients and find out how to use this tool to treat them.

rinse nose with chamomile infusion

Can children use this rinse aid?

The child is allowed to rinse the nose with this plant, provided that he is already five years old, and he can control the muscles of the nasopharynx so that the liquid does not enter the respiratory ducts and lungs. Bunnies up to five years old, and even more so for newborns or infants, such manipulation is prohibited. This is extremely dangerous and fraught with the penetration of fluid into the lungs. For small patients under 5 years of age, such a tool can only be instilled.

As a rule, for children, the nose is washed with this plant in the presence of a runny nose to weaken the process of inflammation and swelling of the mucosa, as well as to suppress infection. While maintaining a runny nose after an otolaryngological disease, when the snot becomes green pronounced, a similar procedure allows you to:

  • improve rheology of mucus, accelerating its withdrawal from the nasal passages;
  • inhibit the spread of bacterial infection;
  • weaken the inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Rinse your nose with chamomile in addition to the main therapy. This plant is not able to affect any of the factors of the common cold, so it is used only as a means for symptomatic treatment. Chamomile will not be able to quickly relieve the crumbs of snot or congestion, but this will alleviate the symptoms during the illness.

For this reason, it is extremely important to first show the child to the doctor so that he can establish the cause of the disease. The runny nose itself is not considered a disease, it cannot be cured without understanding the reason, and rinsing is advisable only when it is clear which effect can be counted on with the help of such manipulations. Rinsing a little patient with a chamomile nose, because others do it, can be very dangerous.

How to rinse the nose with a chamomile for a child is best checked with a doctor.

how to rinse a nose with a camomile to the child

Contraindications to rinsing with this decoction of the nose to the child

First of all, the procedure should not be done with the discomfort of the baby. Chamomile may seem tasteless to the child, and he will resist. It is believed that in case of improper washing, the decoction can fall into the middle ear, thereby causing otitis media. This should be remembered by those who are prone to this disease. When, after the procedure, the child complains of congestion in the ear, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Do not rinse the organ of smell with a cold liquid, it must be warmed up so that it is warm, but not hot. Hypothermia of the sinuses of the organ will not bring any benefit to a sick child. We should also not forget that this method, with all its usefulness, is considered only auxiliary. Before using a camomile for washing of a nose, it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

We examined how to wash your nose with chamomile at home.


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