Chamomile for the stomach: how to take?

Since ancient times, people have used chamomile to treat the stomach and intestines, since its inflorescences contain biological substances that positively affect the entire body. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect, thereby eliminating the development of the pathological process.

Moreover, this flower does not cause side effects characteristic of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It does not damage the mucosa of the digestive tract and does not have a nephrotoxic effect. Chamomile for the stomach is an excellent tool that has not only anti-inflammatory, but also antiseptic properties.

Rich plant composition

In this flower, there are many useful components:

  • free organic acids;
  • food antioxidants, in other words, flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • retinol and ascorbic acid;
  • coumarins with antispasmodic properties;
  • phytosterols that reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • carotene and others.

For the stomach, chamomile contains a valuable ingredient such as essential oil. It contains the beneficial substance azulene, which has a bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. That is why the inflorescences from this plant are used for preventive purposes and to eliminate various ailments.

Used chamomile for the stomach in the form of teas and decoctions. The healing components of the flower when it enters the intestines and stomach eliminate inflammation, the process of fermentation and gas formation, relieve colic, cramping and discomfort, and increase peristalsis. In addition, they stimulate the secretion of digestive juices.

Chamomile, which is useful for the stomach and intestines, is recommended for use with stomach ulcers and gastritis. This medicinal plant helps to heal ulcers and erosion. The mucus of the flower envelops the walls and restores the damaged gastric mucosa, resulting in inflammation, bloating, colic and fermentation. Chamomile tea can be given even to infants with stomach pains, as well as cleaning enemas with bloating and constipation.

A decoction based on this healing flower is drunk for poisoning and upset stomach. It promotes the rapid elimination of toxins from the body and stops fermentation. Tannins stabilize the normal functioning of the intestines. In the fight against diarrhea, oak bark or yarrow should also be added to the chamomile broth.

Stomach treatment with chamomile

How to drink chamomile for the stomach?

They use a flower for problems with the intestines and stomach in different ways: they put enemas or drink teas. Moreover, the purification procedure using chamomile is very effective, but it is recommended to resort to it as necessary. When taking the decoction inside, the body has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Chamomile for the stomach how to take

Stomach pain treatment

Chamomile broth is the main assistant in the fight against ulcers and gastritis. It helps relieve discomfort in the digestive tract. The flowers of the plant remove the inflammatory process, pain, in addition, they have sedative properties.

To enhance the healing effect, chamomile for pain in the stomach should be mixed with mint. To make tea, 20 grams of dry collection is taken and poured with hot water. After that, the drink is filtered and consumed 150 ml before each meal.

Chamomile, whose stomach benefits are obvious, is used as a complex treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer. For therapy, you can use a decoction or infusion of it. In these pathologies, it is advisable to drink the medicinal mixture on an empty stomach before eating, and after 15 minutes, eat a small spoonful of sea buckthorn oil. Of course, you still have to take many different drugs prescribed by your doctor.

Chamomile for stomach pain

Elimination of colitis with chamomile tea

The most common bowel disease is inflammation of the colon. This disease develops against the background of pathological processes in this section of the digestive system, which arise as a result of various reactions. In most cases, colitis appears when the metabolism is slowed down due to poor-quality food intake.

Chamomile tea is often used in the treatment of colitis. It relieves inflammation in the intestines, eliminates unpleasant symptoms of the disease. After drinking the drink there are sharp pains caused by this pathology.

Chamomile for constipation and bloating

The appearance of constipation, as a rule, indicates that fermentation processes occur in the intestinal canal. A person begins to suffer from severe gas formation and bloating. Chamomile refers to a drug that can even eliminate chronic constipation.

With increased gas formation, you should drink a healing broth. In addition to chamomile, caraway, mint, fennel seeds and valerian should also be added to it. A little grassy collection is poured into a mug with boiling water and left to infuse for 35 minutes. Use a drug of 100 ml before breakfast and bedtime.

From cramps in the gastrointestinal tract take tea based on yarrow and chamomile. Dry raw materials are brewed, then cooled and filtered. You need to drink it at least 4 times a day.

Chamomile for the stomach and intestines

Flower in the fight against peptic ulcer

Chamomile infusion is advised to be taken with pain in the stomach caused by this pathology. To make the medicine, you need the flowers of the plant. They are poured into hot water and insisted for about 10 minutes. Take the product 25 minutes before or after a meal for 30 days.

Chamomile with a stomach ulcer, of course, helps to remove the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, but you can not stop taking medication. It should be remembered that this is a very serious disease that cannot be cured by herbs alone. It is better to use chamomile as an additional tool and only with the permission of the gastroenterologist.

Flower therapy for heartburn and belching

To get rid of the burning sensation behind the sternum, you need to add chamomile decoction to your diet. Use it for treatment for at least 3 weeks. This healing fluid should be drunk several times a day. To enhance the effect, you can add St. John's wort or plantain to it.

Plant with intestinal cramps

Tea from this flower often helps to get rid of antispasmodic attacks if their appearance provoked an inflammatory process. In other cases, it is better to resort to medications. It removes unpleasant sensations in the stomach of No-Shpa well. Spasms caused by nervous strain, a decoction of chamomile will not be able to eliminate.

If spastic pain is disturbed regularly, it is better to undergo an examination to find out the exact cause of their occurrence. In this case, it is worth giving up the use of infusion of chamomile before making an accurate diagnosis.

Chamomile with stomach ulcer

Use for gastritis

In most cases, with such an ailment, a decoction of chamomile is prepared for the stomach and intestines. How to take it correctly to get rid of gastritis? Such a medicinal drink helps with various forms of the disease. In chronic hypoacid gastritis caused by a deficiency in the production of hydrochloric acid, a decoction of flowers helps to normalize the secretion of gastric juice. Chamomile is also used to treat the hyperacid form. In this case, the flower acts as an antacid, which changes the pH of the stomach and reduces the concentration of acid.

When pathology is accompanied by dyspeptic syndrome, chamomile tea helps to cleanse the body of pathogenic microorganisms. To achieve the best result in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract, such a plant is combined with other medicinal herbs. For the treatment of gastritis, folk healers often use yarrow and St. John's wort. A powerful herbal collection from these plants eliminates many symptoms of the disease:

  • nausea
  • burping;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • heartburn.

To get a medicinal drink for gastritis, you need to mix St. John's wort, yarrow and chamomile inflorescences, adhering to a ratio of 1: 1: 4. Then 5 grams of the mixture should be filled with 200 ml of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. For medicinal purposes, the drug is drunk before meals in the morning, afternoon and evening. Chamomile in all recipes, as a rule, is added more, since it enhances the healing qualities of other plants.

Decoction from this flower positively affects the digestive system, in addition, it perfectly fights ulcerative colitis, eliminating the process of inflammation. All medicines based on it should be taken in a warm form, since too hot or cold drinks have a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the esophagus.

Chamomile for the stomach and intestines: how to take

How to take with bowel diseases

Preparations from such a flower for intestinal pathologies are used internally in the form of teas or decoctions, as well as externally with the help of cleansing enemas. In the inflammatory process in the digestive organ, chamomile is usually combined with various herbs, for example:

  • snake highlander;
  • fennel;
  • bird cherry;
  • Hypericum;
  • hemoptysis;
  • anise;
  • valerian and alder.

Plants are thoroughly mixed, steamed and covered with a lid. The infusion should cool, after which it must be filtered. The finished medicine is drunk in 100 ml at least 2 times a day before each snack.

Enema with chamomile helps cleanse the intestines. Before the procedure, a solution is made: 35 grams of dry inflorescences are poured into boiling water, left to infuse for 15 minutes, then the water is drained. Purifications are performed every 2 days for 10 days. This method can prevent the development of many diseases of the intestine. Moreover, the use of chamomile decoction with the help of enemas does not affect the body badly; on the contrary, it eliminates pain and inflammation.

Making tea for the stomach and how to take it

From chamomile, it is recommended to drink the drink with various ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment, as a rule, consists of taking tea in an amount of 200 ml before meals three times a day. The most common recipes:

  • Classic drink. 10 grams of dried flowers of a pharmaceutical chamomile are taken and poured with boiling water. This mixture should be infused under the lid for about 25 minutes, then it must be filtered. The resulting liquid is recommended to drink in its pure form or to combine with other types of tea.
  • Tea with lemon balm and chamomile. Dry raw materials should be steamed with boiling water and left to cool. To improve the taste of the broth, you need to add a little honey.
  • A drink with peppermint and chamomile flowers. These components are poured into a glass of hot water and covered with a lid. After 10 minutes, the tea is filtered and immediately drunk.
Chamomile: good for the stomach

Negative consequences

Treatment of the stomach with chamomile has its contraindications. If the plant is used incorrectly, then it can harm health. You can not drink a decoction in combination with alcoholic beverages, blood thinners, aspirin and sedatives.

Moreover, when using a huge dose of chamomile tea, side effects may occur: headaches or irritation of the skin. During the bearing of the child and with individual intolerance, it is worth refraining from using it.


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