Immobilization is an ambiguous word. What does the immobilization of capital and the immobilization of a fracture mean?

In the Russian language there are a lot of homonym words, that is, they sound and are written the same, but have different meanings. Their meaning is clear only in the context of the whole proposal. These terms also include "immobilization". This word in translation from Latin means "motionless", "fixed". This expression is found in economics, banking, biotechnology, chemistry, but most often in medicine. In what situations is immobilization used and what does it mean?

immobilization is

The meaning of the term in economics

Depending on what sphere the expression is used in, it changes the meaning. In economics, current assets of immobilization are used to cover unforeseen expenses. Sometimes it happens that the company in the estimate did not provide for expenses for anything. In this case, free working capital is withdrawn for these costs. The term can also be interpreted as the distribution of property of a joint-stock company between private owners. Accumulation in the securities depository is also called immobilization.

transport immobilization

In the banking sector, the term is used in the calculation of regulatory capital. Immobilization is a lack of sources of own funds to cover capital costs . Its size is very simple to calculate. To do this, find the difference between costs and sources. The first should include funds for leasing and rental operations, installation of equipment, investments in structures and buildings, construction in progress, expenses on fixed assets leased. Sources can be considered leased fixed assets, depreciation amount, share premium, authorized capital, past profit. The coefficient of capital immobilization in the optimal value should be within 1.5. It indicates the effectiveness of the use of funds by the enterprise.

Immobilization in biotechnology

In biotechnology, there is such a term as "immobilization of enzymes." There are two ways to obtain such a substance: chemical and physical. The first option is preferable, since preparations of immobilized enzymes in this way are obtained better, give better results. The physical method is simpler and has several types of binding substances.

immobilization means

Transport immobilization

This term involves fixing any part of the human body, ensuring its immobility. This is necessary for various diseases or injuries, such as fractures of the extremities, internal bleeding, etc. There are medical and transport immobilization. The first is carried out both in inpatient and outpatient settings. In this case, means specially designed for specific manipulations are used. The second is practiced only on an outpatient basis. In this case, assistance is provided by improvised materials produced by industry.

Rules for Immobilization

First of all, the patient needs to provide a stationary state, fix his body or the sick part (arms, legs, neck). Immobilization rules simplify transporting a person to a medical facility. This procedure is mainly carried out for burns, fractures, inflammatory processes, bleeding. It should be remembered that the tires must securely fix the fracture area, they must be well fixed. In no case should they be applied to a naked body. If the tire fixes an arm or leg, then the limb should first be covered with cotton wool and wrapped with a bandage. All joints of the lower limb need to be immobilized with a hip fracture. With normal damage to the arm or leg, the splint overlaps below and above the fracture.

First aid

capital immobilization ratio
Immobilization is the fixation of bones in the fracture area. To provide the victim with immobility is necessary first. This will prevent further bone displacement, damage to soft tissues, nerve trunks and blood vessels. When the body or damaged part is fixed, you should proceed to eliminate the shock state. Then it is necessary to organize the speedy transportation of the patient to a medical facility.

Basic principles of transport immobilization

There are several ways to ensure the immobility of the victim. Errors in the provision of first aid can significantly complicate the treatment in the future.

  • Shoes and clothes are removed from the victim only as a last resort, starting with a sore limb. If the fracture is closed, then you do not need to touch anything. Clothing does not prevent the application of the tire, but rather creates a soft lining.
  • Immobilization is the first thing that is done in the provision of medical care, you can not drag with it. Timely fixation of fractures will prevent the appearance of new injuries.
  • Tires cannot be applied immediately to open wounds; they should be covered with an aseptic dressing. If the first aid interferes with clothing, then it should be removed, torn or cut.
    immobilization rules
  • When applying a tire, pain in the area of ​​damage increases, bone fragments are displaced, so anesthesia must be performed before immobilization. This is one of the most important components of first aid.
  • If the fracture is open, then bone fragments should not be inserted back into the wound, as this will increase the likelihood of infection. The limb is fixed in the position in which it is located, a sterile dressing should be applied first. If, with a closed fracture, there is a risk of skin rupture, then the limb should be pulled along the axis with slight movements, and then the tire should be applied.
  • In the cold season, the limb must not only be fixed well, but also insulated, because there is a risk of frostbite.

Immobilization should be carried out in accordance with all the rules. Erroneous actions can lead to a significant deterioration in the condition of the victim. If the limb is not fixed with a closed fracture, then it can go into the open, additional muscle damage will appear, and blood loss will occur. Transport immobilization can be carried out in any conditions. Even if there are no special tools, you need to find other materials, such as umbrellas, sticks.


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