What to sell in the online store: ideas. What is better to sell in an online store in a small town? What is profitable to sell in an online store in a crisis?

A business starts with an idea. Creating an online store involves a thoughtful selection of goods and services for sale. What is the best way to sell in an online store? This is one of the most difficult questions facing a novice entrepreneur.

In this article we will consider what to sell in an online store, ideas for creating a business on the network, which goods and services are most often sold online, on which the choice of products for the store depends. We will choose the most interesting options for sale in a small town. We will also determine what is profitable to sell in an online store in the current crisis.

What do they sell in popular online stores?

The Internet is a global network through which you can sell almost everything. The world's most famous online store Amazon.com offers millions of products from 35 product categories, including electronics, household appliances, clothes, shoes, toys, jewelry and many others.

what to sell in the online store ideas

The largest online store in Russia, Ozon.ru, sells goods in 16 categories, which even include tickets to various events and travel packages.

What to sell in the online store: ideas

Most often, online services specialize in 2-3 categories of products, so it’s easier to develop and subsequently expand the product range . What is the best way to sell in an online store? For example, a site of clothes and shoes, upon reaching certain turns of funds, may begin to offer jewelry and watches, thereby increasing its profit.

what is better to sell in the online store

More than 3 billion people visit the Internet every day, which means that any of them can visit your site. Therefore, you can sell absolutely any product in the online store. However, trading one will be profitable, and the other will not be in great demand.

Selling a unique product over the Internet

You can find sites that offer only one unique product. It is known that it is profitable to sell the same thing in an online store, you can earn very well on it! For example, there is a site selling handmade fashionable bow ties made of wood from a tree. Do-it-yourself things with a share of creativity are popular, and their implementation brings substantial profit to the site owner.

What is most often sold over the Internet?

What to sell in the online store? Ideas may come up after reading the table below. Let's figure out what most often people are used to buying through online. Having analyzed the structure of Internet business in Russia, we have compiled a table in which, in descending order, the popular product groups and the number of sites on which they are sold are presented.

Product Categories


online stores

Gift and souvenir products, fresh flowers195
Products for children and toys178
Furniture and Decor170
Car parts162
Clothing, shoes and bags160
Sports and tourist equipment151
Electronics and home appliances147
Computers and accessories132
Materials and tools for construction124
Perfumes, cosmetics106
Sex shops105
Household chemicals and household goods102
Health Products99
Mobile Phones & Accessories97
Audio and video format discs93
Books and magazines89
Food, spirits and tobacco87
Equipment for production and trade79
Pet Products and Plants75
Software and games for computer72
Coding systems62
Photo and radio products52
Watches & Accessories49
Musical instruments and equipment29th
Virtual goods25

Based on the data in the table, we can conclude which products are most often sold. This indicates a high level of demand for them. But do not forget that where demand is high, competition is high.

what is profitable to sell in the online store

The table shows the extensive product categories, and some niches in the subcategories of goods are practically not occupied. Therefore, you should not be afraid of a lot of competition - you should carefully study the direction that you like most and find a place for your online store in it.

What determines the choice of goods for an online store?

The definition of a product category for sale depends on several factors:

  • business project budget;
  • the territory of the online store;
  • personal knowledge regarding the product;
  • trends in online business;
  • demand for goods;
  • delivery options.

Online Store Product Tips

In a crisis, many entrepreneurs who own online stores lose some of their profits or go broke completely. The thing is the unwillingness to accept new conditions of reality and change working methods. What to sell in the online store? Ideas and product choices should be in demand. Here are some tips for determining the content of the site.

what you can sell in the online store ideas

If the budget formed to start a business is small, you should not choose to sell expensive and exclusive goods. You also need to remember that bulky goods require expensive delivery, so if the budget is limited, it is better to choose a medium-sized popular product.

It’s best to choose the product that you understand. This will facilitate your future activities, you will not need to learn a lot of new information.

If you plan to operate an online store within the same city, then you should carefully study the demand in it. The main categories of goods in demand in almost all cities are the same. But there are those products that are not represented in your city, although people will definitely buy them.

How to determine which product is currently the most relevant?

In order to know what is relevant to sell in an online store, you need to take into account trends in online sales. It so happens that in time to determine the future high demand for a particular product, entrepreneurs earn a lot of money! In the current crisis, demand for some goods has grown, while for others it has fallen. We propose to consider what is most profitable to sell in a crisis.

What price groups are popular in times of crisis?

What is worth selling in an online store in a crisis? In a crisis, expensive and elite groups of goods are sold in larger volumes than before. The main buyers of expensive products are wealthy people who must have taken care of the stability of their welfare. During the crisis, wealthy people try to protect their condition and invest in antiques and art, jewelry.

The main drop in demand is observed in the middle price segment. This is due to the fact that people with middle income who are buyers of such goods, wages fall, other means are exhausted. They stop buying high-quality goods at average prices and try to save.

what to sell in a crisis in an online store

Cheap goods in times of crisis are becoming more popular. The main population saves money and seeks to purchase goods at a low price at the expense of quality. Cheap clothes, furniture, food and budget vacations are in great demand due to the influx into the segment of cheap goods and services of people of the former middle class.

Thus, to select a product for sale in an online store in a crisis, you can use two strategies:

  1. Sell ​​high-end luxury goods for wealthy people.
  2. To establish reliable mass deliveries of cheap goods for the bulk of the population.

What to sell in a crisis in an online store?

Choosing a product for an online service is necessary taking into account modern realities. Do you want to know what you can sell in an online store? Ideas on what to sell in a crisis, you will find further:

  1. Industrial and construction equipment. Currently, due to the restriction of imports, many new enterprises are being created in Russia. They try to save on construction, so used equipment is in particular demand.
  2. Household appliances and electronics. Buying broken equipment and electronics for a penny and repairing it, you can make very good money. People tend to buy inexpensive goods, so used equipment is in great demand.
  3. Inexpensive food. Food is what people try to save on during a crisis. Products will be purchased from you in the online store if you offer lower prices than competitors.
  4. Auto parts. Demand for new cars falls in times of crisis, so people are trying to repair old ones. Selling inexpensive parts through the Internet, you can earn decent money.
  5. Jewelry. They are in demand as a reliable option for saving money. Exclusive and expensive jewelry is in special demand among wealthy people.
  6. Inexpensive clothes and shoes. The population also saves on it, however, it is absolutely necessary for everyone. Find a supplier with low prices and sell cheap clothes and shoes through your online store.

what is relevant to sell in the online store

The demand for cosmetics and perfumes, ready-made food, small household appliances is increasing.

How to make money on an online store without investments

If your budget was enough only to create a site, then you probably want to know what to sell in an online store without investments. Through the online store you can sell discounts on goods! It is very convenient and profitable. Having agreed with the stores to sell their discount cards, you will earn on this. During the crisis, people tend to buy goods at a discount, so now this idea is especially relevant. In this case, you can fill the site with the goods of your supplier and enter the condition of 100% prepayment.

Thus, you will not need to spend money on the purchase of goods, and with each order you will be part of the funds paid for it, give the supplier. On the Internet there are many sites working in this way, just many do not even suspect about it.

Small Town Online Store Ideas

For residents of the regions, the important question is what to sell in an online store in a small town? As you know, the incomes of the population of small cities are lower, so expensive goods offered online will not be popular in them.

Residents of medium-sized cities pay special attention to product quality. Inexpensive and solid goods will be in great demand among them.

So, we present to your attention a list of products that you can earn when selling in an online store in a small town.

  1. Inexpensive clothes and shoes.
  2. Inexpensive ready-made food and food.
  3. Used goods.
  4. Inexpensive alcohol and tobacco.
  5. Auto parts.
  6. Budget drugs.
  7. Inexpensive furniture of local production.
    what to sell in an online store in a small town

All these categories of goods will be in greatest demand when selling online in a small city. By creating a website and filling it with popular goods, you will ensure a high and stable profit.

In the article, we examined the main directions of the online store’s effective work and found out which products are most profitable to sell online. We wish you success in choosing a business idea and its development!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C13984/

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